唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统在比特币2024会议上的承诺,即美国将成为“地球的加密首都”是旧新闻

President Donald Trump’s promise at the Bitcoin 2024 conference that the United States would become the “crypto capital of the planet” was old news by the time he was sworn in this past January. What got less attention was a nearby screening of the documentary “God Bless Bitcoin,” which promoters argued was another way for technology to “serve God better.”
总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在比特币2024会议上的承诺,即美国将成为“地球的加密之都”,这是他在今年一月宣誓就职时的老新闻。较少的关注是对纪录片“上帝保佑比特币”的放映,发起人认为这是技术“更好地为上帝服务”的另一种方法。
It wasn’t an isolated incident. Inevitably with crypto, a scam is never far away. Shortly after Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 21, a pastor from Michigan, Lorenzo Sewell, launched a self-titled memecoin to piggyback off his appearance at the event. After telling his followers it was their religious duty to invest, he was quickly accused of being a swindler. The coin’s value remained stagnant.
这不是一个孤立的事件。骗局不可避免地与加密货币无可避免。特朗普于1月21日开幕后不久,密歇根州的一位牧师洛伦佐·塞维尔(Lorenzo Sewell)发起了一个同名的Memecoin,以挑战他在活动中的出现。在告诉他的追随者是他们投资的宗教义务之后,他很快被指控是一名骗子。硬币的价值仍然停滞不前。