
Venus will host an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session on X with Mountain Protocol on February 12th at 16:00 UTC. The event will cover Mountain Protocol’s recent market launch of wUSDM on Venus through ZKsync.
金星將於2月12日在16:00 UTC舉辦X上的“問我任何東西”(AMA)會議。該活動將涵蓋Mountain協議最近通過ZKSYNC在Venus上推出的WUSDM市場。
Those interested in participating can do so via the official tweet by XVS.
XVS Info
Venus Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform on the BNB Chain, merging the functionalities of Compound (a money market system) and MakerDAO (a stablecoin creation system). It serves as a bridge between traditional finance and DeFi, addressing issues commonly associated with Ethereum-based platforms. Developed by the team behind Swipe, a global cryptocurrency credit card issuer, Venus Protocol is set to launch Venus Vault, enabling users to lock their XVS tokens and bolstering the protocol's security while earning staking rewards.
金星協議是BNB鏈上的分散融資(DEFI)平台,合併了化合物(貨幣市場系統)和Makerdao(Stablecoin Creation System)的功能。它是傳統金融和DEFI之間的橋樑,解決了通常與基於以太坊的平台相關的問題。由全球加密貨幣信用卡發行人Swipe背後的團隊開發的Venus協議將啟動Venus Vault,使用戶能夠鎖定其XVS代幣並在獲得Station Rewards的同時增強協議的安全性。
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