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What's the common thread between joke cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE) and Shiba Inu (CRYPTO: SHIB) and actual serious cryptocurrency investments like Solana (CRYPTO: SOL)? There's more than one right answer.
像Dogecoin(Crypto:Doge)和Shiba Inu(Crypto:Shib)这样的笑话加密货币与实际严重的加密货币投资(如Solana(Crypto:Sol)等实际严重的加密货币投资之间的共同点是什么?有不止一个正确的答案。
But one of those answers in particular is especially salient for those who are praying that their investments go up. Let's take a look.
Investors love these assets, often to their detriment
According to a survey of 800 people conducted by the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange (CRYPTO: KAVA) and published on Feb. 19, 85% of crypto holders in the U.S. are invested in at least one meme coin. That's a shocking number because it implies that the large majority of crypto investors are comfortable taking extreme risks.
But that's not all Kraken's survey found -- 29% of those same people said short-term gains were their main motivation for investing, and 76% said that the potential upsides justified the risks of an investment in these highly volatile and highly speculative assets. In a nutshell, roughly a third of the investors are, to put it bluntly, incorrectly oriented in terms of their strategy, seeking quick riches rather than sustainable portfolio growth. As long as that belief remains true, those meme coins could have plenty of upside, at least before they come crashing back down as they always do.
但这并不是克雷肯的调查都发现 - 其中有29%的人说短期收益是他们投资的主要动机,而76%的人表示,潜在的局势证明了对这些高度波动和高度投机资产进行投资的风险。简而言之,大约三分之一的投资者在坦率地说,就其战略而言是错误的,寻求迅速的财富,而不是可持续的投资组合增长。只要这种信念仍然正确,这些模因硬币至少在像往常一样崩溃之前,可能会有很多上行空间。
And, while it's true that it is technically possible for meme coins to skyrocket and deliver big returns to early holders who subsequently sell their tokens before the crash, that doesn's mean that investors are correct about their balance of risk and reward on average. Nor is it true that most will be able to time their sale correctly.
Still, the survey shows precisely why it's possible for assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu to go to the moon once in a while. When enough new money comes off the sidelines to take a gamble with long odds, the results can occasionally be impressive, even if it's impossible to predict when and why they'll happen. Crypto assets upstream from meme coin investments, Solana in particular, are also exposed to the same kind of skyrocketing.
尽管如此,调查还是确切地说,诸如Dogecoin和Shiba Inu等资产偶尔会偶尔去月球的原因。当有足够的新资金从旁观者出发以长时间赌博时,即使无法预测何时以及为什么会发生赌博,结果偶尔也会给人留下深刻的印象。 Meme Coin Investments,尤其是Solana上游的加密资产,也暴露于同样的飙升。
Don't go out on a limb
You do not need to invest in meme coins simply because most other investors are doing it. Your results will likely be better if you stick with simply buying Solana, as most meme coin investing activity occurs on its blockchain, meaning that other investors will need to buy it first before they can gamble on those tokens.
Nonetheless, if you are like most other people in the cryptocurrency sector, per the survey, the safest, most logical way to approach your investments is not the one that you will end up doing thanks to your fear of missing out (FOMO) on the supposedly exhilarating returns of meme tokens. So you will need to plan around your own psychology to prevent your speculation from harming your financial future irparably.
尽管如此,如果您像加密货币行业中的大多数其他人一样,根据调查,最安全,最合乎逻辑的方式来进行投资,这并不是您最终会做的,这要归功于您担心Meme Sokens的令人振奋的回报(FOMO)。因此,您将需要围绕自己的心理学进行计划,以防止您的猜测不可避免地损害您的财务未来。
In other words, before investing in Dogecoin or Shiba Inu, commit to properly diversifying your portfolio with safer cryptocurrencies, as well as with stocks and bonds. Do your best to only buy meme coins when their prices are at their absolute lowest, when nobody else is interested in them. Only commit a small fraction of your portfolio's total value to buying them, and make sure that you buy them slowly over time to smooth out the price fluctuations that they tend to experience. Then, be sure to hold on to them for years, checking their price carefully so you can sell for gains when prices are higher.
换句话说,在投资Dogecoin或Shiba Inu之前,致力于通过更安全的加密货币以及股票和债券来适当地使您的投资组合多样化。当没有其他人对它们感兴趣时,尽力只购买模因硬币。仅将投资组合总价值的一小部分用于购买它们,并确保您随着时间的流逝缓慢购买它们,以平滑他们倾向于体验的价格波动。然后,请确保保留多年,仔细检查其价格,以便在价格更高时可以出售收益。
If this process seems dubious, it's smarter to just buy and hold Solana or another major cryptocurrency; this is the same thing as saying you'll have a much easier and likely more profitable time by buying a real investment rather than buying a frivolity.
You won't need to babysit a real investment as much, although you will miss out on the rush from taking a large risk that every once in a while happens to result in large gains. But you probably will end up sleeping better at night.
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