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預期多頭市場中最賺錢的 5 種金幣

2024/04/03 19:33

P2E 遊戲的興起,一種基於區塊鏈的遊戲與賺錢相結合的遊戲模式,徹底改變了遊戲產業。這些遊戲因其去中心化性質和提供的激勵措施而獲得了巨大的關注。儘管最初受到質疑,但 P2E 遊戲已經展現了韌性和創新性,近年來出現了幾個領先的項目。 P2E幣在這些遊戲中發揮著至關重要的作用,在加密貨幣市場中已變得高度估值,創造了利潤豐厚的投資機會。本文探討了在即將到來的牛市中具有高成長潛力的前 5 個 P2E 代幣,即 KangaMoon (KANG)、Decentraland (MANA)、Axie Infinity (AXIE)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Gala (GALA)。

預期多頭市場中最賺錢的 5 種金幣

The advent of Bitcoin, a revolutionary digital currency, has irrevocably reshaped the global financial landscape, exposing the inherent limitations of conventional financial institutions. Ethereum, the second-generation blockchain, emerged in 2015 as a game-changer, paving the way for an unprecedented era of financial innovation and empowering developers, builders, and users alike. The crypto market, in its ceaseless evolution, has witnessed a multitude of transformative innovations, with play-to-earn (P2E) games emerging as a dominant force.

比特幣這種革命性的數位貨幣的出現,不可逆轉地重塑了全球金融格局,暴露了傳統金融機構的固有限制。第二代區塊鏈以太坊於 2015 年作為遊戲規則的改變者出現,為前所未有的金融創新時代鋪平了道路,並為開發商、建造者和用戶提供了支持。加密貨幣市場不斷發展中,見證了許多變革性創新,其中玩賺錢(P2E)遊戲成為主導力量。

P2E games, a vibrant and thriving niche within the crypto ecosystem, have left an indelible mark on the gaming industry, boasting a combined market capitalization of over $20 billion. Their meteoric rise has revolutionized the gaming experience, introducing a captivating blend of entertainment and financial rewards. At the heart of this P2E revolution lie P2E coins, digital assets that have gained immense popularity, capturing the attention of investors worldwide. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the realm of P2E coins, identifying the top 5 coins with the potential to soar during the anticipated bull run.

P2E 遊戲是加密貨幣生態系統中充滿活力和蓬勃發展的利基市場,在遊戲產業中留下了不可磨滅的印記,總市值超過 200 億美元。他們的迅速崛起徹底改變了遊戲體驗,引入了娛樂和經濟獎勵的迷人組合。這場 P2E 革命的核心是 P2E 幣,這種數位資產已經獲得了巨大的歡迎,吸引了全球投資者的注意。在這份綜合分析中,我們深入研究了 P2E 代幣領域,確定了在預期牛市期間最有可能飆升的 5 種代幣。

The P2E Journey: A Saga of Triumphs and Challenges

P2E 之旅:勝利與挑戰的傳奇

Although P2E games have achieved remarkable success in the crypto market, the niche has faced its fair share of criticism. Initially, many analysts dismissed P2E gaming as a frivolous pursuit, trivializing it as mere entertainment with no tangible financial value. However, the resounding success of CryptoKitties in 2017 silenced the critics, igniting a surge of interest in P2E games. Yet, the year 2018 dealt a significant blow to the GameFI token ecosystem, with a staggering 307 projects failing to sustain themselves.

儘管 P2E 遊戲在加密貨幣市場取得了顯著的成功,但這個利基市場也面臨相當多的批評。最初,許多分析師認為 P2E 遊戲是一種無聊的追求,認為它只是一種娛樂,沒有任何有形的經濟價值。然而,《加密貓》在 2017 年的巨大成功讓批評者噤聲,引發了對 P2E 遊戲的興趣激增。然而,2018 年對 GameFI 代幣生態系統造成了重大打擊,驚人的 307 個項目未能維持下去。

The challenges persisted in subsequent years, as evidenced by the data from CoinGecko, which reveals that 149 P2E gaming projects met their demise in 2019, followed by 81 in 2020 and 339 in 2021. Despite these setbacks, a remarkable number of P2E games have weathered the storms, their structures continuously evolving and adapting to the changing landscape. CryptoKitties, a trailblazer in the P2E arena, has inspired the creation of numerous thriving blockchain games, each contributing to the growth of the ecosystem.

CoinGecko 的數據顯示,在接下來的幾年裡,挑戰依然存在,CoinGecko 的數據顯示,2019 年有149 個P2E 遊戲項目破產,其次是2020 年81 個項目和2021 年339 個項目。儘管遇到了這些挫折,但仍有大量P2E 遊戲經受住了考驗。風暴,它們的結構不斷演變並適應不斷變化的景觀。 CryptoKitties 是 P2E 領域的開拓者,激發了許多蓬勃發展的區塊鏈遊戲的創作,每一款遊戲都為生態系統的發展做出了貢獻。

Online crypto gaming has transcended the boundaries of mere entertainment, offering substantial incentives for creators, users, and spectators alike. This generous distribution of rewards has propelled the P2E niche into the spotlight, attracting investors and transforming it into a formidable force within the crypto market. P2E gaming has opened up new streams of revenue, attracting players of exceptional caliber from around the globe, further solidifying the niche as a hub of innovation.

線上加密遊戲已經超越了單純娛樂的界限,為創作者、用戶和觀眾提供了巨大的激勵。這種慷慨的獎勵分配使 P2E 利基市場成為人們關注的焦點,吸引了投資者,並將其轉變為加密貨幣市場中的一股強大力量。 P2E 遊戲開闢了新的收入來源,吸引了來自全球各地的優秀玩家,進一步鞏固了作為創新中心的利基市場。

While gaming has long been a staple of the Web3 ecosystem, P2E games have revolutionized the experience, empowering players not only to play and earn but also to establish verifiable ownership of their digital assets. Through the utilization of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), players can uniquely identify their creations, monetize them, and reap substantial profits.

雖然遊戲長期以來一直是 Web3 生態系統的主要組成部分,但 P2E 遊戲徹底改變了體驗,使玩家不僅能夠玩遊戲和賺錢,還能夠建立其數位資產的可驗證所有權。透過使用不可替代代幣(NFT),玩家可以唯一地識別他們的創作,將其貨幣化,並獲得可觀的利潤。

Concurrently, P2E gaming has evolved into a complex and interconnected ecosystem, with players serving as integral components of each project. Game developers, recognizing the importance of player engagement, are continuously devising innovative incentives, crafting seamless user interfaces, and rewarding every member of the ecosystem equitably. As P2E gaming continues to evolve, the crypto market can anticipate groundbreaking innovations, propelling the success of numerous projects.

同時,P2E遊戲已經發展成為一個複雜且相互關聯的生態系統,玩家是每個專案不可或缺的組成部分。遊戲開發商認識到玩家參與的重要性,正在不斷設計創新的激勵措施,打造無縫的用戶介面,並公平地獎勵生態系統的每個成員。隨著 P2E 遊戲的不斷發展,加密市場可以預見突破性的創新,推動眾多專案的成功。

5 Best P2E Coins for Immediate Investment

5 種適合立即投資的最佳 P2E 代幣

Having explored the trajectory of cryptocurrency games and their potential to shape the future of gaming, we now present a meticulously curated list of the top 5 P2E tokens that are currently outperforming their peers and are poised to surge in the coming months, offering investors lucrative opportunities.

在探索了加密貨幣遊戲的發展軌跡及其塑造遊戲未來的潛力後,我們現在精心挑選了前5 名P2E 代幣列表,這些代幣目前表現優於同行,並有望在未來幾個月飆升,為投資者提供利潤豐厚的機會。

1. KangaMoon (KANG)


KangaMoon stands out as one of the most promising play-to-earn games in the crypto market, captivating investors with its unique fusion of P2E gameplay and SocialFi interaction. The project has amassed over $3.9 million in presale funds, generating a staggering 291% profit for early investors.

KangaMoon 是加密貨幣市場中最有前途的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲之一,以其獨特的 P2E 遊戲玩法和 SocialFi 互動融合吸引了投資者。該項目已累積了超過 390 萬美元的預售資金,為早期投資者帶來了驚人的 291% 利潤。

In the KangaMoon ecosystem, players engage in intense gaming competitions, vying for substantial rewards and prizes. The KANG token, currently priced at $0.0196 with a 10% bonus, serves as the primary currency within the game. Notably, KangaMoon offers a novel approach to earning free KANG tokens through social media engagement, rewarding users for comments and tweets that promote the project. KangaMoon's exceptional potential, surpassing that of its competitors, stems from its ingenious combination of meme coin, P2E gameplay, and social interaction, enabling investors to multiply their earnings swiftly. With the token still in its presale phase, investors have a rare opportunity to acquire KANG at a highly favorable price, potentially reaping significant profits as the bull market approaches. Analysts, recognizing the bullish momentum surrounding KangaMoon, anticipate the token to trade at $1 by year's end.

在KangaMoon生態中,玩家進行激烈的遊戲競賽,爭奪豐厚的獎勵和獎品。 KANG 代幣目前的價格為 0.0196 美元,並有 10% 的獎金,是遊戲中的主要貨幣。值得注意的是,KangaMoon 提供了一種透過社群媒體參與賺取免費 KANG 代幣的新穎方法,獎勵用戶發表評論和推廣該專案的推文。 KangaMoon超越競爭對手的非凡潛力源於其將meme幣、P2E遊戲玩法和社交互動巧妙結合,使投資者能夠迅速增加收益。由於該代幣仍處於預售階段,投資者有難得的機會以非常優惠的價格收購 KANG,隨著牛市的臨近,可能會獲得可觀的利潤。分析師意識到 KangaMoon 的看漲勢頭,預計到年底該代幣的交易價格將達到 1 美元。

2. Decentraland (MANA)


Launched in 2017 by Ari Meillich and Esteban Ordano, Decentraland has emerged as a shining success story in the play-to-earn gaming realm, reaching an all-time high of $5.96 in 2021. The platform empowers users to create immersive gaming experiences, monetizing their content and applications.

Decentraland 由Ari Meil​​lich 和Esteban Ordano 於2017 年推出,已成為玩賺錢遊戲領域的輝煌成功故事,並於2021 年達到5.96 美元的歷史新高。該平台使用戶能夠創造身臨其境的遊戲體驗,透過它們的內容和應用。

Within the Decentraland metaverse, users can create and own NFTs, purchase virtual land, and participate in a wide range of social and economic activities. Holders of the MANA token enjoy voting rights within the ecosystem, shaping its future development. Decentraland has experienced a surge of 13% in the past week, currently trading at $0.68. As P2E gaming continues to gain traction, Decentraland is well-positioned to deliver substantial returns to investors.

在 Decentraland 元宇宙中,使用者可以創建和擁有 NFT、購買虛擬土地並參與廣泛的社會和經濟活動。 MANA 代幣的持有者享有生態系內的投票權,決定其未來的發展。 Decentraland 過去一周上漲了 13%,目前交易價格為 0.68 美元。隨著 P2E 遊戲不斷受到關注,Decentraland 已做好準備為投資者帶來豐厚的回報。

3. Axie Infinity (AXIE)


Axie Infinity, a popular blockchain game developed by Sky Mavis in 2018, has captivated the P2E market, amassing a total market capitalization of over $1.6 billion. The platform allows players to collect, breed, raise, and trade digital creatures called Axies, each possessing unique characteristics and abilities.

Sky Mavis 於 2018 年開發的熱門區塊鏈遊戲《Axie Infinity》已經佔領了 P2E 市場,總市值超過 16 億美元。該平台允許玩家收集、繁殖、飼養和交易稱為 Axies 的數位生物,每種生物都具有獨特的特徵和能力。

Although the AXIE token faced a significant decline after reaching its all-time high in 2021, analysts predict a strong rebound for the token. Currently trading at $11 after a 41% gain in the past month, AXIE is displaying encouraging signs of bullish momentum. With only 52% of Axie Infinity tokens in circulation, the developers are committed to the long-term growth and sustainability of the project.

儘管 AXIE 代幣在 2021 年達到歷史高點後面臨大幅下跌,但分析師預測該代幣將強勁反彈。 AXIE 在過去一個月上漲 41% 後,目前的交易價格為 11 美元,顯示出令人鼓舞的看漲勢頭。由於 Axie Infinity 代幣僅有 52% 流通,開發人員致力於該專案的長期成長和永續性。

4. Floki (FLOKI)


Floki, which emerged during the 2021 bull run and set a new all-time high, has evolved from its origins as a meme coin into a comprehensive ecosystem that encompasses play-to-earn gaming. The launch of Valhalla earlier this year marked a significant milestone for Floki's foray into the P2E arena.

Floki 在 2021 年牛市期間出現並創下了新的歷史高點,它已經從最初的模因幣發展成為涵蓋邊玩邊賺遊戲的綜合生態系統。今年早些時候,Valhalla 的推出標誌著 Floki 進軍 P2E 領域的一個重要里程碑。

In the past month, FLOKI has experienced a remarkable surge of 600%, reflecting the growing interest in the token. With a market capitalization of $2.4 billion and a daily trading volume of 757 million, Floki is exhibiting strong bullish momentum that is expected to continue throughout the bull run.

在過去的一個月裡,FLOKI 經歷了 600% 的驚人飆升,反映出人們對該代幣日益增長的興趣。 Floki 的市值為 24 億美元,每日交易量為 7.57 億美元,展現出強勁的看漲勢頭,預計將在整個牛市中持續下去。

5. Gala (GALA)

5. 晚會(GALA)

Recognizing the challenges faced by players in the P2E gaming space, a group of developers founded Gala Games, a platform designed to empower players with a thriving ecosystem. GALA, the native token of the Gala ecosystem, facilitates transactions across the network.

認識到玩家在 P2E 遊戲領域面臨的挑戰,一群開發者創立了 Gala Games,這是一個旨在為玩家提供繁榮生態系統的平台。 GALA 是 Gala 生態系統的原生代幣,促進網路上的交易。

Gala has witnessed a steady upward trajectory in recent months, notably experiencing a 115% increase in the past 30 days despite bearish market conditions. With the anticipated bull market on the horizon, GALA is well-positioned to deliver substantial profits to investors.

近幾個月來,Gala 見證了穩定的上升軌跡,尤其是儘管市場條件看跌,但在過去 30 天內仍實現了 115% 的成長。隨著多頭市場即將到來,GALA 已做好充分準備,為投資者帶來豐厚利潤。

Embrace the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today!

立即擁抱 KangaMoon (KANG) 預售的激動人心的機會!

Website: https://kangaMoon.com/


Join Telegram Community: https://t.me/KangaMoonofficial

加入 Telegram 社群:https://t.me/KangaMoonofficial


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