加密分析師和投資者奧斯汀·希爾頓(Austin Hilton)最近在XRP投資者中談到了一個共同的問題:達到100萬美元投資組合需要多少XRP?

Crypto analyst and investor Austin Hilton recently addressed a common query among XRP investors: how much of the digital asset is needed to become a millionaire.
加密分析師兼投資者奧斯汀·希爾頓(Austin Hilton)最近談到了XRP投資者中的一個共同查詢:成為百萬富翁需要多少數字資產。
In a detailed breakdown, he explained the potential growth of XRP, how different price points affect investment returns, and what it would take to achieve millionaire status through strategic XRP holdings.
在詳細的細分中,他解釋了XRP的潛在增長,不同的價格點如何影響投資回報以及通過戰略XRP Holdings實現百萬富翁身份所需的方式。
In his video, Hilton noted that the market has seen a downturn recently, with XRP, like the rest of the cryptocurrency market, being affected by recent volatility, causing a 17% drop. However, he maintains that this decline is due to temporary economic factors rather than fundamental issues with XRP.
Answered! How much XRP do you need to own to become an $XRP millionaire! pic.twitter.com
回答!您需要擁有多少XRP才能成為$ XRP百萬富翁! pic.twitter.com
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