Shiba Inu:美國政府剛剛買了全部!他們確認了shiba inu $ 1! - SHIBA INU COIN NEWS TODAY *This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the ShibaAddicted studio* *Footage licensed through: StoryBlocks/Pexels* ✉️ Сontact ShibaAddicted (Channel's owner): Telegram: @AddictedShiba (BEWARE OF SCAMMERS PRETENDING TO BE ME, ALWAYS ASK TO PROVE THIS CHANNEL'S OWNERSHIP) ------------------------- This video does not encourage you to buy any of the cryptocurrencies / or investing at all.這只是業餘愛好者的意見,而不是財務顧問。在投資加密貨幣之前,我建議您與您的財務顧問交談並進行自己的研究。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------》(Shiba Inu Coin)如何可能$ 0.01!更新的價格預測! Shiba Inu代幣持有人準備好了!推動已經開始了! Shiba Inu硬幣(Shib Coin)緊急新聞!購買前觀看!這是Shiba Inu硬幣的遊戲規則!下一個100倍硬幣? Shiba Inu現在可能會達到1美分! #shibainu #shiba #shib #shibainu #shibacrypto