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1909 年至 1958 年鑄造的小麥便士不僅僅是零錢;它們是許多收藏家想像中的歷史。這些硬幣背面的兩根麥稈構成了其明確的設計,是過去時代的紀念品。
Wheat pennies, minted from 1909 to 1958, are not mere pocket change; they are history captured in the imaginations of many collectors. With the two wheat stalks on the reverse side forming its definitive design, these coins are mementos of times past.
1909 年至 1958 年鑄造的小麥便士不僅僅是零錢;它們是許多收藏家想像中的歷史。背面的兩根麥稈構成了其最終設計,這些硬幣是過去時代的紀念品。
My deeper plunge into numismatics threw me into this astonishing realization: Some Wheat pennies are not just an interesting set of collectibles but are worth millions! Now let’s take a look at these three superstars, which all have different stories and together make up an unbelievable value topping out at $99 million.
我對錢幣學的深入研究讓我有了一個驚人的認識:一些小麥便士不僅是一組有趣的收藏品,而且價值數百萬美元!現在讓我們來看看這三位超級巨星,他們都有著不同的故事,但他們共同創造了令人難以置信的高達 9900 萬美元的身價。
The legendary 1943 Copper wheat penny: The treasure of War
傳奇的 1943 年銅麥便士:戰爭之寶
As war raged across the globe and every resource was hard to come by and precious, in 1943, the U.S. Mint made a major change and switched over to steel for the manufacture of pennies to salvage copper for the needs of military forces in assistance of their production efforts. Due to the switching mishap, however, some pennies were struck in copper; this is an error that has become epic.
I first came across a 1943 Copper Wheat Penny about four years ago at a coin show. Collectors were foaming at the mouth. There are only a handful of these pennies thought to exist, and it’s the holy grail of numismatics. One sold for over a whopping $1.7 million at auction, not so long ago! With its historical context thrown in, it makes it not only a coin but a veritable artifact of American history.
大約四年前,我在一次錢幣展上首次見到 1943 年銅質小麥便士。收藏家們口吐白沫。據信這些便士的存世量屈指可數,而它卻是錢幣學的聖杯。不久前,其中一件在拍賣會上以超過 170 萬美元的價格售出!加上其歷史背景,它不僅是一枚硬幣,而且是名副其實的美國歷史文物。
The 1909-S VDB wheat penny: A collector’s controversial item
1909-S VDB 小麥便士:收藏家的爭議物品
It is, as such, next in line to the 1909-S VDB Wheat Penny, holding a special place in the hearts of collectors. This coin was struck in tiny San Francisco and was the first penny of the Wheat penny series. The addition of the initials of the designer Victor David Brenner (VDB) to the reverse side adds to the controversy on account of which this coin appealed to some collectors.
因此,它僅次於 1909-S VDB 小麥便士,在收藏家心中佔有特殊的地位。這枚硬幣是在小小的舊金山鑄造的,是小麥便士系列的第一枚便士。背面添加了設計師維克多·大衛·布倫納 (VDB) 的首字母縮寫,這增加了這枚硬幣吸引一些收藏家的爭議。
The bold display of these initials led to a controversy that caused the Mint to seize the coin and jerk the initials from later coins. I mean, seeing what there was about the penny opened me up once again for that consideration of the interplay between art and politics. Result? The 1909-S VDB became a very rare find; mint-state examples can fetch many hundreds of thousands of dollars, with some nearing an auction price of almost a ton! And should you come across one, lucky you; it is indeed a great piece of numismatic history!
這些首字母的大膽展示引發了一場爭議,造幣廠沒收了這枚硬幣,並從後來的硬幣中取出了首字母。我的意思是,看到這枚便士的內容再次讓我開始思考藝術與政治之間的互動。結果? 1909-S VDB 成為非常罕見的發現;完好無損的樣品可以賣到數十萬美元,有些甚至接近一噸的拍賣價格!如果你遇到一個,那你很幸運;這確實是錢幣史上的一部偉大的作品!
The striking 1955 doubled die wheat penny: Minting mistake
引人注目的 1955 年雙模小麥便士:鑄造錯誤
The 1955 Doubled Die Wheat Penny is just one of those standouts in any collection, renowned for such a wiping error. Just imagine—aligned while in the springing, with an error that caused the date to appear doubled, and well, other inscriptions in more than one way, creating a fantastic visual that collectors go wild about. I remember a friend who once showed me his 1955 Doubled Die at a keg party; the room lit up as we all got around with our magnifying glasses, examining the clear doubling. This coin is no pot-of-gold; it’s a real collector’s niche thing! 1955 Doubled Die generally saw prices hovering around $100,000, putting it squarely on the list of must-have items for serious collectors. It’s amazing just how desirable that error in the flask can make it!
1955 年的雙模小麥便士只是所有系列中的佼佼者之一,因擦拭錯誤而聞名。試想一下,在春天的時候對齊,有一個錯誤導致日期顯示成雙倍,而且其他銘文也以多種方式出現,創造了收藏家們瘋狂的奇妙視覺效果。我記得有一次,一位朋友在一次酒桶派對上向我展示了他 1955 年生產的 Doubled Die。當我們都拿著放大鏡四處走動,檢查清晰的重影時,房間亮了起來。這枚硬幣不是一桶金子,而是一桶金子。這是真正的收藏家的利基之物! 1955 年的 Doubled Die 價格普遍徘徊在 10 萬美元左右,成為嚴肅收藏家的必備品之一。令人驚訝的是,燒瓶中的錯誤竟然可以讓它變得如此令人嚮往!
What makes wheat pennies so valuable?
Understanding what Cash of Wheat is consisted of makes for an informative lecture for both the beginner and seasoned collector. Five important points:
Advice for beginning wheat penny collectors
These are some handy hints I found while collecting Wheat pennies:
Collecting Wheat pennies can be an exciting adventure that is just as rewarding. These coins not only tied us to America’s past but have also unbelievable potential for financial rewards. Be it your initial undertaking or perhaps just a desire to add another prized piece, wheat pennies offer a fascinating hobby along with a dose of renowned history.
What renders the 1943 copper wheat penny so extraordinarily valuable?
是什麼讓 1943 年的銅麥便士如此珍貴?
Its value lies basically in the fact that the 1943 Copper Wheat Penny was struck in large part during World War II for pennies. Of Speculation, there were “some” in copper and not steel, thus rendering the coin one of the most heavily sought-after coins in the world.
其價值主要在於 1943 年銅麥便士大部分是在二戰期間鑄造的。在投機方面,「一些」是銅而不是鋼,從而使該硬幣成為世界上最搶手的硬幣之一。
Are all wheat pennies valuable?
All Wheat pennies do not carry overwhelming value; most are less than one dollar or a few cents. But there are a few rare dates and errors that could go easily for thousands or even carry worth in millions.
How can i tell if my 1955 wheat penny is a doubled die?
我該如何判斷我的 1955 年小麥便士是否是雙骰?
Look for the recognition of doubled die Wheat on 1955; you
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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