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Tether 終於揭示了其儲備,標誌著穩定幣透明度的新時代

2024/10/26 22:01

全球最大、使用最廣泛的穩定幣 Tether 的創始人終於對資產支持提供了新的、詳細的見解

Tether 終於揭示了其儲備,標誌著穩定幣透明度的新時代

Tether, the issuer of the world’s largest stablecoin USDT, has finally broken its silence on one of the most pressing issues in the cryptocurrency space—its reserves. In a significant move, Tether's founder has offered new insights into the assets backing the $80 billion stablecoin in circulation. This disclosure sheds light on the financial engine that drives a substantial portion of the global cryptocurrency market.

全球最大穩定幣 USDT 的發行人 Tether 終於在加密貨幣領域最緊迫的問題之一——其儲備金問題上打破了沉默。作為一項重大舉措,Tether 的創始人對支持流通中的 800 億美元穩定幣的資產提供了新的見解。這項披露揭示了推動全球加密貨幣市場很大一部分的金融引擎。

As we delve into the details of Tether's reserves and explore its implications for the future of stablecoins, here are the key highlights:

當我們深入研究 Tether 儲備的詳細資訊並探討其對穩定幣未來的影響時,以下是主要亮點:

1. Breaking Down Tether’s Reserves 💵

1. 打破 Tether 的儲備💵

The founder has disclosed that Tether's reserves are diversified, including cash, cash equivalents, Treasury bills, commercial paper, and other assets. Notably, a large portion is held in short-term U.S. Treasury bills, which are considered among the safest investments due to their stability and liquidity. Here's a closer look at the composition:

創辦人透露,Tether 的儲備是多元化的,包括現金、現金等價物、國庫券、商業票據和其他資產。值得注意的是,很大一部分是短期美國國債,由於其穩定性和流動性,這些債券被認為是最安全的投資之一。仔細看看組成:

- Cash and Cash Equivalents: While a part of the reserves is held as cash, the term “cash equivalents” can include instruments like money market funds or highly liquid securities. These provide the flexibility needed for Tether to handle redemptions quickly.

- 現金及現金等價物:雖然部分儲備以現金形式持有,但「現金等價物」一詞可以包括貨幣市場基金或高流動性證券等工具。這些為 Tether 快速處理贖回提供了所需的靈活性。

- Short-Term Securities: U.S. Treasury bills form a significant holding within Tether's reserves. These securities are considered among the safest financial instruments, offering stability while yielding a small return.

- 短期證券:美國國債是 Tether 儲備中的重要組成部分。這些證券被認為是最安全的金融工具之一,提供穩定性,同時產生較小的回報。

- Commercial Paper: Tether has gradually reduced its exposure to commercial paper after facing criticism that it wasn’t fully transparent about the companies issuing this debt. Now, the founder claims, Tether has shifted toward higher-quality investments with more liquidity and lower risk.

- 商業票據:在面臨發行債務的公司不完全透明的批評後,Tether 逐漸減少了對商業票據的曝險。現在,創辦人聲稱,Tether 已轉向更高品質的投資,流動性更強,風險更低。

2. The Push for Transparency and Regular Audits 🔍

2. 推動透明度和定期審計🔍

Over the years, Tether has faced continuous calls to be more transparent, with many questioning if USDT was truly fully backed. The founder addressed these concerns, stating that Tether is committed to publishing regular, third-party audits. Recently, Tether partnered with a prominent auditing firm to provide more frequent attestations about its reserves. This move aims to reassure both investors and regulators, who are increasingly scrutinizing stablecoins.

多年來,Tether 一直面臨著提高透明度的呼聲,許多人質疑 USDT 是否真正得到了充分支持。創辦人解決了這些擔憂,並表示 Tether 致力於定期發布第三方審計結果。最近,Tether 與一家知名審計公司合作,更頻繁地對其儲備提供證明。此舉旨在安撫投資者和監管機構,他們對穩定幣的審查越來越嚴格。

The Road to Clearer Audits: While some believe the published reports still fall short of a full audit, Tether's founder argues that regular attestations from third parties demonstrate a serious commitment to transparency. These steps may pave the way for Tether to meet global regulatory expectations, which are becoming more stringent as stablecoins grow.

通往更清晰審計之路:雖然有些人認為已發布的報告仍達不到全面審計的要求,但 Tether 的創始人認為,第三方的定期證明表明了對透明度的認真承諾。這些步驟可能為 Tether 滿足全球監管期望鋪平道路,隨著穩定幣的發展,全球監管期望變得越來越嚴格。

3. Why Transparency on Reserves Matters to Crypto Investors 🌐

3. 為什麼儲備透明度對加密貨幣投資者很重要🌐

With $80 billion in circulation, Tether serves as a pillar of liquidity in the cryptocurrency market. If Tether ever faced a liquidity crisis, the ripple effects would likely destabilize the broader crypto ecosystem. The founder's latest revelations also highlight Tether's ability to handle substantial withdrawals, citing past events where large amounts were redeemed without hiccups.

Tether 的流通量達 800 億美元,是加密貨幣市場的流動性支柱。如果 Tether 面臨流動性危機,其連鎖反應可能會破壞更廣泛的加密生態系統的穩定性。這位創辦人的最新爆料也強調了 Tether 處理大量提款的能力,並引用了過去發生的大量贖回事件,沒有出現任何問題。

- Liquidity and Redemption: Tether's founder emphasizes that the assets are chosen to maintain high liquidity, which ensures users can redeem their USDT for cash anytime, even during market stress.

- 流動性和贖回:Tether 創辦人強調,資產的選擇是為了保持高流動性,這確保用戶可以隨時將 USDT 贖回現金,即使在市場壓力下也是如此。

- Market Confidence: Tether’s size makes it a target for scrutiny, and these disclosures are meant to rebuild confidence in its model. With the increased push for transparency, Tether hopes to encourage other stablecoins to follow suit, which could lead to higher standards across the industry.

- 市場信心:Tether 的規模使其成為審查的目標,這些披露旨在重建對其模型的信心。隨著透明度的加大,Tether 希望鼓勵其他穩定幣效仿,這可能會導致整個行業的標準更高。

4. Tether’s Role Amid Growing Regulatory Pressure 🏛️

4. Tether 在日益增長的監管壓力中扮演的角色🏛️

The stablecoin market has exploded, drawing the attention of regulators worldwide. Tether's founder openly acknowledged the company's relationship with regulators, stating Tether is actively working with them to meet compliance standards. Stablecoins have become central to crypto trading and decentralized finance (DeFi), but regulators worry they could pose risks to traditional financial systems.

穩定幣市場爆發式成長,引起了全球監管機構的關注。 Tether 的創辦人公開承認該公司與監管機構的關係,並表示 Tether 正在積極與他們合作以滿足合規標準。穩定幣已成為加密貨幣交易和去中心化金融(DeFi)的核心,但監管機構擔心它們可能會對傳統金融系統造成風險。

- Global Regulations on Stablecoins: Regulators in the U.S., EU, and Asia are focusing on establishing frameworks for stablecoin issuers, including clear disclosures on reserve holdings. The founder said Tether is committed to meeting these expectations to ensure continued global operation.

- 穩定幣的全球監管:美國、歐盟和亞洲的監管機構正致力於為穩定幣發行人建立框架,包括明確揭露儲備金持有量。創辦人表示,Tether 致力於滿足這些期望,以確保持續的全球營運。

- Pioneering Stablecoin Regulations: By cooperating with regulators and providing transparency, Tether is not only safeguarding its future but also helping to shape how stablecoins are governed worldwide. This approach may influence future policies that define transparency and reserve requirements across the entire industry.

- 開創性的穩定幣監管:透過與監管機構合作並提供透明度,Tether 不僅捍衛了其未來,還幫助塑造了全球穩定幣的治理方式。這種方法可能會影響未來定義整個產業透明度和準備金要求的政策。

5. What’s Next for Tether and the Stablecoin Ecosystem? 🚀

5. Tether 和穩定幣生態系統的下一步是什麼? 🚀

The founder's disclosures have set a new tone, one that could impact the entire stablecoin sector. With clear reserve transparency and stronger assurances to both investors and regulators, Tether might be positioning itself as a long-term, reliable player in the financial landscape.

這位創辦人的披露奠定了一種新基調,可能會影響整個穩定幣行業。憑藉明確的儲備透明度以及對投資者和監管機構更有力的保證,Tether 可能會將自己定位為金融領域長期、可靠的參與者。

- Rising Institutional Interest: Better transparency could lead to more adoption of Tether in traditional finance sectors, allowing banks and financial institutions to use USDT for settlement and cross-border payments.

- 機構興趣上升:更好的透明度可能會導致傳統金融領域更多地採用 Tether,從而允許銀行和金融機構使用 USDT 進行結算和跨境支付。

- Path to Future Innovation: Tether has hinted at upcoming product expansions, possibly in areas like decentralized finance and

- 未來創新之路:Tether 暗示即將進行產品擴展,可能涉及去中心化金融和



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