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最近,Solana 区块链上的模因币激增,但不幸的是,其中一些被证明是骗局。一个著名的例子是“SolCatCoin”,它承诺高回报,并由于激烈的社交媒体营销和虚假影响者账户的认可而迅速流行起来。
Social media has become an essential tool for crypto enthusiasts to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments. In recent months, there has been a surge in interest in memecoins, a type of cryptocurrency that is typically created as a joke or to capitalize on a viral internet trend.
One of the most surprising aspects of this memecoin craze has been the involvement of several celebrities, who have used their massive followings to promote these coins. From Caitlyn Jenner and Iggy Azalea to Lil Pump and Andrew Tate, the list of famous names shilling memecoins is quite extensive.
这种模因币热潮最令人惊讶的方面之一是几位名人的参与,他们利用自己的大量追随者来推广这些代币。从 Caitlyn Jenner 和 Iggy Azalea 到 Lil Pump 和 Andrew Tate,使用模因币的名人名单相当广泛。
Now, it seems that even legendary footballers Ronaldinho and Lionel Messi have joined the fray, promoting a Solana-based memecoin called Water ($WATERCOIN) on their Instagram handles. This promotion has sparked a heated debate in the crypto community about the legitimacy and potential future of Watercoin.
现在,似乎连传奇足球运动员罗纳尔迪尼奥和莱昂内尔·梅西也加入了这场竞争,在他们的 Instagram 账号上推广一种基于 Solana 的模因币,名为 Water ($WATERCOIN)。此次促销活动在加密社区引发了关于 Watercoin 的合法性和潜在未来的激烈争论。
As you might expect, given the nature of memecoins and the involvement of celebrities, there are widespread concerns that this could be another pump-and-dump scam. Many Solana-based memecoins that have been hyped up by celebrities in the past have turned out to be scams, leaving investors with massive losses.
正如您所预料的那样,考虑到模因币的性质和名人的参与,人们普遍担心这可能是又一个拉高抛售的骗局。许多过去被名人炒作的基于 Solana 的 memecoin 都被证明是骗局,给投资者带来了巨大损失。
How Messi and Ronaldinho Promoted Watercoin?
On July 8, Lionel Messi shared a post on his story, featuring an image with the mascot of Watercoin (an animated water glass) on his shoulder. In the post, he also tagged the official Instagram handle of Water Solana.
7 月 8 日,莱昂内尔·梅西 (Lionel Messi) 分享了一篇关于他的故事的帖子,其中有一张肩上扛着 Watercoin(动画水杯)吉祥物的图片。在帖子中,他还标记了 Water Solana 的 Instagram 官方账号。
A similar post was shared on the Instagram handle of Brazilian football player Ronaldinho Gaucho the following day.
第二天,巴西足球运动员罗纳尔迪尼奥·高乔 (Ronaldinho Gaucho) 的 Instagram 账号上也分享了类似的帖子。
This promotion led to the value of the Water meme coin spiraling, shooting up by 350% from $0.00032 to $0.00146 within hours. However, this rally couldn’t be sustained for long, and the price dropped again the next day. At the time of writing, the price of the Water meme coin is $0.00088, according to the data on CoinMarketCap.
此次促销导致 Water meme 币的价值螺旋式上升,在数小时内从 0.00032 美元飙升至 0.00146 美元,上涨了 350%。然而,这一涨势未能持续太久,第二天价格再次下跌。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,Water meme 币的价格为 0.00088 美元。
What is Water Memecoin?
Water Meme coin is built upon the Solana blockchain with no intrinsic value. Created by the developers of $BEER, another Solana-based memecoin, the WaterCoin project uses “Freezing” (staking) and “Vaporization” (burning) techniques to boost engagement and enhance the token’s value.
Water Meme 币建立在 Solana 区块链之上,没有内在价值。 WaterCoin 项目由另一种基于 Solana 的 memecoin $BEER 的开发人员创建,它使用“冻结”(质押)和“蒸发”(燃烧)技术来提高参与度并提高代币的价值。
As per the creators of Water Meme coin, they intend to “create the cleanest and most ethical platform in the crypto space”. According to their official website, Water Meme coins follow the same ‘scarcity model’ as Bitcoin.
根据 Water Meme 币的创建者的说法,他们打算“创建加密货币领域最干净、最道德的平台”。根据他们的官方网站,Water Meme 币遵循与比特币相同的“稀缺模型”。
Furthermore, the quote “You definitely need some WATER after you had too much alcohol” on its website may indicate an ambiguous link with Beer Memecoin.
此外,其网站上的引言“喝了太多酒后,你肯定需要一些水”可能表明与啤酒 Memecoin 存在不明确的链接。
The Water Meme coin project promises to prioritize charitable works to make a net-positive impact on the real world. This includes global water initiatives such as the creation of sustainable projects to reduce deforestation and help with water distribution in the driest parts of Africa.
Water Meme 硬币项目承诺优先考虑慈善工作,以对现实世界产生积极的净影响。这包括全球水倡议,例如创建可持续项目以减少森林砍伐并帮助非洲最干旱地区的水分配。
Is Water Solana Memecoin Legit or Scam?
Water Solana Memecoin 是合法的还是骗局?
Amid all these flowery promises of rewards and charity, there is no clarification on its utility or use cases available. The legitimacy of the Water Solana meme coin is questionable, and it is crucial to approach it with caution.
在所有这些奖励和慈善的华丽承诺中,没有对其实用性或可用用例的澄清。 Water Solana meme 硬币的合法性值得怀疑,谨慎对待它至关重要。
The Solana blockchain has become a safe haven for scammers aiming to capitalize on creating fake hype. Additionally, most memecoins hold no intrinsic value; any dramatic surges in their popularity typically stem from temporary hype on social media and online sentiment.
Solana 区块链已成为诈骗者的避风港,他们旨在利用制造虚假炒作来获利。此外,大多数模因币没有内在价值;它们受欢迎程度的急剧上升通常源于社交媒体和网络情绪上的暂时炒作。
A rough estimate suggests that up to 90% of newly launched memecoins could be scams or possess little to no long-term value. Big_Cat, a popular figure on Solana estimates that about 95% of the contracts on Solana are created by malicious actors.
粗略估计表明,高达 90% 的新推出的模因币可能是骗局或几乎没有长期价值。 Solana 上的热门人物 Big_Cat 估计 Solana 上约 95% 的合约都是由恶意行为者创建的。
Also, Concerns have been raised about the concentration of the token’s supply, with a significant portion held by a small number of wallets. Data on Solana.fm suggest that 32.24% of total total supply is locked in just 10 wallets. This increases the risk of price manipulation and sudden dumps, known as “rug pulls”.
此外,人们还对代币供应的集中度表示担忧,其中很大一部分由少数钱包持有。 Solana.fm 上的数据表明,总供应量的 32.24% 被锁定在 10 个钱包中。这增加了价格操纵和突然抛售(称为“地毯拉动”)的风险。
Furthermore, there are a lot of people on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram who are criticising the project, calling it a pump-and-dump scam.
While the Water Foundation supposedly only distributed 5% of the 88.88 billion WATER tokens to itself, YouTuber Ajay Kashyap was among the industry critics who flagged WATER as a potential pump-and-dump token.
虽然水基金会据称只将 888.8 亿个 WATER 代币中的 5% 分配给自己,但 YouTuber Ajay Kashyap 是行业批评者之一,他们将 WATER 标记为潜在的抽水转储代币。
🇦🇷 Lionel Messi's Instagram post about $WATER token caused its price to surge 400% in just three hours 👀Celebrities and their usual pump & dump 🙄 🤷🏻 pic.twitter.com/AwgQLlq9Lq
🇦🇷 莱昂内尔·梅西 (Lionel Messi) 在 Instagram 上发布的有关 $WATER 代币的帖子导致其价格在短短三小时内飙升 400% 👀名人和他们平常的拉高和抛售🙄 🤷🏻 pic.twitter.com/AwgQLlq9Lq
Popular crypto commentator Ponga on Twitter says, “Is this real or another pump and dump ****,” added. “Stay cautious boys.”
受欢迎的加密货币评论员 Ponga 在 Twitter 上表示,“这是真的还是另一个拉高抛售****,”补充道。 “孩子们要小心。”
Messi shilling $WATER on his his instagram story in X. Is this real or another
梅西在 X 中的 Instagram 故事上花费了 $WATER 美元。这是真实的还是其他的
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