起源堆積起源是LGN硬幣的積分或採礦,其係統是完整的區塊鏈。平台或投資公司,某人/開發人員沒有乾擾。 Strengths of Coin Lgne: Project Defi 3.0 Baru 137 Smarted Smart Contract by Certik & Armor Data Real can be checked at Dex Scanner Strengths Staking in Origin: Reward 0.3% - 0.4% per 8 hours No capital locking & profit can be withdrawn (withdrawing) at any time 5% uses the auto coumpond staking system that is the first bonus /reward spider web system.區塊鏈。使用WAG3 Polygon Metic錢包在:TokenPoket,Trust Wallet,MetAmask等