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If you're thinking about making the most of the cryptocurrency market in the long run, forget about short-term gains and focus on picking projects with solid foundations and potential to grow steadily over time. Finding those hidden gems that balance innovation and practicality is the key to setting up your portfolio for success.
Qubetics ($TICS) is an example of a coin that is solving real-world problems with a decentralised VPN application, tackling privacy concerns in ways its predecessors couldn’t. But Qubetics isn't the only project that deserves your attention. Here are eight coins that could help you build long term wealth.
Qubetics ($TICS) 是一个通过去中心化 VPN 应用程序解决现实世界问题的代币示例,以其前身无法解决的方式解决隐私问题。但 Qubetics 并不是唯一值得您关注的项目。这里有八种可以帮助您建立长期财富的硬币。
1. Qubetics ($TICS)
A revolutionary Web3 aggregator that is making waves with its decentralised VPN (dVPN) service. Unlike traditional VPN providers that store and control user data, Qubetics dVPN operates on a peer-to-peer network. This structure eliminates the risk of a central authority logging or censoring activity, making it perfect for individuals and businesses seeking true online freedom. Think of a small tech startup that needs a secure way to handle sensitive communications or a journalist working in a high-censorship region. Qubetics ensures privacy and secure internet access for such use cases.
革命性的 Web3 聚合器,以其去中心化 VPN (dVPN) 服务掀起波澜。与存储和控制用户数据的传统 VPN 提供商不同,Qubetics dVPN 在点对点网络上运行。这种结构消除了中央机构记录或审查活动的风险,使其成为寻求真正在线自由的个人和企业的完美选择。想象一下一家小型科技初创公司需要一种安全的方式来处理敏感通信,或者一名在严格审查地区工作的记者。 Qubetics 确保此类用例的隐私和安全互联网访问。
The Qubetics dVPN also rewards users who share bandwidth with $TICS tokens, creating a decentralised marketplace that encourages participation. The combination of multi-hop routing and end-to-end encryption provides unparalleled security. With over $8.5 million raised in its 15th presale stage, over 394 million $TICS sold and a current price of $0.0414, Qubetics has become one of the most promising coins of the year. The presale structure, with a 10% price increase every seven days, has already drawn more than 12,800 token holders.
Qubetics dVPN 还奖励使用 $TICS 代币共享带宽的用户,创建一个鼓励参与的去中心化市场。多跳路由和端到端加密的结合提供了无与伦比的安全性。 Qubetics 在第 15 个预售阶段筹集了超过 850 万美元,售出了超过 3.94 亿美元的 TICS,目前价格为 0.0414 美元,Qubetics 已成为今年最有前途的代币之一。每 7 天价格上涨 10% 的预售结构已经吸引了超过 12,800 名代币持有者。
2. Elrond (EGLD)
A blockchain platform that focuses on scalability and speed, providing a secure network capable of processing thousands of transactions per second. Its adaptive state sharding technology sets it apart, enabling seamless communication between shards to ensure scalability without compromising security.
The platform has seen strong adoption in industries like DeFi and gaming, with developers flocking to build applications on Elrond’s infrastructure. Businesses looking for efficient cross-border payment solutions are also turning to Elrond for its low fees and high throughput.
该平台在 DeFi 和游戏等行业得到了广泛采用,开发人员纷纷在 Elrond 的基础设施上构建应用程序。寻求高效跨境支付解决方案的企业也因 Elrond 的低费用和高吞吐量而转向 Elrond。
3. Stellar (XLM)
Stellar has made a name for itself by simplifying cross-border payments. Its fast transaction speeds and low costs make it an appealing choice for businesses and individuals transferring money internationally. Stellar is also helping unbanked populations access financial services through its blockchain technology.
Stellar 因简化跨境支付而闻名。其快速的交易速度和低廉的成本使其成为企业和个人国际汇款的有吸引力的选择。 Stellar 还通过其区块链技术帮助没有银行账户的人群获得金融服务。
The platform recently partnered with several financial institutions, solidifying its position as a leader in payment solutions. For example, remittance services now use Stellar to enable quicker and cheaper transactions, bridging gaps in traditional banking systems.
该平台最近与多家金融机构合作,巩固了其作为支付解决方案领导者的地位。例如,汇款服务现在使用 Stellar 来实现更快、更便宜的交易,从而弥补传统银行系统的差距。
4. Harmony (ONE)
A blockchain that is designed for developers seeking high-speed and low-cost solutions. Its sharding technology allows for fast and secure transactions, making it ideal for decentralised finance and NFT marketplaces. Developers can build apps with ease, knowing the network is reliable and cost-effective.
专为寻求高速、低成本解决方案的开发人员而设计的区块链。其分片技术可实现快速、安全的交易,使其成为去中心化金融和 NFT 市场的理想选择。开发人员可以轻松构建应用程序,因为他们知道网络可靠且具有成本效益。
Recent updates to the Harmony ecosystem have included partnerships with gaming and DeFi projects, expanding its use cases. Its focus on energy efficiency also makes it appealing to environmentally conscious developers and investors.
Harmony 生态系统最近的更新包括与游戏和 DeFi 项目的合作,扩大了其用例。它对能源效率的关注也使其吸引了具有环保意识的开发商和投资者。
5. Mina Protocol (MINA)
5. 米娜协议(MINA)
The world’s lightest blockchain, designed to remain lightweight regardless of its growth. Unlike traditional blockchains that grow larger as more transactions are added, Mina’s size stays fixed, making it more accessible and decentralised.
世界上最轻的区块链,无论其增长如何,都旨在保持轻量级。与随着更多交易的添加而变大的传统区块链不同,Mina 的大小保持固定,使其更易于访问和去中心化。
This innovative approach ensures that even users with low-powered devices can participate in the network. It’s an excellent solution for applications like decentralised identity and secure messaging, where users value privacy and accessibility.
6. Energy Web Token (EWT)
6. 能源网代币(EWT)
A blockchain that is designed for the energy sector, enabling businesses to build applications that promote sustainability and efficiency. From renewable energy marketplaces to carbon credit tracking, EWT provides the tools for a greener future.
专为能源行业设计的区块链,使企业能够构建促进可持续性和效率的应用程序。从可再生能源市场到碳信用额跟踪,EWT 提供了实现绿色未来的工具。
Its partnerships with major energy companies highlight its real-world potential. For instance, power grids can use Energy Web Token to optimise energy distribution and reduce waste, benefiting both providers and consumers.
它与主要能源公司的合作伙伴关系凸显了其现实世界的潜力。例如,电网可以使用 Energy Web Token 来优化能源分配并减少浪费,从而使供应商和消费者都受益。
7. Render Token (RNDR)
7. 渲染代币(RNDR)
Render Token is transforming the digital creation process by decentralising GPU rendering. It allows creators to access affordable rendering power through a network of idle GPUs, making high-quality rendering accessible to indie developers, animators, and filmmakers.
Render Token 正在通过去中心化 GPU 渲染来改变数字创作过程。它允许创作者通过空闲 GPU 网络获得经济实惠的渲染能力,从而使独立开发人员、动画师和电影制作人能够获得高质量的渲染。
This decentralised approach not only reduces costs but also speeds up the creative process. As demand for virtual reality, gaming, and digital art grows, Render Token’s ecosystem will likely expand alongside it.
这种分散的方法不仅降低了成本,还加快了创作过程。随着虚拟现实、游戏和数字艺术需求的增长,Render Token 的生态系统可能会随之扩展。
8. Quant (QNT)
Focused on enabling interoperability between different blockchains. Its Overledger Network allows businesses to connect and interact across multiple distributed ledgers, solving one of the biggest
专注于实现不同区块链之间的互操作性。其 Overledger Network 允许企业跨多个分布式账本进行连接和交互,解决了最大的问题之一
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