最近,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)撤销了会计公告SAB 121,这激发了人们对以太坊(ETH)的新兴趣。

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has just canceled the accounting bulletin SAB 121, which could pave the way for greater adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) services and strengthen Ethereum's position in the crypto landscape.
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)刚刚取消了会计公告SAB 121,这可能为更好地采用分散融资(DEFI)服务铺平道路,并加强以太坊在加密货币景观中的地位。
The bulletin, introduced in March 2022, required financial institutions to record cryptocurrencies as liabilities on their balance sheets, which hindered the adoption of crypto-related services. However, the SEC has now replaced SAB 121 with SAB 122, which lifts the restrictions on financial institutions managing their clients' crypto holdings.
该公告于2022年3月推出,要求金融机构将加密货币记录为资产负债表上的负债,这阻碍了采用与加密相关的服务。但是,SEC现在用SAB 122取代了SAB 121,这取消了对管理客户加密货币持有的金融机构的限制。
This change in accounting treatment has been hailed as a positive sign for institutional investors, who may now be more likely to offer crypto-related services, such as staking and cross-margin borrowing using crypto assets as collateral. The decision has also been welcomed by the crypto community, with Markus Thielen of 10x Research highlighting how this regulatory evolution could catalyze the expansion of DeFi services, with Ethereum positioned as the "backbone" of the ecosystem.
会计待遇的这种变化被誉为机构投资者的积极信号,现在他们可能更有可能提供与加密相关的服务,例如使用加密资产作为抵押品的股票和跨金属借贷。该决定也受到了加密货币社区的欢迎,10倍研究的马库斯·泰伦(Markus Thielen)强调了这种监管进化如何催化Defi服务的扩展,以太坊将其定位为生态系统的“骨干”。
Together with an increase in stablecoin flows and a supportive regulatory landscape, this development could see Ethereum rallying toward new highs, especially given how ETH currently presents a “tactical breakout” opportunity. This formation shows potential for a breakout above the triangular pattern, which offers a low-risk, high-reward opportunity and could see the second-largest cryptocurrency rallying toward the next Fib extension at an price of $7,000, according to experts.