#Current Events #American Politics #Race Relations #Current News #Politics #Ideological Perspectives #Social Commentary #Cultural Analysis #Public Opinion #Diversity in Media #National Discourse #Critical Conversations #Social Justice #Media Analysis #News Analysis #Thought-Provoking #Inclusive Dialogue #Multicultural Perspectives #Contemporary Issues #Society and Culture #Elon Musk #doge #ssa審核#tax削減了#總理特朗普#maga #us農民#taxation #political Lies #podcast加入了我們的行列第19集,我們深入研究了Doge和The Doge和The Audits的真相。我們將分析有關埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk),總督硬幣,SSA等的最新新聞和更新。收聽您不想錯過的令人大開眼界的討論! 00:00:00:00 Coming Soon… 00:00:49:03 The Last Man Intro 00:01:09:12 Introductions 00:03:09:18 Dave Chappelle Routine 00:05:26:16 Mana from Heaven 00:06:29:02 Homicidal Cannibal 00:08:13:23 Efficiency versus Effectivness 00:09:33:00 Dave Chappel White Voice 00:11:38:20 How to quickly read a person 00:21:22:14 LIGO and Gravitational Waves 00:30:36:16 Trump's Inauguration Seating Chart 00:34:33:22 Failing to Achieve Goals 00:37:22:06 Blinking Speed Indicates Stress Level 00:38:52:03 Trump Impacting Rural Amricans 01:27:39:08 SSA審核上的Musk and Doge 01:42:01:16 Doge網站01:50:47:20結論“ Last Man”播客播出了來自各種政治,宗教和意識形態觀點的當前新聞,重點是種族和種族關係。我們探討了這些觀點如何塑造民族的解釋和結論,從而揭示了推動當今社會中輿論和理解的基本力量。
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