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新的 Covenant Attested Token (CAT) 协议基于比特币的 UTXO,用于创建代币。
Taproot Wizards co-founder Udi Wertheimer has proposed launching new CATNIP tokens, based on OP_CAT.
Taproot Wizards 联合创始人 Udi Wertheimer 提议推出基于 OP_CAT 的新 CATNIP 代币。
Runes were a mistake… but OP_CAT fixes this!
符文是一个错误……但 OP_CAT 修复了这个问题!
Introducing CATNIP: Bitcoin-native CAT-powered tokens.
隆重推出 CATNIP:比特币原生 CAT 驱动的代币。
Most crypto enthusiasts have been left disappointed by the user experience of BRC-20s and Runes. While Ordinals and Inscriptions are largely considered to be a superior version of NFTs on Bitcoin, they both rely on third-party off-chain indicators to function, which introduces the risk of indicator inconsistency.
大多数加密货币爱好者对 BRC-20 和 Runes 的用户体验感到失望。虽然序数和铭文在很大程度上被认为是比特币 NFT 的高级版本,但它们都依赖第三方链下指标来发挥作用,这会带来指标不一致的风险。
In contrast, the Covenant Attested Token (CAT) protocol is validated by miners and uses smart contract covenants to handle the minting and transactions of tokens. It is implemented exclusively by Bitcoin Script on Bitcoin’s Layer-1, inheriting Bitcoin’s native Proof of Work security.
相比之下,契约证明代币(CAT)协议由矿工验证,并使用智能合约契约来处理代币的铸造和交易。它由比特币脚本在比特币的 Layer-1 上独家实现,继承了比特币原生的工作量证明安全性。
notably, CAT tokens can be verified in Script, and most importantly, they can also be used in other smart contracts and in more complex and interconnected decentralized applications, such as DEXs based on AMM (Automated Market Makers), lending, and staking.
值得注意的是,CAT 代币可以在脚本中进行验证,最重要的是,它们还可以用于其他智能合约以及更复杂和互连的去中心化应用程序,例如基于 AMM(自动做市商)的 DEX、借贷和质押。
Furthermore, the CAT protocol enables the trustless bridging of assets between different blockchains, allowing dApps to operate on multiple chains.
此外,CAT 协议实现了不同区块链之间资产的去信任桥接,允许 dApp 在多个链上运行。
With the new CAT protocol, it is possible to create both classic fungible tokens, with the CAT20 standard, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with the CAT721 standard.
通过新的 CAT 协议,可以创建符合 CAT20 标准的经典可替代代币和符合 CAT721 标准的不可替代代币(NFT)。
For the new CAT protocol to actually start being used on Bitcoin, OP_CAT must be reactivated.
为了让新的 CAT 协议真正开始在比特币上使用,必须重新激活 OP_CAT。
OP_CAT was originally an opcode in Bitcoin that was disabled in 2010. Over the years, however, it has been proposed several times to reactivate it with a soft fork.
OP_CAT 最初是比特币中的一个操作码,于 2010 年被禁用。然而,多年来,已经多次提议通过软分叉重新激活它。
Its main use is to allow the data provided by the creator of a script to be concatenated with the data provided by someone else who spends from that script.
Hence, in its current state, the CAT protocol cannot yet be used on Bitcoin’s Layer-1 (its public blockchain), but Wertheimer’s proposal is not the only one that asks to reactivate OP_CAT.
因此,在目前的状态下,CAT 协议尚不能在比特币的 Layer-1(其公共区块链)上使用,但 Wertheimer 的提案并不是唯一要求重新激活 OP_CAT 的提案。
Specifically, Wertheimer proposed the CATNIP protocol to create tokens, stating that the protocol currently used to create and trade tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain, Rune, is a mistake, and that OP_CAT solves the problem.
具体来说,Wertheimer 提出了 CATNIP 协议来创建代币,指出目前用于在比特币区块链上创建和交易代币的协议 Rune 是一个错误,而 OP_CAT 解决了这个问题。
He says that the user experience with the BRC-20 protocol and Rune has been disappointing for most cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and that the source of the frustration is a fundamental problem with these protocols, which is that Bitcoin consensus (the nodes and miners) is unaware of their existence.
他表示,对于大多数加密货币爱好者来说,BRC-20 协议和 Rune 的用户体验令人失望,而挫败感的根源在于这些协议的一个根本问题,即比特币共识(节点和矿工)没有意识到他们的存在。
All this leads to having to overcome cumbersome steps to exchange BTC for Rune or vice versa.
所有这些都导致必须克服繁琐的步骤才能将 BTC 兑换成符文,反之亦然。
CATNIP solves this problem, thanks to the recursive covenants OP_CAT that already enables the Purrfect Vault. This would allow the creation of true native tokens on Bitcoin, usable within the Bitcoin Script. No other protocol for creating tokens on Bitcoin can currently do this.
CATNIP 解决了这个问题,这要归功于已经启用 Purrfect Vault 的递归契约 OP_CAT。这将允许在比特币上创建真正的原生代币,可在比特币脚本中使用。目前没有其他在比特币上创建代币的协议可以做到这一点。
The idea is that, when (and if) OP_CAT is reactivated on the Bitcoin mainnet, CATNIP will be especially useful for stablecoins.
这个想法是,当(并且如果)OP_CAT 在比特币主网上重新激活时,CATNIP 将对于稳定币特别有用。
The new CAT protocol is already monopolizing the Fractal network.
新的 CAT 协议已经垄断了 Fractal 网络。
In particular, Fractal claims to be the only scaling solution for Bitcoin that uses Bitcoin Core’s own code to scale recursively thanks to unlimited layers.
特别是,Fractal 声称是唯一使用 Bitcoin Core 自己的代码通过无限层进行递归扩展的比特币扩展解决方案。
The mainnet went live just a few days ago, and it has a partnership with OKX Wallet.
They are also working on a voting platform that will use OP_CAT, thus giving Fractal holders the possibility to vote on proposals.
他们还在开发一个使用 OP_CAT 的投票平台,从而使 Fractal 持有者可以对提案进行投票。
It should be noted, however, that Fractal is not Bitcoin, but a crypto project based on the Bitcoin blockchain.
但需要注意的是,Fractal 并不是比特币,而是一个基于比特币区块链的加密项目。
So, as for the OP_CAT function, it has not yet been reactivated on Bitcoin, after being disabled in 2010, but on Fractal, for example, it is already available.
因此,至于 OP_CAT 功能,它在 2010 年被禁用后,尚未在比特币上重新激活,但在 Fractal 等平台上,它已经可用。
The Bitcoin community will have to decide whether to re-add it, and to do so a soft fork similar in some ways to the one that introduced Taproot a few years ago will be needed.
比特币社区将必须决定是否重新添加它,为此,需要在某些方面类似于几年前引入 Taproot 的软分叉。
If it is re-added, it will be possible to start using the CAT protocol also on Bitcoin’s Layer-1.
如果重新添加,则也可以在比特币的 Layer-1 上开始使用 CAT 协议。
Thanks to the new CAT protocol, it will be possible, for example, to create tokens with CATNIP, or other similar protocols.
例如,借助新的 CAT 协议,可以使用 CATNIP 或其他类似协议创建代币。
It will be possible to create both normal fungible tokens CAT-20 and NFTs in CAT-721 format.
可以创建普通的可替代代币 CAT-20 和 CAT-721 格式的 NFT。
Currently, it is not possible to create tokens using native Bitcoin functions, so both creating and using them involves cumbersome processes and has limited potential.
With protocols like CATNIP, even the Bitcoin blockchain will be able to allow the creation and transfer of tokens with native functions, making everything simpler and with much greater potential.
通过像 CATNIP 这样的协议,甚至比特币区块链也将能够允许创建和转移具有本机功能的代币,使一切变得更简单并具有更大的潜力。
For example, one could create real DEXs on Bitcoin to allow the direct exchange of BTC into a stablecoin and vice
例如,人们可以在比特币上创建真正的 DEX,以允许将 BTC 直接兑换成稳定币,反之亦然。
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