Basic Attention Token 将在 X 上举办 AMA,主题为“Web3 还能被发现吗?”。该活动定于 8 月 9 日下午 5 点(世界标准时间)举行。

Coindar Basic Attention Token will host an AMA on X on the topic “Can Web3 still be discovered?”. The event is scheduled to take place on August 9th at 5 PM UTC.
Coindar 基本注意力代币将在 X 上举办 AMA,主题为“Web3 还能被发现吗?”。该活动定于 8 月 9 日下午 5 点(世界标准时间)举行。
Refer to the official tweet by BAT:
The Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an ERC-20 token, conceptualized by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of It aims to address the inefficiencies and issues in online advertising. BAT rewards web users and content creators within an “attention economy”, where attention is monetized. The token is integrated with the Brave Web browser, which is designed to be privacy-centric, blocking third-party ads and trackers.
基本注意力代币 (BAT) 是一种 ERC-20 代币,由 JavaScript 的创建者兼 联合创始人 Brendan Eich 提出概念。它旨在解决在线广告的低效率和问题。 BAT 在“注意力经济”中奖励网络用户和内容创作者,其中注意力可以货币化。该令牌与 Brave Web 浏览器集成,该浏览器旨在以隐私为中心,阻止第三方广告和跟踪器。
BAT operates primarily through the Brave browser. Users can opt into Brave Rewards, earning BAT by viewing ads and engaging with content. Content creators, in turn, are rewarded based on the attention they attract from users. Additionally, users have the option to tip content creators directly using BAT. Advertisers can use BAT to buy advertising space in the Brave browser. Transactions in Brave Rewards are facilitated via the Uphold platform, which handles the transfer costs.
BAT 主要通过 Brave 浏览器运行。用户可以选择 Brave Rewards,通过观看广告和参与内容来赚取 BAT。反过来,内容创建者根据他们吸引用户的注意力获得奖励。此外,用户还可以选择直接使用 BAT 向内容创作者打赏。广告商可以使用BAT购买Brave浏览器中的广告空间。 Brave Rewards 中的交易通过 Uphold 平台进行,该平台负责处理转账费用。
BAT is pivotal in addressing the challenges of the current online advertising model, especially the transition from desktop to mobile. It aims to reduce ads' load on mobile data and battery life and mitigate privacy concerns and distractions caused by advertisements. BAT also seeks to offer a fairer revenue model for traditional publishers losing out in the existing advertising landscape. In summary, BAT through Brave browser proposes a more efficient, privacy-respecting, and rewarding approach to online advertising for users, content creators, and advertisers.
BAT 在解决当前在线广告模式的挑战方面发挥着关键作用,尤其是从桌面到移动的过渡。它旨在减少广告对移动数据和电池寿命的负载,并减轻广告引起的隐私问题和干扰。英美烟草还寻求为在现有广告领域中失败的传统出版商提供更公平的收入模式。总之,BAT 通过 Brave 浏览器为用户、内容创建者和广告商提出了一种更高效、尊重隐私且更有价值的在线广告方法。