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Virtuals Protocol:融合區塊鏈技術的AI代理生成平台全面解析

2025/01/03 10:03

透過對Virtuals Protocol的多維度深入分析,我們可以看到該專案在AI Agent與區塊鏈融合領域展現了強大的發展潛力。

Virtuals Protocol:融合區塊鏈技術的AI代理生成平台全面解析

Virtuals Protocol, founded in 2021, is an AI Agent generation platform based on blockchain technology. It aims to allow anyone to create an AI agent, a virtual character that can interact and engage with the environment like a human. Virtuals Protocol's vision is to completely change the way virtual interactions are done by creating hyper-personalized and immersive experiences.

Virtuals Protocol成立於2021年,是一個基於區塊鏈技術的AI Agent生成平台。它的目標是讓任何人都可以創建一個人工智慧代理,一個可以像人類一樣與環境互動和互動的虛擬角色。 Virtuals Protocol 的願景是透過創造超個人化和沈浸式體驗來徹底改變虛擬互動的方式。

The project was officially launched in 2023. The core vision is to achieve decentralized co-ownership of AI agents through blockchain technology and promote the widespread application of AI in games, entertainment, and the metaverse. Virtuals Protocol's AI agents have multimodal interaction capabilities (text, voice, 3D animation) and can run seamlessly on multiple platforms, such as Roblox, TikTok, and Telegram games.

此計畫於2023年正式啟動,核心願景是透過區塊鏈技術實現AI主體的去中心化共有,推動AI在遊戲、娛樂、元宇宙等領域的廣泛應用。 Virtuals Protocol 的 AI 代理具有多模態互動能力(文字、語音、3D 動畫),可在多個平台上無縫運行,例如 Roblox、TikTok 和 Telegram 遊戲。

The development of Virtuals Protocol can be divided into the following important stages:

Virtuals Protocol的發展可分為以下幾個重要階段:

2021: PathDAO, the predecessor of the project, was established, focusing on game guilds and GameFi investments. PathDAO has accumulated rich resources and experience in the GameFi field, laying the foundation for subsequent transformation.

2021年:計畫前身PathDAO成立,專注於遊戲公會和GameFi投資。 PathDAO在GameFi領域累積了豐富的資源和經驗,為後續轉型奠定了基礎。

2023: As ChatGPT leads AI technology to become popular around the world, PathDAO officially transforms into Virtuals Protocol, focusing on the combination of AI and blockchain, and deploying smart contracts on the Base chain. This transformation marks the project's transition from traditional GameFi to AI-driven blockchain protocols.

2023年:隨著ChatGPT引領AI技術在全球流行,PathDAO正式轉型為Virtuals Protocol,專注於AI與區塊鏈的結合,並在Base鏈上部署智慧合約。這一轉變標誌著該項目從傳統 GameFi 向人工智慧驅動的區塊鏈協議的過渡。

2024: Virtuals Protocol launches its first AI agent, Luna, which has gained more than 500,000 followers on TikTok, demonstrating the commercial potential of AI agents. Luna's success not only verifies the technical feasibility of the project, but also provides valuable experience for subsequent AI agent development. Currently, more than 1,000 AI agents have been created on Virtuals Protocol.

2024年:Virtuals Protocol推出首款AI代理Luna,在TikTok上擁有超過50萬粉絲,展現了AI代理的商業潛力。 Luna的成功不僅驗證了專案的技術可行性,也為後續AI代理的開發提供了寶貴的經驗。目前,Virtuals Protocol 上已建立了 1000 多個 AI 代理程式。

At the end of 2024, Virtuals Protocol is launched on several well-known exchanges, and the market value of the token $VIRTUAL soars from tens of millions of US dollars to more than 3 billion US dollars in more than two months, marking the official entry of the project into the mainstream cryptocurrency market and gaining widespread attention and recognition.

2024年底,Virtuals Protocol在多家知名交易所上線,代幣$VIRTUAL市值在兩個多月內從千萬美元飆升至超過30億美元,標誌著Virtuals Protocol正式上線。廣泛關注和認可。

The Virtuals Protocol team is composed of a group of young people with experience in consulting, blockchain, AI and gaming. The core members include:

Virtuals Protocol 團隊由一群在諮詢、區塊鏈、人工智慧和遊戲領域擁有豐富經驗的年輕人組成。核心成員包括:

Jansen Teng: Co-founder and CEO, graduated from Imperial College London in 2018, participated in the establishment of ThinAir Water, DIAM Digital Marketing, Aidaro and other companies, and worked at Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Jansen Teng:共同創辦人兼CEO,2018年畢業於倫敦帝國學院,參與創辦ThinAir Water、DIAM Digital Marketing、Aidaro等公司,曾任職於波士頓顧問集團(BCG)。

Wee Kee: Co-founder, obtained a bachelor's degree from Imperial College London in 2017 and a master's degree from London Business School in 2018. He participated in the establishment of Aidaro and also worked at BCG Consulting.

Wee Kee:共同創辦人,2017年獲得倫敦帝國學院學士學位,2018年獲得倫敦商學院碩士學位。

Other members include Matthew Tang, Josh Wang Khang Hwu, Hardeep Meghera, Armielyn Obinguar, Weixiong Tay, Charan Rao, Joshua Moh, etc. Most of the other team members are from Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions. Their educational backgrounds include Cambridge University, Imperial College and other prestigious universities, and they have work experience in well-known companies such as Accenture, Grab, Shopee, etc. The team's technical strength and industry resources provide a strong guarantee for the success of the project.

其他成員包括Matthew Tang、Josh Wang Khang Hwu、Hardeep Meghera、Armielyn Obinguar、Weixiong Tay、Charan Rao、Joshua Moh等。 Their educational backgrounds include Cambridge University, Imperial College and other prestigious universities, and they have work experience in well-known companies such as Accenture, Grab, Shopee, etc. The team's technical strength and industry resources provide a strong guarantee for the success of the專案.

Virtuals Protocol adopts a decentralized operation mode, with blockchain as the underlying infrastructure, and uses smart contracts to ensure the transparency, fairness and immutability of various interactive behaviors in the ecosystem. Users can easily create their own AI agents through the simple operation interface provided by the platform. These AI agents have unique properties and functions. For example, some agents are good at writing articles, while others are excellent in image design.

Virtuals Protocol採用去中心化的運作模式,以區塊鏈作為底層基礎設施,利用智慧合約保證生態系統中各種互動行為的透明、公平和不可篡改。使用者可以透過平台提供的簡單操作介面輕鬆創建自己的AI代理。這些人工智慧代理具有獨特的屬性和功能。例如有的代理商擅長寫文章,有的代理商則擅長形象設計。

In terms of business model, on the one hand, the platform charges users a certain fee for creating and managing AI agents, and the fee standards are differentiated according to the complexity of the agent and the amount of resources occupied. For example, creating an agent with basic functions may only cost 10 VIRTUALs, while creating an agent with advanced functions and capable of handling complex tasks requires 100 VIRTUALs. On the other hand, the platform encourages developers to develop various derivative applications based on the Virtuals Protocol. For high-quality applications, the platform will cooperate with them through revenue sharing and other means to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the entire ecosystem. At present, there are about 20 different types of derivative applications on the platform that are under development or in the trial operation stage.

在商業模式方面,一方面,平台向用戶收取一定的創建和管理AI代理的費用,並且根據代理的複雜程度和占用資源的多少,收費標準有所差異。例如,創建一個具有基本功能的Agent可能只需要10個VIRTUAL,而創建一個具有高級功能並能夠處理複雜任務的Agent則需要100個VIRTUAL。另一方面,平台鼓勵開發者基於Virtuals Protocol開發各種衍生應用。對於優質應用,平台將透過收益分成等方式與其合作,共同促進整個生態的繁榮發展。目前,平台上約有20個不同類型的衍生應用程式正在開發或處於試運行階段。

The Virtuals Protocol ecosystem consists of the following layers:

Virtuals Protocol 生態係由以下幾層組成:

Ø Protocol layer: Provides AI models and algorithms to support developers in creating and deploying AI agents. The protocol layer is the technical core of Virtuals Protocol and determines the performance and functionality of AI agents.

Ø 協定層:提供AI模型和演算法,支援開發者建立和部署AI代理。協定層是Virtuals Protocol的技術核心,決定了AI代理的效能和功能。

Ø DApp layer: allows decentralized applications (DApp) to integrate AI agent functions, such as NPCs in games and

Ø DApp層:允許去中心化應用程式(DApp)整合AI代理功能,例如遊戲中的NPC和


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