Terraform Labs是失敗的Luna加密貨幣及其算法Stablecoin Terrausd(UST)背後的公司

Terraform Labs, the company behind the LUNA cryptocurrency and its algorithmic stablecoin TerraUSD (UST), is launching a claims portal for individuals who lost funds during the collapse of its ecosystem in 2022. The portal, which will open on March 31, will allow those who suffered losses of at least $100 to register their claims.
Terraform Labs是Luna加密貨幣及其算法Stablecoin Terrausd(UST)背後的公司,它正在為在2022年倒閉期間損失資金的個人發起索賠門戶。該門戶網站將於3月31日開放,該門戶將於3月31日開放,允許那些損失100美元的人,以登記100美元。
The move follows a Delaware court’s approval of Terraform Labs’ plan to wind down its operations. This ruling was seen as a step forward in allowing the company to move past the legal battles over investor losses. Additionally, Terraform Labs settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in June 2024, paying a $4.47 billion penalty for fraud.
此舉是在特拉華州法院批准Terraform Labs計劃其運營計劃的批准之後。該裁決被視為向前邁出的一步,允許該公司超越投資者損失的法律鬥爭。此外,Terraform Labs於2024年6月與美國證券交易委員會(SEC)定居,對欺詐賠償了44.7億美元的罰款。
Those wishing to file a claim will need to do so via the designated portal by April 30 at 11:59 PM ET. Claims below $100 will not be considered. Claimants can provide two types of evidence: manual evidence, such as transaction logs and screenshots, or preferred evidence, which includes read-only API keys and is deemed more accurate. Manual evidence may result in extended review times, and it could be rejected if preferred evidence is available, Terraform Labs noted.
那些希望提出索賠的人需要在4月30日下午11:59之前通過指定的門戶。低於$ 100的索賠將不考慮。索賠人可以提供兩種類型的證據:手動證據,例如交易日誌和屏幕截圖或首選證據,其中包括僅閱讀的API鍵,並認為更準確。 Terraform Labs指出,手動證據可能會導致較長的審查時間,如果有首選證據,它可能會被拒絕。
The company has estimated that it could pay out between $184.5 million and $442.2 million to eligible claimants, but the final amount is still to be determined. Before its collapse, Terraform Labs managed an ecosystem valued at $45 billion, which included its algorithmic stablecoin and LUNA token.
該公司估計,它可以向符合條件的索賠人支付1.845億美元至4.422億美元,但最終金額仍有待確定。在倒閉之前,Terraform Labs管理了一個價值450億美元的生態系統,其中包括其算法Stablecoin和Luna Token。
The downfall of Terraform Labs had a significant impact on the crypto space. It also led to the arrest of Do Kwon, the founder of Terraform Labs, in Montenegro before he was extradited to the U.S. to face multiple criminal charges. His next court hearing is set for April 10, with prosecutors currently examining new evidence in the case.
Terraform Labs的倒台對加密貨幣空間產生了重大影響。這也導致了Terraform Labs的創始人Do Kwon在黑山的創始人逮捕,然後他被引渡到美國面臨多項刑事指控。他的下一次法院聽證會定於4月10日,檢察官目前正在審查此案的新證據。