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$582.87 USD 



$171.41 USD 



$0.999938 USD 



$0.512390 USD 



$0.137218 USD 



$0.164689 USD 



$4.92 USD 



$0.333353 USD 



$25.32 USD 



$0.000017 USD 



$11.01 USD 



$347.99 USD 




2024/10/27 03:11



The cryptocurrency market is poised for another surge, driven by emerging digital coins that are set to make substantial leaps. While Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to dominate headlines, a trio of innovative altcoins is quietly gaining momentum and preparing to reshape the crypto landscape.


ZDEX Presale: Your Ticket to DeFi Glory

ZDEX 预售:您通往 DeFi 荣耀的门票

The ZDEX presale is now live, offering an opportunity to get in on the next big DeFi gem before it takes off. Starting at a steal of $0.0017, ZDEX is poised to climb faster than your favorite meme coin.

ZDEX 预售现已启动,提供了在下一个 DeFi 瑰宝起飞之前抢占先机的机会。 ZDEX 的起步价为 0.0017 美元,其爬升速度将比您最喜欢的模因币还要快。

Early birds hopping on this rocket to Lambo land are positioned for epic gains in the coming bull market, as analysts predict ZDEX to lead the charge among DEX tokens, with potential returns blasting up to over 1,000%!

早起的鸟儿乘着这艘火箭飞向兰博的土地,将在即将到来的牛市中获得史诗般的收益,因为分析师预测 ZDEX 将在 DEX 代币中处于领先地位,潜在回报率将高达 1,000% 以上!

🏎️💨 Swap faster than your ex’s mood swings 🏎️💨

🏎️💨 交换的速度比前任的情绪波动还要快 🏎️💨

ZDEX is the core of ZircuitDEX, the next-gen decentralized exchange (DEX) running on the lightning-fast Zircuit L2 chain. With ultra-quick swaps, minimal slippage, near-zero fees, and an interface smoother than butter, ZircuitDEX is built for all levels of DeFi traders looking to stack serious gains in the next bull run.

ZDEX 是 ZircuitDEX 的核心,ZircuitDEX 是运行在闪电般快速的 Zircuit L2 链上的下一代去中心化交易所 (DEX)。 ZircuitDEX 具有超快的交换速度、最小的滑点、接近零的费用以及比黄油更流畅的界面,专为希望在下一次牛市中获得巨大收益的所有级别的 DeFi 交易者而构建。

ZircuitDEX is fully EMV-compatible, making it easy to integrate with Ethereum tools, while ZK proofs give you titanium-grade security that’s tougher than a bear market!

ZircuitDEX 完全兼容 EMV,可以轻松与以太坊工具集成,而 ZK 证明为您提供比熊市更坚固的钛级安全性!

🚀 Enjoy meme coin profits steadier than any trending craze 🚀

🚀 享受比任何流行趋势更稳定的模因币利润 🚀

Remember when BRETT blew up by 14,000%? With ZircuitDEX’s meme coin launchpad, you can get in early on the next meme token sensation, with first-mover advantage baked in.

还记得 BRETT 爆炸 14,000% 的时候吗?借助 ZircuitDEX 的 meme 代币启动板,您可以尽早参与下一个引起轰动的 meme 代币,并获得先发优势。

ZircuitDEX’s meme-powered, community-first vibe turns DeFi into a wild, profitable ride you can’t afford to miss from day one!

ZircuitDEX 的 meme 驱动、社区优先的氛围将 DeFi 变成了一场疯狂的、有利可图的旅程,从第一天起你就不能错过!

🌕 See your capital work harder than a marathon runner 🌕

🌕 看看你的资本比马拉松运动员更努力🌕

Whether you’re swapping or providing liquidity, ZircuitDEX is designed to maximize your profits while keeping things easy and automated. With the concentrated liquidity feature offering up to 500x more capital efficiency than your average DEX, LPs can earn more with less. Plus, automated liquidity strategies take the hassle out of trading, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your gains multiply.

无论您是进行交换还是提供流动性,ZircuitDEX 都旨在最大限度地提高您的利润,同时保持操作简单和自动化。凭借集中的流动性功能,资本效率比普通 DEX 高出 500 倍,LP 可以用更少的钱赚更多的钱。此外,自动流动性策略消除了交易的麻烦,因此您可以高枕无忧,看着您的收益倍增。

As excitement builds, savvy investors looking for the next 100X token are rushing into the ZDEX presale. Token holders gain access to governance rights, exclusive airdrops, trade incentives, and staking rewards.

随着兴奋的情绪升温,寻找下一个 100 倍代币的精明投资者纷纷涌入 ZDEX 预售。代币持有者可以获得治理权、独家空投、交易激励和质押奖励。

>>> Why settle for average? Grab your ZDEX before it moons, and experience the Zircuit-ly insane DEX revolution! <<<

>>> 为什么要满足于平均水平?在 ZDEX 上线之前抓住它,体验 Zircuit 式的疯狂 DEX 革命! <<

Helium (HNT): A Decentralized Network for the Internet of Things

Helium (HNT):物联网的去中心化网络

Helium (HNT) is a blockchain-powered network that facilitates communication between low-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Launched in July 2019, the Helium mainnet enables wireless devices to communicate and share data across its decentralized network of nodes called Hotspots.

Helium (HNT) 是一个区块链驱动的网络,可促进低功耗物联网 (IoT) 设备之间的通信。 Helium 主网于 2019 年 7 月推出,使无线设备能够通过其称为“热点”的去中心化节点网络进行通信和共享数据。

These Hotspots serve as both a wireless gateway and a blockchain mining device, allowing users to earn HNT tokens by operating them. Helium aims to improve IoT communication infrastructure by addressing limitations in existing systems since its inception in 2013.

这些热点既充当无线网关又充当区块链挖矿设备,允许用户通过操作它们来赚取 HNT 代币。自 2013 年成立以来,Helium 旨在通过解决现有系统的局限性来改善物联网通信基础设施。

The project’s unique approach to expanding IoT connectivity makes it a noteworthy player in the technology sector, and it remains a subject of interest in the current market cycle.


GALA Token and Gala Games: Blockchain Gaming Platform Potential

GALA 代币和 Gala Games:区块链游戏平台的潜力

Gala Games, founded in 2019 by Eric Schiermeyer and Michael McCarthy, is a blockchain gaming platform where players earn cryptocurrencies and NFTs through gameplay.

Gala Games 由 Eric Sc​​hiermeyer 和 Michael McCarthy 于 2019 年创立,是一个区块链游戏平台,玩家可以通过游戏赚取加密货币和 NFT。

The platform uses its native token, GALA, for in-game purchases and as a medium of exchange. Operating on the Ethereum blockchain, Gala Games plans to launch its own blockchain, Project GYRI. With partnerships like Polygon and BNB Chain to reduce gas fees, the platform shows innovation in blockchain gaming.

该平台使用其原生代币 GALA 进行游戏内购买并作为交换媒介。 Gala Games 在以太坊区块链上运营,计划推出自己的区块链 Project GYRI。该平台通过与 Polygon 和 BNB Chain 等合作伙伴降低 Gas 费用,展示了区块链游戏领域的创新。

The GALA token’s utility in games like Town Star and Mirandus, along with a $100 million fund for development, suggests strong potential. In the current market cycle, GALA’s role in a growing gaming ecosystem makes it an attractive option.

GALA 代币在 Town Star 和 Mirandus 等游戏中的实用性,以及 1 亿美元的开发基金,表明了巨大的潜力。在当前的市场周期中,GALA 在不断发展的游戏生态系统中所扮演的角色使其成为一个有吸引力的选择。

TRON (TRX): A Platform Empowering Digital Content Creators


TRON (TRX) is a decentralized blockchain platform launched in 2017 by the Tron Foundation. Initially based on Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens, it migrated to its own network in 2018.

TRON(TRX)是Tron基金会于2017年推出的去中心化区块链平台。它最初基于以太坊的 ERC-20 代币,于 2018 年迁移到自己的网络。

TRON’s goal is to give digital content creators full ownership and greater rewards by enabling consumers to reward them directly, without intermediaries like YouTube or Apple. The platform supports smart contracts, various blockchain systems, and decentralized applications (dApps), offering developers an alternative to Ethereum.

TRON 的目标是让消费者能够直接奖励数字内容创作者,而无需像 YouTube 或 Apple 这样的中介,从而为数字内容创作者提供完全的所有权和更大的奖励。该平台支持智能合约、各种区块链系统和去中心化应用程序(dApp),为开发人员提供了以太坊的替代方案。

It uses a transaction model similar to Bitcoin’s UTXO, with operations recorded on a public ledger. TRON’s focus on content sharing and low transaction

它使用类似于比特币UTXO的交易模型,操作记录在公共账本上。 TRON专注于内容共享和低交易





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