市值: $2.8449T 0.750%
體積(24小時): $168.0487B -6.070%
  • 市值: $2.8449T 0.750%
  • 體積(24小時): $168.0487B -6.070%
  • 恐懼與貪婪指數:
  • 市值: $2.8449T 0.750%
Top News

$83666.044617 USD



$2091.944091 USD



$0.999558 USD



$2.319688 USD



$563.625816 USD



$136.566716 USD



$0.999829 USD



$0.192157 USD



$0.807339 USD



$0.232527 USD



$1.767751 USD



$0.225984 USD



$9.939243 USD



$13.904662 USD



$0.283124 USD




2024/05/11 22:12

這份綜合報告分析了過去一周Web3、區塊鏈和加密貨幣領域的主要發展,提供了對重大事件、區塊鏈表現、加密貨幣市場趨勢、比特幣ETF 分析、DeFi 市場狀況、NFT 市場活動、加密貨幣募款趨勢、和區塊鏈駭客分析。該報告利用可靠的數據為利益相關者提供信息,並促進在這些快速發展的技術領域做出明智的決策。


This analysis report, backed by quality data, covers the major developments the Web3, Blockchain and Crypto sector has experienced this week. 

這份由高品質數據支援的分析報告涵蓋了本週 Web3、區塊鏈和加密貨幣領域經歷的主要發展。

1. Breaking News This Week 

  • Ethereum’s Eclipse CEO Steps Back Amid Misconduct Allegations

Neel Somani, CEO of Ethereum’s Eclipse project, reduces role following sexual misconduct allegation, asserting innocence while acknowledging gravity of situation.

1. 本週突發新聞以太坊Eclipse 首席執行官在不當行為指控中退出以太坊Eclipse 項目首席執行官尼爾·索馬尼(Neel Somani) 在性行為不當指控後減少了自己的角色,在承認情況嚴重性的同時堅稱自己無罪。

  • Kraken Questions SEC’s Case Amid Ongoing Dispute

Kraken challenges SEC’s lawsuit accuracy, three months after filing motion to dismiss, regarding charges of unregistered brokerage activities.

Kraken 在持續的爭議中對 SEC 的案件提出質疑 在提交駁回動議三個月後,Kraken 對 SEC 就未註冊經紀活動的指控提出了訴訟的準確性。

  • Bitcoin Falls as Federal Reserve Mulls Inflation Combat Tactics 

Bitcoin price drops to $60,934.11 as Federal Reserve evaluates strategies against persistent inflation in the United States.

聯準會考慮打擊通膨策略,比特幣下跌 隨著聯準會評估針對美國持續通膨的策略,比特幣價格跌至 60,934.11 美元。

  • Nigerian Government Denies Binance Bribery Allegations 

Nigerian government refutes Binance CEO’s claim of $150 million bribe demand to settle criminal charges, labelling allegations as baseless diversionary tactics.

尼日利亞政府否認幣安行賄指控 尼日利亞政府駁斥了幣安首席執行官為和解刑事指控而索要 1.5 億美元賄賂的說法,並將這些指控稱為毫無根據的轉移注意力的策略。

  • Canada Fines Binance Over Anti-Money Laundering Violations 

Canada imposes fine on Binance for violating anti-money laundering regulations, citing non-compliance with rules related to operating as foreign money services business.

加拿大因違反反洗錢規定對幣安處以罰款 加拿大因幣安違反反洗錢法規而對幣安處以罰款,理由是其未遵守與經營外國貨幣服務業務相關的規定。

  • Trump Plans Cryptocurrency Donations for Election Campaign 

Former President Trump intends to accept cryptocurrency donations for his 2024 U.S. presidential campaign, signalling a shift in approach toward crypto compared to the Biden administration.

川普計劃為競選活動提供加密貨幣捐贈前總統川普打算為其 2024 年美國總統競選活動接受加密貨幣捐贈,這表明與拜登政府相比,人們對加密貨幣的態度發生了轉變。

  • White House Blocks Republican Effort on Crypto Custody Services 

White House vows to veto House Resolution 109 aimed at freeing banks to offer crypto custody services, despite passing through the House of Representatives, halting hopes for U.S. crypto banking. 

白宮阻止共和黨在加密貨幣託管服務方面的努力白宮誓言否決眾議院第109 號決議,該決議旨在讓銀行自由提供加密貨幣託管服務,儘管該決議已獲得眾議院通過,這讓美國加密銀行業務的希望破滅。

  • Chainlink Integration Powers Hong Kong Dollar Stablecoin 

RD Technologies integrates Chainlink CCIP and Proof of Reserve to support Hong Kong dollar stablecoin, enabling secure cross-chain transfers and on-chain verification of reserve backing. 

Chainlink 集成為港元穩定幣提供支援 RD Technologies 整合了 Chainlink CCIP 和儲備證明以支援港元穩定幣,從而實現安全的跨鏈轉帳和儲備支援的鏈上驗證。

  • SEC Issues Wells Notice to Robinhood Amid Legal Threat 

Robinhood receives Wells Notice from SEC, adding to list of crypto trading platforms facing legal action, asserts platform doesn’t list securities, deeming SEC’s case weak. 

SEC 在法律威脅下向 Robinhood 發出 Wells 通知 Robinhood 收到 SEC 發出的 Wells 通知,將其添加到面臨法律訴訟的加密貨幣交易平台名單中,並聲稱該平台未列出證券,認為 SEC 的案件薄弱。

2. Blockchain Performance 

In this section, we will analyse two factors primarily: the top-performing blockchains based solely on their 7-day change and the top performers among the top five blockchains with the highest TVL.  

2. 區塊鏈表現在本節中,我們將主要分析兩個因素:僅基於7 天變化的表現最佳的區塊鏈以及TVL 最高的前5 個區塊鏈中表現最佳的區塊鏈。

2.1. Top Blockchain Performers by 7-Day Change 

This week’s top blockchain performers, based on their 7-day change, are opBNB, BNB Smart Chain, Ronin, Near Protocol, and Cosmos. Last week, the top performers were Core, ZetaChain, StarkNet, Scroll and Filecoin. None of these chains could enter the list this week. 

2.1.以 7 天變化劃分的最佳區塊鏈表現者 根據 7 天變化,本週表現最好的區塊鏈是 opBNB、BNB Smart Chain、Ronin、Near Protocol 和 Cosmos。上週表現最好的是 Core、ZetaChain、StarkNet、Scroll 和 Filecoin。這些連鎖店本週都無法進入名單。

Blockchain 7-Day Change (in %)TVL
BNB Smart Chain +12.1%$6,029,605,772
Near Protocol+5.0%$317,732,963
Cosmos +4.7%$1,372,069

opBNB marks the highest 7-day change of +17.1%. BNB Smart Chain closely follows with +12.15%. Ronin, Near Protocol, and Cosmos register +5.1%, +5.0% and +4.1% respectively. 

區塊鏈 7 天變化(百分比)TVLopBNB+17.1%$29,035,685BNB 智慧鏈 +12.1%$6,029,605,772Ronin+5.1%$187,485,507Near Protocol+5.0%$317,$187,485,507Near Protocol+5.0%$313,$187,485,507Near Protocol+5.0%$313, 73,739變化+17.1%。 BNB 智慧鏈緊隨其後,漲幅為 12.15%。 Ronin、Near Protocol 和 Cosmos 的增幅分別為 +5.1%、+5.0% 和 +4.1%。

2.2. Top Performers: 7-Day Change in Top 5 Blockchains with Highest TVL

Ethereum, TRON, BNB Smart Chain, Solana, and Arbitrum One are the top five blockchains in the market on the basis of TVL and market dominance. Let’s see how the top five blockchains have performed this week, using 7-day TVL change. 

2.2.表現最佳:TVL 最高的前 5 名區塊鏈的 7 天變化thereum、TRON、BNB Smart Chain、Solana 和 Arbitrum One 是基於 TVL 和市場主導地位的市場前 5 名區塊鏈。讓我們使用 7 天 TVL 變化來看看本週排名前五的區塊鏈表現如何。


Compared to the last week, this week, the dominance of Ethereum has slightly decreased from 63.26% to 61.52%. Similarly, BNB Smart Chain has seen an increase from 6.18% to 7.15%. 

與上週相比,本週以太坊的統治力略有下降,從 63.26% 降至 61.52%。同樣,BNB智慧鏈也從6.18%上漲至7.15%。

Blockchain Dominance (in %) 7d Change (in %) TVL 
BNB Smart Chain 7.15%+12.1%$6,029,605,772
Solana 4.77%+2.6%$4,022,451,729
Arbitrum One 3.01%-3.4%$2,540,928,822

Among the top five chains by TVL, BNB Smart Chain marks the highest 7-day change of +12.1%. Solana follows with +2.6%. The chain with the highest negative 7-day change is Ethereum, which records a change of -5.7%. Arbitrum One follows with a negative change of -3.4%

區塊鏈主導地位(百分比)7d 變化(百分比)TVL 以太坊61.52%-5.7%$51,847,288,647TRON9.74%-2.3%$8,211,022,800BNB 智慧鏈7.15%+12.1%7,022,800BNB 智慧鏈7.15%+12.1%5,07% 451,729仲裁一號3.01%- 3.4%$2,540,928,822其他13.80%在TVL排名前五的鏈中,BNB智能鏈7天變化最高,+12.1%。 Solana 緊隨其後,增幅為 2.6%。 7天負變化最高的鍊是以太坊,其記錄變化為-5.7%。 Arbitrum One 緊隨其後,負變化為 -3.4%

Also Read: Blockchain Report & Market Insights for April 2024: What You Should Know

另請閱讀:2024 年 4 月區塊鏈報告和市場洞察:您應該了解什麼

3. Crypto Market Analysis 

The crypto 7-day price change and dominance analysis and top gains and losers analysis are the two prime areas of the crypto market analysis. 

3. 加密貨幣市場分析 加密貨幣7天價格變化和主導地位分析以及最大收益和損失分析是加密貨幣市場分析的兩個主要領域。

3.1. Crypto 7-D Price Change and Dominance Analysis  

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, BNB, and Solana are the top cryptocurrencies as per the market cap and dominance indices. Let’s analyse their seven-day price change. 

3.1.加密貨幣 7-D 價格變化和主導地位分析 根據市值和主導地位指數,比特幣、以太幣、Tether、BNB 和 Solana 是頂級加密貨幣。讓我們來分析一下他們的7天價格變動。


Compared to the previous week, the dominance of Ethereum has slightly reduced from 15.23% to 14.78%. Others have experienced only minimal changes. 

與前一周相比,以太坊的主導地位略有下降,從 15.23% 降至 14.78%。其他人只經歷了最小的變化。

Cryptocurrency7-D Change (in %)Dominance Percentage PriceMarket Cap
Bitcoin -3.9%50.71%$60,934.11$1,200,268,706,365
Ethereum -6.4%14.78%$2,921.19$350,807,094,812
Tether -0.0%4.68%$1.00$110,844,032,187
Solana +0.4%2.77%$145.83$65,235,323,274
Others 23.25%

Among the top five cryptocurrencies by market cap, only Solana marks a positive change; it records a change of +0.4%. The highest negative change is shown by Etherem, which registers a change of -6.4%. 

加密貨幣七維變化(%)主導地位百分比價格市值比特幣-3.9%50.71%$60,934.11$1,200,268,706,365以太坊-6.4%14.78%$2,921.19$350,807,094180. ,187BNB+0.0%3.81%$586.70$90,180,359,491Solana + 0.4%2.77%$145.83 $65,235,323,274其他 23.25%在市值排名前五的加密貨幣中,只有 Solana 出現了積極的變化;它記錄了+0.4%的變化。 Etherem 顯示了最大的負變化,其變化為 -6.4%。

Last week, Bitcoin and Tether showcased positive changes. This time, Bitcoin displays a negative change of -3.9%, and Tether shows a change of -0.0%

上週,比特幣和 Tether 出現了積極的變化。這次,比特幣顯示-3.9%的負變化,Tether顯示-0.0%的變化

3.2. Top Gainers & Losers of the Week in Crypto Market 

Here is the list of top gainers and top losers of the week in the cryptocurrency market. The analysis is made using the 7-day Gain and 7-day Lose indices. 

3.2.本週加密貨幣市場漲幅最大和跌幅最大的股票 以下是本週加密貨幣市場漲幅最大和跌幅最大的股票的清單。該分析是使用 7 天收益和 7 天損失指數進行的。

3.2.1. Top Gainers of the Week in Crypto 

Cryptocurrency 7-Day Gain Price 
Akash Network +35.02%$5.85
Render +30.09%$10.87
Toncoin +20.60%$6.97
Arweave +16.59%$41.24

Akash Network, with +35.02% gain, is the top gainer of the week. Render and Toncoin follow with +30.09 gain and +20.60% gain, respectively. Arweave and Kaspa show +16.59% gain and +15.06% gain, respectively. 

3.2.1.本週加密貨幣加密貨幣 7 天漲幅 Akash Network +35.02%$5.85Render +30.09%$10.87Toncoin +20.60%$6.97Arweave +16.59%$41.24Kaspa$6.97Arweave +16.59%$41.24Kaspa+15.6%A$A.股票。 Render 和 Toncoin 分別以 +30.09 和 +20.60% 的漲幅緊隨其後。 Arweave 和 Kaspa 的漲幅分別為 +16.59% 和 +15.06%。

In the previous week, Pepe was the top gainer. That time, a trend favourable towards memecoins was visible. This time, what we see is a trend favouring AI & Big Data tokens. 


3.2.2. Top Losers of the Week in Crypto 

Cryptocurrency 7-Day LossPrice 
Core -21.20%$1.62
Wormhole -20.50%$0.5974
Bonk -19.25%$0.00002309
Stacks -17.34%$2.01
Lido DAO-14.40%$1.78

Core, with a 7-day loss of -21.20%, is the top loser of the week. Wormhole follows with a 7-day loss of -20.50%. Bank registers a loss of -19.25%, and Stacks displays a loss of -17.34%. Lido DAO reports a loss of -14.40%. 

3.2.2.本週加密貨幣加密貨幣 7 天損失價格核心 -21.20%$1.62Wormhole -20.50%$0.5974Bonk -19.25%$0.00002309Stacks -17.34%$2.01Lido DAO-14.40%$1.78C.的最大輸家。蟲洞緊追在後,7 天損失-20.50%。 Bank 的虧損為-19.25%,Stacks 的虧損為-17.34%。 Lido DAO 報告虧損-14.40%。

Last week, the biggest losers were Helium, Sui, Ondo, Polkadot, and Beam. This time, we see none of them in the list, giving an impression that they have improved its performance.    

上週,跌幅最大的是 Helium、Sui、Ondo、Polkadot 和 Beam。這次,我們在清單中沒有看到它們,給人的印像是它們已經提高了效能。

3.3. Stablecoin Weekly Analysis 

Tether, USDC, DAI, First Digital USD, and Ethena USDe are the top stablecoins in the market in terms of market capitalization. Let’s analyse their weekly performance using seven-day market capitalisation, market dominance and trading volume indices.

3.3.穩定幣每週分析 Tether、USDC、DAI、First Digital USD 和 Ethena USDe 是市場上市值最高的穩定幣。讓我們使用 7 天市值、市場主導地位和交易量指數來分析他們的每週表現。

Stablecoins Market Dominance (7d) [in %]Market Capitalisation (7d)Trading Volume (7d)Market Capitalisation
Tether 70.63%$110,774,390,760$43,232,517,723$110,839,699,373
Dai 3.48%$5,459,263,317$591,430,715$5,465,103,817
First Digital USD2.43%$3,813,866,678$6,017,294,988$3,818,135,796
Ethena USDe1.47%$2,302,513,937$55,284,303$2,302,847,630
Others 0.87%

Tether dominates the stablecoin market with a dominance percentage of 70.63%. USDC follows with an impressive dominance percentage of 21.11%. Dai, First Digital USD and Ethena USDe show 3.48%, 2.43% and 1.47% dominance, respectively. 

。 103,817first Digital USD2.43% USDe1.47%$2,302,513,937$55,284,303$2,302,847,630其他0.87%Tether 以70.63% 的主導比例主導穩定幣市場。 USDC 以 21.11% 的令人印象深刻的主導地位緊隨其後。 Dai、First Digital USD 和 Ethena USDe 分別佔據 3.48%、2.43% 和 1.47% 的主導地位。

Compared to the previous week’s market dominance data, we see no significant changes in dominance of any of the top five stablecoins. 


3.3.1. Stablecoin Weekly Price Analysis 

Let’s analyse the weekly performance of the top stablecoins further using the seven-day price change index. 

3.3.1.穩定幣每週價格分析讓我們使用 7 天價格變化指數進一步分析頂級穩定幣的每週表現。

Stablecoins 7-Day Price Change (in %)Price
Tether -0.0%$1.00
Dai +0.1%$0.9982
First Digital USD-0.0%$1.00
Ethena USDe+0.3%$1.00

Among the top five stablecoins by dominance, this week, Ethena USDe and Dai display +0.3% and +0.1% change, respectively. USDC shows a negative change of -0.2%. Tether and First Digital USD showcase no change. 

穩定幣7 天價格變動(百分比)價格Tether -0.0%$1.00USDC-0.2%$1.00Dai +0.1%$0.9982First Digital USD-0.0%$1.00Ethena USDe+0.3%$1.00本週按主導地位排名前五幣中排名前五的穩定幣中排名前五的穩定幣,Ethena USDe 和 Dai 分別顯示 +0.3% 和 +0.1% 的變化。 USDC 顯示負變化為-0.2%。 Tether 和 First Digital USD 沒有變化。

Last week, only Dai showed stability. The others showed positive changes, ranging from +0.1% to +0.4%

上週,只有 Dai 表現穩定。其他的則呈現積極的變化,範圍從 +0.1% 到 +0.4%

Also Check Out: Stablecoin April 2024 Report: An In-Depth Performance Analysis. 

另請參閱:穩定幣 2024 年 4 月報告:深入性能分析。

4. Bitcoin ETF Weekly Analysis 

Bitcoin Futures ETFs and Bitcoin Spot ETFs should be analysed separately, in order to get the right picture of the Bitcoin ETF market, as they represent two different segments. Let’s start!

4. 比特幣 ETF 每週分析 比特幣期貨 ETF 和比特幣現貨 ETF 應分別進行分析,以便正確了解比特幣 ETF 市場,因為它們代表兩個不同的細分市場。開始吧!

4.1. Bitcoin Futures ETF Weekly Analysis 

ProShares (BITO), VanEck (XBTF), Valkyrie (BTF), Global X (BITS), and Ark/21 Shares (ARKA) are the top Bitcoin Future ETFs, as per the Asset Under Management index. Let’s use the price change percentage index to analyse these ETFs.

4.1.比特幣期貨 ETF 每週分析 根據資產管理指數,ProShares (BITO)、VanEck (XBTF)、Valkyrie (BTF)、Global X (BITS) 和 Ark/21 Shares (ARKA) 是頂級比特幣期貨 ETF。讓我們使用價格變化百分比指數來分析這些ETF。

Bitcoin Futures ETFsPrice Change (Gain/Loss) [in %]Asset Under Management (in Million)Price 
Proshares (BITO)-2.84%$598.78M$24.64
Valkyrie (BTF)-3.38%$38.20M$17.44
Global X(BITS)-3.71%$26.10M$59.63
Ark/21 Shares (ARKA)-2.16%$8.01M$58.36

Among the top five Bitcoin Futures ETFs by Asset Under Management, this week, only VanEck shows a positive change of +0.33%. The others showcase negative changes. With -3.71% change, Global X records the highest negative change. Valkyrie, Proshares and Ark/21 Shares follow with -3.38%, -2.84% and -2.46%.

比特幣期貨 ETF 價格變化(收益/損失)[%]管理資產(百萬)價格 Proshares (BITO)-2.84%$598.78M$24.64VanEck(XBTF)+0.33%$42.41M$39.22Valkyrie (BTF)-3.38%$38.20M $17.44Global X(BITS)-3.71%$2610M$59.63Ark/21 Shares (ARKA)-2.16%$801M$58.36在資產管理規模排名前五位的比特幣期貨ETF 中,本週只有VanEck 出現了+0.33% 的正變化。其他的則展示了負面的變化。 Global X 的變化為-3.71%,創下了最高的負變化。 Valkyrie、Proshares 和 Ark/21 Shares 緊隨其後,分別為-3.38%、-2.84% 和-2.46%。

In the previous week, all of these ETFs expressed positive changes. The one with the highest change was Ark/21 Shares, which recorded a change of +4.72%.

上週,所有這些ETF都出現了積極的變化。漲幅最大的是Ark/21 Shares,漲幅為+4.72%。

4.2. Bitcoin Spot ETF Weekly Analysis 

Grayscale (GBTC), Blackrock (IBIT), Fidelity (FBTC), Ark/21 Shares (ARKB), and Bitwise (BITB) are the top Bitcoin Spot ETFs, as per the Asset Under Management index. Let’s analyse them using the price change index. 

4.2.比特幣現貨 ETF 每週分析 根據資產管理指數,Grayscale (GBTC)、Blackrock (IBIT)、Fidelity (FBTC)、Ark/21 Shares (ARKB) 和 Bitwise (BITB) 是頂級比特幣現貨 ETF。讓我們使用價格變化指數來分析它們。

Bitcoin Spot ETFsPrice Change (Gain/Loss) [in %]Asset Under Management (in Billion)Price 
Grayscale (GBTC)-2.84%$24.33B$53.99
Fidelity (FBTC)-2.95%$9.90B$53.05
Ark/21 Shares (ARKB)-2.98%$2.85B$60.64
Bitwise (BITB)-2.85%$2.16B$33.07

Among the top five Bitcoin Spot ETFs by AUM, none of them show a positive change. Ark/21 Shares records the highest negative change of -2.98%. The others closely follow with changes ranging between -2.95% to -2.81%.  

比特幣現貨ETF 價格變動(收益/損失)[%]管理資產(十億)價格灰階(GBTC)-2.84%$24.33B$53.99貝萊德(IBIT)-2.81%$17.24B$34.58富達(FBTC)- 2.95%$9.90B $53.05Ark/21 Shares (ARKB)-2.98%$2.85B$60.64Bitwise (BITB)-2.85%$2.16B$33.07按資產管理規模排名前五的比特幣現貨 ETF 中,沒有一個出現積極變化。 Ark/21 股票錄得最高負變動 -2.98%。其他緊隨其後,變化範圍在-2.95%至-2.81%之間。

Last week, all of these ETFs displayed positive changes. None of them showed a change lower than 4%. 

上週,所有這些 ETF 都出現了積極的變化。它們的變化均不低於 4%。

This Might Interest You: Should You Invest in Bitcoin ETFs? Detailed Monthly Review and Analysis for April 2024

您可能對此感興趣:您應該投資比特幣 ETF 嗎? 2024 年 4 月詳細每月回顧與分析

5. DeFi Market Weekly Status Analysis 

Lido, EigenLayer, AAVE, Maker, and JustLend are the five top DeFi protocols on the basis of TVL. Let’s analyse its weekly performance using the 7d Change index.

5. DeFi 市場每週狀況分析 Lido、EigenLayer、AAVE、Maker 和 JustLend 是基於 TVL 的五個頂級 DeFi 協議。讓我們使用 7 天變化指數來分析其每週表現。

DeFi Protocols7d Change (in Total Value Locked) [in %]TVL
EigenLayer -7.60%$14.368B
Maker -1.58%$8.062B
JustLend -2.78%$5.963B

Among the top five DeFi protocols by TVL, this week, none of them registers positive changes. The highest negative change of -7.60% is recorded by EigenLayer. Lido closely follows with -6.16%. AAVE, Just Lend and Maker display -3.02%, -2.78%, and -1.58%, respectively. 

DeFi 協議7 天變更(鎖定總價值)[%]TVLLido-6.16%$27.448BEigenLayer -7.60%$14.368BAAVE-3.02%$10.297BMaker -1.58%$8.062BJustLend -2.78%55963 5.5963BJustLend -2.78%$59963 中排名前五.週,它們都沒有出現積極的變化。 EigenLayer 記錄了最高負變化 -7.60%。麗都緊跟在後,為-6.16%。 AAVE、Just Lend 和 Maker 分別顯示-3.02%、-2.78% 和-1.58%。

Last week, all of these DeFi protocols experienced positive changes. EigenLayer recorded the highest positive change of +1.08%. Maker followed with a change of +0.95%. 

上週,所有這些 DeFi 協議都經歷了積極的變化。 EigenLayer 記錄的最高正變化為 +1.08%。 Maker 緊追在後,變化為+0.95%。

6. NFT Marketplace: A Basic Weekly Analysis 

Blur, Blur Aggregator, Cryptopunks, Gem and X2Y2 are the top NFT marketplaces on the basis of market share. Let’s analyse them using the Volume Change (change of last 7d volume over the previous 7d volume) index.  

6. NFT 市場:基本每週分析 Blur、Blur Aggregator、Cryptopunks、Gem 和 X2Y2 是按市佔率計算的頂級 NFT 市場。讓我們使用成交量變化(最後 7 天的成交量相對於前 7 天的成交量的變化)指數來分析它們。


Compared to the previous week, this week the market share of Cryptopunks has witnessed a considerable increase from 2.99% to 14.98%. Conversely, Blur has experienced a notable reduction from 69.55% to 57.83%.  

與上週相比,本週加密龐克的市佔率有了較大幅度的成長,從 2.99% 上升至 14.98%。相反,模糊則顯著下降,從 69.55% 降至 57.83%。

NFT Marketplaces Volume Change [Last 7 Day over the Previous 7 Day Volume]Market Share7-day Rolling Volume 7-day Rolling Trades 
Blur -29.12%57.83%11414.7121540
Blur Aggregator -30.39%23.19%5075.319015
Cryptopunks +15.57%14.98%1520.4831
Others 2.17%

Among the top five NFT marketplaces by market share, this week, X2Y2 records the highest volume change of +32.90%. Cryptopunks follows with +15.57%. Gem registers a change of -1.02%. Blur Aggregator and Blur show -30.39% and -29.12% change, respectively.

NFT 市場交易量變化[過去7 天與前7 天交易量的比較] 市佔率7 天滾動交易量7 天滾動交易Blur -29.12%57.83%11414.7121540Blur 聚合器-30.39%23.19%5075.319015Cryptop7% %152 0.4831寶石- 1.02%1.02%269.541457X2Y2+32.90%0.81%300.36158其他2.17%在按市場份額排名前五的NFT市場中,本週X2Y2的交易量變化最高,為按市場份額排名前五的NFT市場中,本週X2Y2的交易量變化最高,為3+3%。加密龐克緊隨其後,增幅為 15.57%。創業板的變化為-1.02%。 Blur Aggregator 和 Blur 分別顯示 -30.39% 和 -29.12% 的變化。

In the previous week, the only one market place which showcased a positive change was Blur. It marked a change of +17.82%. That week, Cryptopunks, with -73.99% change, was the one that showed the highest negative change. 

上週,唯一出現正面變化的市場是 Blur。變化幅度為+17.82%。那一周,Cryptopunks 的變化為-73.99%,是負變化最高的。

6.1. Top NFT Collectible Sales this Week 

CryptoPunks #3619, CryptoPunks #4926, Azuki #4357, CryptoPunks #2549, and BOOGLE #Hwh6Z4 are the top NFT collectable sales reported this week in the NFT market landscape. 

6.1.本週 NFT 收藏品銷量最高的 CryptoPunks #3619、CryptoPunks #4926、Azuki #4357、CryptoPunks #2549 和 BOOGLE #Hwh6Z4 是本週在 NFT 市場格局中報告的銷量最高的 NFT 收藏品。

NFT Collectibles Price (in USD)
CryptoPunks #3619$627,990.88
CryptoPunks #4926$329,252.84
Azuki #4357$273,445.56
CryptoPunks #2549$194,213.80
BOOGLE #Hwh6Z4$192,124.10

CryptoPunks #3619 is priced at $627,990.88, which is the highest recorded this week. CryptoPunks #4926, priced at $329,252.84, is the second best price. Azuki #4357 ($273,445.56) and CryptoPunks #2549 ($194,213.80) hold the third and fourth positions in terms of price, respectively. BOOGLE #Hwh6Z4 is priced at $192,124.10.   

NFT 收藏價格(美元)CryptoPunks #3619$627,990.88CryptoPunks #4926$329,252.84Azuki #4357$273,445.56CryptoPunks #2549$4357$273,445.56CryptoPunks #2549$194,213,445.56CryptoPunks #2549$194,2131. 619 的售價為 627,990.88 美元,這是本週的最高記錄。 CryptoPunks #4926 的售價為 329,252.84 美元,是第二好的價格。 Azuki #4357(273,445.56 美元)和 CryptoPunks #2549(194,213.80 美元)在價格方面分別佔據第三和第四位。 BOOGLE #Hwh6Z4 售價為 192,124.10 美元。

7. Web3 Weekly Funding Analysis 

7.1. General Crypto Fundraising Trend Analysis 

Between May 6th and 12th, 2024, the number of fundraising rounds reported is over 30. The total funds raised in this period is around $142.50M. Previous week, between April 29th and May 5th, 2024, the number of fundraising rounds reported was 30, the same as the one reported now. But, the total funds raised in that period was $143.96M, slightly higher than the one reported this week.    

7. Web3 每週資金分析 7.1。一般加密貨幣融資趨勢分析 2024 年 5 月 6 日至 12 日期間,報告的融資輪數超過 30 輪。上週,即2024年4月29日至5月5日期間,報告的籌款輪數為30輪,與現在報告的輪次相同。但是,該時期籌集的資金總額為 1.4396 億美元,略高於本周公布的金額。

The two prime areas of the general crypto fundraising trend analysis are the crypto fundraising by category analysis and the top crypto investment locations analysis.  


7.1.1. Crypto Fundraising by Category This Week 

Blockchain Infrastructure, Blockchain Services, CeFi, Chain, DeFi, GameFi, NFT and Social are the categories, which witnessed activities this week. Let’s analyse them using the Number of Fundraising Rounds and Funds Raised in USD indices. 

7.1.1.本週加密募款按類別劃分:區塊鏈基礎設施、區塊鏈服務、CeFi、Chain、DeFi、GameFi、NFT 和社交是本週活動的類別。讓我們使用美元指數中的籌款輪數和籌集資金來分析它們。

Category Number of Fundraising Rounds May 6 – 12, 2024Funds Raised in USDMay 6 – 12, 2024
Blockchain Infrastructure 7$41.90M
Blockchain Services 8$25.10M
Chain 3$9.50M
Social 1$3.00M

This week, Blockchain Infrastructure, raised the highest amount of $41.90M, receives the first position. CeFi, raised $32.50M, gets the second. Blockchain Services, with $25.10M, remains in the third position. GameFi, NFT and Chain raised $13.50M, $10.00M, and $9.50M, respectively. DeFi and Social secured $7.00M and $3.00M, respectively. 

類別募款輪數2024 年5 月6 日至12 日以美元籌資2024 年5 月6 日至12 日區塊鏈基礎設施7$41.90M區塊鏈服務8$25.10MCeFi4$32.50MChain 3$9.50MDeFi2$7.00MGFi$13.503$13.503$13. MNFT2$10.00MSocial 1$3.00M本週,區塊鏈基礎設施籌集了最高金額價值 4190 萬美元,獲得第一名。 CeFi 籌集了 3250 萬美元,位居第二。區塊鏈服務以 2510 萬美元的價格保持在第三位。 GameFi、NFT 和 Chain 分別籌集了 1,350 萬美元、1,000 萬美元和 950 萬美元。 DeFi 和 Social 分別獲得了 700 萬美元和 300 萬美元。

In the previous week, CeFi, raised $47.00M, was the category that attained the first position in terms of funds raised. DeFi and Social followed with $28.00M and $20.00M funds raised, respectively. 

上週,CeFi 籌集了 4,700 萬美元,是籌集資金排名第一的類別。 DeFi 和 Social 緊隨其後,分別籌集了 2,800 萬美元和 2,000 萬美元的資金。

7.1.2. Top Crypto Investment Locations This Week 

Apart from the undisclosed, Singapore, Switzerland, United States, Sweden, Hong Kong and United Kingdom are the top crypto investment locations this week.  

7.1.2.本週頂級加密貨幣投資地點 除了未公開的之外,新加坡、瑞士、美國、瑞典、香港和英國是本週頂級加密貨幣投資地點。

Crypto Investment LocationsFunds Raised in (%)Funds Raised in USDNumber of Fundraising Rounds
Undisclosed 84%$120.76M23
Singapore 5%$7.00M1
Switzerland 4%$5.50M1
United States 4%$5.60M2
Sweden 1%$1.60M1
Hong Kong1%$1.50M1
United Kingdom1%$1.00M1

This week, Undisclosed raised the highest amount of $120.76M, which is almost 84% of the total funds raised. Singapore and Switzerland secured $7.00M and $5.50M, respectively, which are just 5% and 4% of the total funds raised. The United States raised $5.60M, which is also 4% of the total amount raised. Sweden, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom attained $1.60M, $1.50M, and $1.00M, respectively – each represents just 1% of the total funds raised. 

加密貨幣投資地點籌資(%) 募款以美元計募款輪數未公開 84%$120.76M23新加坡 5%$7.00M1瑞士 4%$5.50M1美國 4%$5.60M2瑞典 1%$1.60M10M1美國 4%$5.60M2瑞典 1%$1.60M11%$150M10M50M1 1%$1.00M1本週, 未公開募集最高金額為 12076 萬美元,幾乎佔募集資金總額的 84%。新加坡和瑞士分別籌集了 700 萬美元和 550 萬美元,僅佔籌集資金總額的 5% 和 4%。美國籌集了560萬美元,也佔籌集總額的4%。瑞典、香港和英國分別籌集了 160 萬美元、150 萬美元和 100 萬美元,僅佔籌集資金總額的 1%。

Last week, the United States, which became the top performer by funds raised, amassed nearly $58.80M – which was around 45% of the total funds raised. This week, we see an unusual growth of Undisclosed – the amount of money it collected last week was under 43% of the total funds raised. What we see in undisclosed is a 41% gain in the share of the total funds raised; in the United States is a 41% loss.  

上週,美國成為籌集資金表現最好的國家,籌集了近 5,880 萬美元,約佔籌集資金總額的 45%。本週,我們看到 Undisclosure 出現了不尋常的增長——上週募集到的資金不到募集資金總額的 43%。我們在未揭露的資訊中看到,募集資金總額的份額增加了 41%;美國則損失了41%。

7.2. ICO Landscape: A Weekly Overview  

ICOFund Received Token Price Fundraising GoalTotal Tokens Token (Available for Sale)
Morpheus N/AN/AN/A42,000,000N/A

Trailblaze and Morpheus are the major ICOs that ended this week. Let’s analyse how much amount they received. Trailblaze raised an impressive sum of $1,430,000. Its token price is $0.015 and its token (available for sale) is 30.3%. 

7.2. ICO 概況:每週概覽ICOFund 收到的代幣價格籌款目標代幣總數代幣(可供出售)Trailblaze$1,430,000$0.015$730,000420,000,00030.3%Morpheus N/AN/AN/A420,000,00030.3%Morpheus N/AN/AN/A42,000和Morpheus 是主要的ICO本週結束。讓我們來分析一下他們收到了多少錢。 Trailblaze 籌集了 1,430,000 美元的巨額資金。其代幣價格為 0.015 美元,其代幣(可出售)為 30.3%。

8. Weekly Blockchain Hack Analysis

As of May 11th, 2024, hackers have stolen a total of $7.82 billion, mostly from decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms and blockchain bridges. DeFi platforms suffered the most significant losses, about $5.9 billion, while bridges connecting different blockchains lost around $2.83 billion.

8.每週區塊鏈駭客分析截至 2024 年 5 月 11 日,駭客總共竊取了 78.2 億美元,大部分來自去中心化金融(DeFi)平台和區塊鏈橋。 DeFi 平台遭受的損失最為嚴重,約 59 億美元,而連接不同區塊鏈的橋樑損失約為 28.3 億美元。

The two major hacks reported recently are Yield Protocol Hack and Pike Finance Hack. Both these hacks were reported on the last day of the previous month, 30th April, 2024. Yield Protocol lost about $181,000 due to a balance disparity exploit. Around $1.6 million was stolen from Pink Finance using a storage misalignment exploit.

最近報導的兩個主要駭客攻擊是 Yield Protocol Hack 和 Pike Finance Hack。這兩次駭客攻擊都是在上個月的最後一天(即 2024 年 4 月 30 日)報告的。 Pink Finance 利用儲存錯位漏洞竊取了大約 160 萬美元。

In the month of May, so far, no major hacks have been reported. 



In this week’s comprehensive analysis of Web3, Blockchain and Crypto, we have brought out powerful insights, which can be used to stay-to-data about the market developments. As the landscape evolves, the strategic integration of technology and data-driven decision-making becomes paramount for stakeholders navigating the dynamic realms of decentralised technologies. 

Endnote 在本週對 Web3、區塊鏈和加密貨幣的全面分析中,我們提出了強有力的見解,可用於掌握有關市場發展的數據。隨著情勢的發展,技術和數據驅動決策的策略整合對於利害關係人在去中心化技術的動態領域中導航變得至關重要。



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