上周末,在 Solana 区块链上推出的受 meme 启发的加密货币 Tema 的价值大幅下跌。

As the weekend approached, Tema, a meme-inspired cryptocurrency that was launched on the Solana blockchain, experienced a significant drop in value. Trading at approximately $0.04046 at the time of writing, Tema’s price had plunged by about 24%, resulting in a current market capitalization of $40.5 million.
随着周末的临近,在 Solana 区块链上推出的受 meme 启发的加密货币 Tema 的价值大幅下跌。截至撰写本文时,Tema 的交易价格约为 0.04046 美元,已暴跌约 24%,目前市值为 4050 万美元。
Despite the popularity of its namesake raccoon, which boasts over 2.7 million followers on TikTok, the coin appeared to be struggling amidst declining values. Tema was launched in April 2023 with an initial price of $0.000003, and it quickly surged to an all-time high of $0.049 in May. However, the coin has since experienced a downturn, and it was trading down more than 90% from its peak.
尽管同名浣熊很受欢迎,在 TikTok 上拥有超过 270 万粉丝,但这种硬币似乎在价值下跌的情况下苦苦挣扎。 Tema 于 2023 年 4 月推出,初始价格为 0.000003 美元,5 月份迅速飙升至 0.049 美元的历史新高。然而,此后该代币经历了低迷,其交易价格较峰值下跌了 90% 以上。
In stark contrast, AI Companions (AIC), a cryptocurrency that facilitates a platform for customizable virtual assistants, experienced substantial growth. The token, which was currently valued at around $0.1139, had seen a remarkable rise of over 52% within the past day.
与此形成鲜明对比的是,AI Companions (AIC)——一种为可定制虚拟助手提供平台的加密货币——经历了大幅增长。该代币目前的价值约为 0.1139 美元,过去一天内涨幅超过 52%。
The platform integrates artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain to offer immersive digital experiences. Its market cap is approximately $84 million, and the token is widely available on prominent exchanges for trading pairs like AIC/USDT.
该平台集成了人工智能、虚拟现实和区块链,提供身临其境的数字体验。其市值约为 8400 万美元,该代币在 AIC/USDT 等知名交易所广泛提供交易对。
The divergent paths of Tema and AI Companions illustrate the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, as the former succumbed to market downturns while the latter capitalized on increasing interest and utility in virtual companionship technologies.
Tema 和 AI Companions 的不同路径说明了加密货币市场的波动性,前者屈服于市场低迷,而后者则利用虚拟伴侣技术日益增长的兴趣和实用性。