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Telegram 錢包中用於託管和自我託管的整合解決方案 TON Space 已完成測試階段。

2024/12/19 21:49

現在將推出新的更新,允許開發人員建立和啟動 dApp、權益聚合器並提供 NFT/Jetton 贈品。

Telegram 錢包中用於託管和自我託管的整合解決方案 TON Space 已完成測試階段。

The integrated solution in the Telegram wallet for TON custody and self-custody, called TON Space, has completed its beta phase. Now a new update will be launched that will allow developers to create and launch dApps, stake aggregators, and offer NFT/Jetton giveaways. The goal is to help non-natives become part of the TON ecosystem.

Telegram 錢包中用於 TON 託管和自我託管的整合解決方案稱為 TON Space,已完成測試階段。現在將推出新的更新,允許開發人員建立和啟動 dApp、權益聚合器並提供 NFT/Jetton 贈品。目標是幫助非本地人成為 TON 生態系統的一部分。

The TON Space wallet is accessed directly from the wallet integrated within the Telegram app, without the need for additional installations. In addition to TON, which is The Open Network, the decentralized blockchain behind which there is Telegram, there is also TOP, that is The Open Platform. TOP is a VC and a venture builder for early-stage projects on the TON blockchain. It provides a toolkit of funding, expertise, and technological resources, and simplifies access to critical tools such as wallets, developer resources, SDKs, APIs, and marketplaces. The objective of TOP is to enable developers to create scalable Web3 products ready for widespread adoption.

TON Space 錢包可直接從 Telegram 應用程式中整合的錢包訪問,無需額外安裝。除了TON,也就是The Open Network,去中心化區塊鏈,背後有Telegram,還有TOP,也就是The Open Platform。 TOP 是 TON 區塊鏈早期專案的創投家和創投家。它提供了資金、專業知識和技術資源的工具包,並簡化了對錢包、開發人員資源、SDK、API 和市場等關鍵工具的存取。 TOP 的目標是使開發人員能夠創建可擴展的 Web3 產品以供廣泛採用。

The official launch of the self-custodial wallet TON Space was carried out by The Open Platform, marking the end of the beta development period and the subsequent gradual launch of the self-custodial wallet. With this launch, the custodial wallet and the non-custodial platform TON Space will be presented to users as equivalent options, in order to make the TON ecosystem more accessible. As a consequence of the new update, users of the existing wallet will be able to seamlessly switch from custodial accounts to self-custodial accounts in a single interface. The objective is to provide a smooth onboarding to effortlessly navigate between TON Space and Telegram wallet.

自託管錢包TON Space的正式上線由開放平台負責,標誌著自託管錢包測試開發期的結束以及後續逐步上線。透過此次發布,託管錢包和非託管平台 TON Space 將作為同等選項呈現給用戶,以使 TON 生態系統更易於存取。由於新的更新,現有錢包的用戶將能夠在單一介面中從託管帳戶無縫切換到自我託管帳戶。目標是提供流暢的入門體驗,以便在 TON Space 和 Telegram 錢包之間輕鬆導航。

The inclusion of a non-custodial wallet will allow The Open Platform to be even more agile in the development and expansion of the entire suite of connected products. Furthermore, TON Space will introduce a broader TON ecosystem in new markets, and plans to offer integrations that include a dApp catalog, DEX aggregation solutions, and staking, as well as mechanisms for NFT and Jetton giveaways. By now, with its 100 million users, TON Space has assumed a dominant position within the TON ecosystem, and is ready not only to improve the conversion rate of developers, but also to promote growth and to try to become a standard for asset management products across the entire sector.

包含非託管錢包將使開放平台在整套互聯產品的開發和擴展方面更加敏捷。此外,TON Space 將在新市場引入更廣泛的 TON 生態系統,並計劃提供集成,包括 dApp 目錄、DEX 聚合解決方案和質押,以及 NFT 和 Jetton 贈品機制。目前,TON Space已經擁有1億用戶,在TON生態中佔據主導地位,不僅準備提高開發者的轉換率,而且準備促進成長,並努力成為資產管理產品的標準整個產業。

The CEO of The Open Platform, Andrew Rogozov, stated: “We aim to engage 30% of Telegram users in the TON ecosystem by 2028, and the launch of our self-custodial wallet is another milestone in our journey to achieve this goal”.

The Open Platform 執行長Andrew Rogozov 表示:“我們的目標是到2028 年讓30% 的Telegram 用戶參與TON 生態系統,而我們的自我託管錢包的推出是我們實現這一目標過程中的另一個里程碑” 。

Toncoin (TON) has its own native cryptocurrency, called Toncoin, and its ticker is TON. Toncoin in recent months for some time was also in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, but lately it has dropped to the 14th place. The reason is that, unlike many other top crypto, it has benefited very little from the so-called Trump trade. In fact, while in the last 30 days the price of Bitcoin has increased by 10%, and that of Ethereum by 18%, that of Toncoin has even decreased by 15%.

Toncoin (TON) 有自己的原生加密貨幣,稱為 Toncoin,其股票代號為 TON。近幾個月來,Toncoin 曾一度躋身市值前 10 名的加密貨幣,但最近已跌至第 14 名。原因是,與許多其他頂級加密貨幣不同,它從所謂的川普交易中獲益甚少。事實上,在過去 30 天內,比特幣的價格上漲了 10%,以太幣的價格上漲了 18%,而 Toncoin 的價格甚至下跌了 15%。

It should be remembered, however, the incredible boom recorded at the beginning of the year, when between February and April in about a month and a half its price went from $2.1 to $7.2. The maximum peak of 2024 was reached in June, above 8.1$, although in the following months it retraced to less than 4.7$. With Trump’s electoral victory, the price rose to $6.9 within a month, but then fell to the current $5.4 over the course of the last two weeks. The behavior of Toncoin in the crypto market does not strictly follow that of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or the crypto market as a whole, and this makes it one of the few cryptocurrencies that can help diversify a crypto portfolio.

然而,應該記住的是,今年年初出現了令人難以置信的繁榮,從 2 月到 4 月,在大約一個半月的時間裡,其價格從 2.1 美元漲到了 7.2 美元。 2024 年的最高高峰於 6 月達到 8.1 美元以上,儘管在接下來的幾個月中回落至 4.7 美元以下。隨著川普當選,價格在一個月內上漲至 6.9 美元,但在過去兩週內跌至目前的 5.4 美元。 Toncoin 在加密貨幣市場中的行為並未嚴格遵循比特幣、以太幣或整個加密貨幣市場的行為,這使其成為少數可以幫助加密貨幣投資組合多樣化的加密貨幣之一。


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