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On the weekend night of March 2, the crypto market was wailing, and Trump suddenly issued a statement about the US Crypto Reserve: "The US Crypto Reserve will enhance the status of this critical industry, although it has suffered years of corrupt attacks during the Biden administration. That's why my digital asset executive order directs the Presidential Task Force to advance a strategic crypto reserve containing XRP, SOL, and ADA. I will ensure that the United States becomes the crypto capital of the world. We are making America great again!"
在3月2日的周末晚上,加密貨幣市場在哭泣,特朗普突然發出了有關美國加密儲備的聲明:“美國加密保護區將增強這個關鍵行業的地位,儘管它在Biden Administration中遭受了多年的腐敗攻擊。這就是為什麼我的數字資產行政部門的行政命令指導了一個策略crypto will the Will the Instrage willy sol,並且會努力固定XRP,並促進了XRP的範圍美國再次偉大!”
Subsequently, the crypto market was immediately boosted, which can be described as "one arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops came to meet." Although BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes commented that "there is nothing new", this does not prevent us from understanding XRP and the business model of Ripple behind it. XRP ushered in a 30%+ increase after the news came out.
隨後,加密貨幣市場立即得到增強,可以說“一隻箭刺了雲,成千上萬的部隊來見面”。儘管Bitmex聯合創始人Arthur Hayes評論說“沒有什麼新鮮事物”,但這並不能阻止我們理解XRP和背後的Ripple商業模型。新聞發布後,XRP增加了30%以上的增長。
Therefore, this article will preliminarily explain what Ripple and XRP are, the relationship between them, and how they work in Web2 and Web3. This project that combines the business models of Web2 and Web3 is worth learning from the industry, especially in the context of Crypto Mass Adoption that everyone is talking about. Many things that are put into practice still need to be promoted through the model of Web2, while combining the advantages of Web3 in the ecological network.
1. RippleLabs – a financial technology company
1。Ripplelabs - 一家金融技術公司
Ripple is a US-based financial technology company, also known as Ripple Labs, which focuses on providing cross-border payment and financial settlement solutions based on blockchain technology. Its core goal is to optimize the international remittance process in the traditional financial system through blockchain technology, increase the speed and reduce the cost of global financial transactions. Ripple's main products and services include (i) cross-border payments and remittances through RippleNet, and (ii) the recently launched RLUSD stablecoin.
Ripple是一家總部位於美國的金融技術公司,也稱為Ripple Labs,該公司的重點是基於區塊鏈技術提供跨境支付和金融和解解決方案。它的核心目標是通過區塊鏈技術優化傳統金融體系中的國際匯款過程,提高速度並降低全球金融交易的成本。 Ripple的主要產品和服務包括(i)通過Ripplenet的跨境支付和匯款,以及(ii)最近推出的Rlusd Stablecoin。
The blockchain-based technology mentioned above is the XRP Ledger network ledger that Ripple's technology and services mainly rely on. This is an independent distributed ledger technology (DLT) used to record and verify transactions, and XRP is the original utility token running on this ledger. It is seen as an alternative to the SWIFT payment network used by traditional financial institutions.
上面提到的基於區塊鏈的技術是Ripple的技術和服務主要依賴的XRP Ledger網絡分類帳。這是用於記錄和驗證交易的獨立分佈式分類帳技術(DLT),XRP是該分類帳中運行的原始實用程序令牌。它被視為傳統金融機構使用的Swift支付網絡的替代方法。
XRP Ledger or XRPL is a payments-focused blockchain network developed by Ripple in 2012 that enables financial institutions and payment providers to offer innovative financial services, including custodial services, digital crypto wallets and other decentralized applications (DApps).
XRP Ledger或XRPL是Ripple於2012年開發的以付款為重點的區塊鍊網絡,使金融機構和付款提供商能夠提供創新的金融服務,包括託管服務,數字加密錢包和其他分散應用程序(DAPPS)。
After the initial release of the XRP Ledger, Ripple focused on helping financial institutions process cross-border remittances and payments through blockchain distributed ledger technology. In addition to the XRP Ledger and XRP native tokens, Ripple has developed various cross-border payment products over time. Since these developments, the team has integrated them all into a top-level service called RippleNet.
在XRP Ledger最初發布後,Ripple致力於通過區塊鏈分佈式分類帳技術來幫助金融機構處理跨境匯款和付款。除了XRP Ledger和XRP Native令牌外,Ripple還開發了各種跨境支付產品。自這些發展以來,該團隊將它們全部整合到了名為Ripplenet的頂級服務中。
1. provides financial institutions with the ability to use blockchain technology to process cross-border payments. It aims to establish a unified global payment system. In traditional finance, there are various financial institutions that have established separate transfer systems to perform international payments. These systems do not interact well with each other, and making international payments through the above systems is expensive and time-consuming.
2. is a private enterprise-level solution that mainly solves the efficiency problems of the traditional financial system.
3. is a service that provides fast and low-cost cross-border payment solutions to customers.
In the interview, the interviewer asked the host about the possibility of the U.S. government launching its own crypto reserve. The host responded that it is a crucial step in bolstering the crypto industry, which has faced corrupt attacks during the Biden administration. He further stated that his digital asset executive order directs the Presidential Task Force to advance a strategic crypto reserve, focusing on XRP, SOL, and ADA.
The host also expressed his commitment to ensuring that the United States becomes the crypto capital of the world, adding that they are "making America great again!"
Following this statement, the crypto market experienced a surge, with XRP leading the gains, rising over 30% within hours of the news. This surge can be attributed to the anticipation of the U.S. government's involvement in the crypto market, which is expected to bring stability and legitimacy to the industry.
However, BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes had a different perspective, arguing that there is nothing new in Trump's statement. He pointed out that the former president's plans to launch a U.S. crypto reserve and appoint a "crypto czar" were announced as early as last year.
但是,Bitmex聯合創始人Arthur Hayes的觀點不同,認為特朗普的聲明中沒有什麼新鮮事物。他指出,這位前總統的計劃發起了美國加密儲備,並任命“加密沙皇”的計劃早在去年就宣布了。
Despite this, Trump's statement has sparked interest and discussion in the crypto community, highlighting the ongoing debate about the role of government in the emerging digital asset sector. As the industry continues to evolve, it remains to be seen what impact, if any, Trump's plans will have on the crypto ecosystem.
output: On the weekend night of March 2, the crypto market was wailing, and
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