
Tether, the company behind the major stablecoin USDT, has increased its investment in Bitcoin (BTC) mining company Bitdeer (BTDR), according to a recent U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing.
根據最近的美國證券交易委員會提交的申請,主要的Stablecoin USDT背後的公司Tether已增加了其對比特幣(BTC)礦業公司BITDER(BTDR)的投資。
The filing showed that Tether and its subsidiaries now hold 31,891,689 Class A common shares in Bitdeer. The shares represent about 21.4% of the company’s total outstanding stock.
該文件顯示,Tether及其子公司現在持有BITDER中的31,891,689 A級普通股。股票約占公司流通股票的21.4%。
The company’s primary product is the stablecoin USDT, which is linked to the U.S. dollar. Tether also has interest in Bitcoin mining, energy infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) systems.
該公司的主要產品是與美元相關的Stablecoin USDT。繫繩還對比特幣採礦,能源基礎設施和人工智能(AI)系統感興趣。
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