2025緊跟暗火社區,讓資產持續翻倍幣圈8年從業經驗,金剛經,量子糾纏,易經中悟道交易人生。已幫助上百人成功上岸,找到屬於自己的交易系統,持續盈利技術:止損不等同於虧損主漲:授人以漁魚發願:渡所有幣圈落水者上岸悟道:每個人天生就是非常優秀的交易員,生活瑣事太多忘記了。 提倡:交易只是生活的一部分,不應該沉迷於交易。 交易的盡頭是一個人的修行! 二八定律:金融市場80%注定要虧錢的,只有20%是盈利的。 零和遊戲:你賺的錢一定是別人虧的,你虧的一定是被別人賺走了傳道授業:法不賤賣,道不輕傳,師不順路,醫不扣門求道之路:有術無道止於術,有道無術,術尚可求。 所有的術法也就是指的技術指標,所以很多人為什麼技術這麼精通的還是不能持續盈利呢,因為他沒有交易之道。 如果你根據夏老師視頻分析+點位,取得勝利,一定要轉USDT支持他。 TRC20:TL8sKiGTWS3Tsy2EbBBuRb2FayYJJQjRhh Telegram:@anhuoshequ @biquandaqiao 助理微帳號:anhuoshequ、anhuo06 Binance幣安返佣(20%--40%)邀請碼:KXFI55IO OKX歐意邀請連接返佣(20%--50%)邀請碼:anhuo30 Huobi火幣返佣40%--60% 邀請碼:9kwx7223 Bitget 返佣20%--40% 邀請碼:anhuo4 2025 Follow the dark fire and let your own assets continue to double. 8 years of experience in the currency industry, Diamond Sutra, quantum entanglement, and understanding of trading life in the I Ching. It has helped hundreds of people successfully log in, find their own trading system, and continue to make profits. Technology: Stop loss is not equal to loss. Main rise: teach people how to fish. Vow: ferry all the people who fall into the cryptocurrency circle to shore. Enlightenment: Everyone is born a very good trader, and there are too many trivial things in life to forget. Advocacy: Trading is only a part of life, and you should not be obsessed with trading. The end of trading is a person's practice! The 80/20 rule: 80% of the financial market is destined to lose money, and only 20% is profitable. Zero-sum game: The money you earn must be lost by others, and the money you lose must be earned by others. Teaching and teaching: The law is not sold at a low price, the way is not passed on lightly, the teacher is not on the way, and the doctor does not knock on the door. The way to seek the way: There is no way, and the way is not the way. The technique can still be sought. All the techniques refer to technical indicators, so why many people are so proficient in technology but still cannot make continuous profits, because he does not have the way of trading. If you win based on Mr. Xia's video analysis and points, you must transfer USDT to support him. TRC20:TL8sKiGTWS3Tsy2EbBBuRb2FayYJJQjRhh Telegram: @anhuoshequ @biquandaqiao Assistant WeChat Account: anhuoshequ, anhuo06 Binance rebate (20%--40%) invitation code: KXFI55IO OKX Europe and Italy invitation link rebate (20%--50%) invitation code: anhuo30 Huobi rebate 40%--60% invitation code: 9kwx7223 Bitget 返佣20%--40% invitation code:anhuo4