到第 18 盘时,已经有 9 个三柱门落后,奥利·斯通 (Olly Stone) 想要大获全胜或回家的意图发生了错误,这要归功于守门员出色的把握。

Tom Curran bowled a slower back-of-the-hand delivery on a good length outside the stumps on the 92nd ball of the innings. Stone attempted to hit the ball across the line but got an outside edge towards the keeper's right hand side. Billings, who was keeping wickets, leaped to his right and grasped the ball out of thin air in a whisker. The brilliant athleticism of the Oval captain was praised by the Twitterverse who vibed along with the 2024 Paris Olympics closing ceremony.
汤姆·柯兰 (Tom Curran) 在第 92 局的树桩外,以较慢的手背投球,距离很远。斯通试图将球击过球门线,但球的外侧边缘偏向守门员的右侧。守着三柱门的比林斯跳到右侧,凭空抓住了球。这位 Oval 队长出色的运动能力受到 Twitter 粉丝的赞扬,并与 2024 年巴黎奥运会闭幕式一起引起共鸣。