
The launch of the $TRUMP meme coin, timed just days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration, has sparked a backlash not just from his critics but from within the crypto community.
$TRUMP 迷因幣的推出恰逢唐納德·川普總統就職典禮前幾天,不僅引發了他的批評者的強烈反對,也引發了加密貨幣社區內部的強烈反對。
The coin quickly gained traction in the alt-coin market, with its value surging from $10 to over $70 within the first 48 hours. The coin, along with a $MELANIA coin launched by First Lady Melania Trump, has been marketed as a celebration of their MAGA movement and a symbol of winning.
該代幣很快就在山寨幣市場上受到關注,其價值在最初 48 小時內從 10 美元飆升至 70 美元以上。該硬幣與第一夫人梅拉尼婭·川普(Melania Trump)推出的$MELANIA硬幣一起,被宣傳為對MAGA運動的慶祝和勝利的象徵。
The rapid rise and subsequent volatility of these coins (extreme, even by the standards of your average meme coin) have raised eyebrows and led to widespread criticism.
Most notably, many of the critics have been from within the crypto community — those who had appeared most enthusiastic about Trump’s second term in office and the prospect of crypto-friendly policies that he’d made on the campaign trail.
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