谁有资格获得 $ANALOS 空投?完整说明

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to claim the $ANALOS airdrop through the DappRadar platform. Here's a summary:
本文提供了如何通过 DappRadar 平台领取 $ANALOS 空投的分步指南。总结如下:
1. Visit the official DappRadar page for the airdrop by clicking the link provided in the article.
1. 点击文章中提供的链接,访问 DappRadar 官方页面获取空投。
2. Set up your Web3 wallet and ensure it's synced to the Ethereum mainnet.
2. 设置您的 Web3 钱包并确保其同步到以太坊主网。
3. Locate the airdrop section on the DappRadar website and follow the instructions to initiate the claim process.
3. 在 DappRadar 网站上找到空投部分,然后按照说明启动领取流程。
4. Complete the necessary steps as outlined by the platform to claim your $ANALOS airdrop.
4. 完成平台概述的必要步骤以领取您的 $ANALOS 空投。