英国重金属集团睡眠代币将于9月27日将其新音乐带到Rocket Arena。

British heavy metal group Sleep Token is bringing its new music to Rocket Arena on September 27. Here, Sleep Token performs on stage during the heavy metal music Festival Copenhell, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 15, 2023 (Photo by Helle Arensbak / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP) / Denmark OUT (Photo by HELLE ARENSBAK/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images)Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Ima
英国重金属团体睡眠代币将于9月27日将其新音乐带到火箭竞技场。在这里,睡眠代币在2023年6月15日在丹麦哥本哈根的重金属音乐节哥本内尔在舞台上表演图像)Ritzau Scanpix/AFP通过Getty Ima
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Mysterious British post-metal band Sleep Token will be bringing its upcoming “Even In Arcadia Tour” to America including a stop at Rocket Arena on Saturday, September 27. Tickets for the show go on sale at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 21, at axs.com.
俄亥俄州克利夫兰 - 神秘的英国金属乐队睡眠代币将将其即将到来的“即使在阿卡迪亚巡回赛”带到美国,包括9月27日星期六在Rocket Arena的停靠站。该节目的门票于3月10日(星期五)上午10点在AXS.com上发售。
The musically eclectic quintet of masked musicians mixes progressive and alternative metal sounds with trap beats, R&B melodies and orchestral touches alongside huge riffs. It is fronted by the big, emotive voice and creepy mask of lead singer and mastermind Vessel (a.k.a singer-songwriter-multi-instrumentalist Leo Faulkner).
蒙面音乐家的音乐折衷的五重奏将进步和替代金属声音与陷阱节拍,R&B旋律和管弦乐触摸混合在一起。它是由主唱和策划者船只(又名歌手兼作词人 - 穆尔特 - 富国主义者Leo Faulkner)的巨大,情感上的声音和令人毛骨悚然的面具所面临的。
Sleep Token will be touring behind their just announced upcoming fourth album “Even In Arcadia” due out on May 9. While the band’s three previous albums have all charted in their native U.K., the band’s third album “Take Me Back To Eden” reached number 16 on the Billboard 200. The group sold out a show at Wembley Stadium in 10 minutes and the album was Spotify’s most streamed metal album of 2023 while also topping the best albums of 2023 lists of Revolver, Rock Sound and Metal Hammer magazines.
睡眠代币将在他们刚刚宣布的第四张专辑“甚至在Arcadia”中巡回演出。5月9日将于5月9日发行。虽然乐队的前三张专辑都在其本土英国绘制了绘制,但乐队的第三张专辑“ Take Me Back to Eden to Eden”在Billboard 200上达到了16号,该乐队在Bill Board 200上达到了200分。该乐队在10分钟内在10分钟内售罄了一张专辑,并在第二张专辑中售出了专辑,最多的专辑是203日203日203,这是203日的20233年。左轮手枪,岩石和金属锤杂志的清单。
Sleep Token released, “Emergence,” the lead single from “Even In Arcadia,” on March 13 and the video garnered more than 75,000 views in the first two hours of its release.