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由 Telegram Messenger 平台支援的 Telegram 開放網路 (TON) 生態系統發展迅速,擁有超過 600 個 dApp,包括 DEX、質押協議和遊戲平台。 TON 生態系統中的幾種新加密貨幣已顯示出 100 倍增長的非凡潛力。其中包括Gramcoin (GRAM),一種類似早期比特幣的可開採代幣,Notcoin (NOT),一種來自Notcoin 遊戲的流行迷因幣,STON.fi (STON),一種交易量不斷增長的去中心化AMM,DeFinder Capital (DFC) ,一個旨在促進社區發展的產品和服務生態系統,以及 TonUp (TONUP),一個促進新專案融資的啟動平台。
Telegram Open Network Ecosystem: A Breeding Ground for Crypto Gems with Exponential Growth Potential
Telegram 開放網路生態系統:具有指數級成長潛力的加密寶石的溫床
The Telegram Open Network (TON) ecosystem, built upon the robust infrastructure developed by the Telegram messenger team, has emerged as the most rapidly expanding blockchain platform in the cryptocurrency market. This ecosystem is a vibrant hub for decentralized applications (dApps), boasting over 600 projects that span decentralized exchanges (DEXes), staking protocols, and immersive gaming experiences.
Telegram 開放網路 (TON) 生態系統建立在 Telegram Messenger 團隊開發的強大基礎設施之上,已成為加密貨幣市場中擴張最快的區塊鏈平台。該生態系統是一個充滿活力的去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 中心,擁有 600 多個項目,涵蓋去中心化交易所 (DEX)、質押協議和沈浸式遊戲體驗。
Notably, the TON blockchain has witnessed the launch of several promising coins, some of which have already exhibited remarkable growth trajectories. The integration of TON into the Telegram platform has significantly enhanced liquidity flow, further fueling the upward price movements of these coins within the ecosystem.
值得注意的是,TON 區塊鏈見證了多種有前途的代幣的推出,其中一些已經表現出顯著的成長軌跡。 TON 與 Telegram 平台的整合顯著增強了流動性,進一步推動了生態系統內這些代幣的價格上漲。
Here's an exclusive analysis of five of the most captivating cryptocurrencies currently thriving on TON, each possessing the potential to deliver extraordinary returns in the near future:
以下是對目前在 TON 上蓬勃發展的五種最有吸引力的加密貨幣的獨家分析,每種貨幣都有可能在不久的將來帶來非凡的回報:
1. Gramcoin (GRAM): The "New Bitcoin on Telegram"
1. Gramcoin (GRAM):“Telegram 上的新比特幣”
GRAM has emerged as the talk of the town within the Telegram ecosystem in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). This token is unique in its mining mechanism, which utilizes graphics processing units (GPUs) through specialized smart contracts known as Givers. These Givers contain computational tasks necessary for executing blockchain transactions on the TON network.
GRAM 已成為獨立國家聯合體 (CIS) Telegram 生態系統中的熱門話題。該代幣的獨特之處在於其挖掘機制,它透過稱為給予者的專門智能合約利用圖形處理單元(GPU)。這些給予者包含在 TON 網路上執行區塊鏈交易所需的計算任務。
Miners are generously rewarded for successfully completing these tasks. The significant advantage of GRAM lies in its accessible mining process, which eliminates the need for expensive ASICs, enabling anyone with a graphics card to participate in the mining process. This decentralized approach grants the entire community substantial control over the network, preventing domination by large data centers or individuals with immense computing power.
成功完成這些任務的礦工將獲得豐厚的獎勵。 GRAM 的顯著優勢在於其可訪問的挖礦過程,無需昂貴的 ASIC,任何擁有顯示卡的人都可以參與挖礦過程。這種去中心化的方法賦予整個社區對網路的實質控制權,防止大型資料中心或擁有巨大運算能力的個人的統治。
GRAM's launch was particularly noteworthy due to its lack of pre-mine, a practice where the token creator allocates a portion of the tokens for themselves or for marketing purposes. This absence of pre-mine harkens back to the early days of Bitcoin, when mining was accessible to all and the project maintained true decentralization, unencumbered by large-scale investors seeking to manipulate the market.
GRAM 的推出特別值得注意,因為它沒有預挖,即代幣創建者為自己或為行銷目的分配一部分代幣的做法。這種沒有預挖的情況讓人回想起比特幣的早期,當時所有人都可以進行挖礦,並且該項目保持了真正的去中心化,不受尋求操縱市場的大規模投資者的阻礙。
The driving force behind GRAM's growth is its dedicated community, which has grown to encompass over 30,000 holders. The token is actively traded on decentralized platforms within the TON ecosystem, such as STON.fi, Ton Diamonds, and DeDust, as well as through the Cryptorg bot on Telegram messenger. Anticipation is building for GRAM's listing on major centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, with recent large transfers of GRAM - exceeding 1 million coins worth approximately $80,000 - being observed on MEXC and OKX exchanges.
GRAM 成長背後的驅動力是其專注的社區,該社區已發展到擁有超過 30,000 名持有者。該代幣在 TON 生態系統內的去中心化平台(例如 STON.fi、Ton Diamonds 和 DeDust)以及 Telegram Messenger 上的 Cryptorg 機器人上活躍交易。人們對 GRAM 在主要集中式加密貨幣交易所上市的預期越來越高,最近在 MEXC 和 OKX 交易所觀察到 GRAM 的大量轉移(超過 100 萬枚代幣,價值約 8 萬美元)。
GRAM's remarkable journey has seen its price surge by a staggering 28,000 times since its January launch, growing from a mere $0.00000107 to an impressive $0.03. The number of GRAM holders has skyrocketed to 30,000 in less than two months, highlighting the immense potential and community support for this promising cryptocurrency.
自 1 月推出以來,GRAM 的非凡歷程見證了其價格飆升 28,000 倍,從區區的 0.00000107 美元增長到令人印象深刻的 0.03 美元。 GRAM 持有者數量在不到兩個月的時間內飆升至 30,000 人,凸顯了這種前景光明的加密貨幣的巨大潛力和社群支持。
2. Notcoin (NOT): The Meme Coin Phenomenon
2. Notcoin(NOT):迷因幣現象
NOT has gained immense popularity as a meme coin within the Notcoin game in the TON ecosystem. Its free distributions this winter catapulted the coin to prominence among crypto enthusiasts. By mid-March 2024, Notcoin boasted over 30 million players on Telegram, with a staggering 5 million daily active players.
NOT 作為 TON 生態系統中 Notcoin 遊戲中的模因幣而廣受歡迎。今年冬天的免費發行使該代幣在加密貨幣愛好者中脫穎而出。到 2024 年 3 月中旬,Notcoin 在 Telegram 上擁有超過 3,000 萬名玩家,其中每日活躍玩家達到驚人的 500 萬。
Notcoin's gameplay is straightforward and captivating. Users can accumulate tokens by repeatedly tapping a button within the Telegram bot. The game introduces a limited "energy" system, which depletes with each click but gradually replenishes, preventing users from engaging in endless clicking. Additionally, players can earn NOT by completing other tasks, such as inviting friends through referral links or joining Telegram chats and channels. Premium Telegram subscribers were rewarded with exclusive bonuses, including a welcome bonus of 50,000 Notcoins.
Notcoin 的遊戲玩法簡單明了且引人入勝。用戶可以透過重複點擊 Telegram 機器人內的按鈕來累積代幣。遊戲引入了有限的「能量」系統,該系統會隨著每次點擊而消耗,但會逐漸補充,從而防止用戶進行無休止的點擊。此外,玩家也可以透過完成其他任務來賺錢,例如透過推薦連結邀請朋友或加入 Telegram 聊天和頻道。 Premium Telegram 訂閱者將獲得獨家獎金,其中包括 50,000 Notcoins 的歡迎獎金。
Notcoin actively engages with other projects within the TON ecosystem. For instance, a recent collaboration with the aforementioned GRAM project provided users with 100,000 NOT for completing a specific task.
Notcoin 積極參與 TON 生態系內的其他項目。例如,最近與上述 GRAM 專案的合作為使用者提供了 100,000 NOT 來完成特定任務。
However, the team behind the Notcoin Web3 gaming project has announced the cessation of mining for the coin effective April 1, 2024. Anticipation is high for its upcoming listing on Bybit, which is expected to significantly boost the coin's valuation. Skeptics anticipate a potential price drop in the initial stages as a result of increased coin availability, expressing concerns that the project may lack true cryptocurrency or Web3 characteristics due to its centralized architecture.
然而,Notcoin Web3 遊戲項目背後的團隊已宣布從 2024 年 4 月 1 日起停止該幣的開採。人們對即將在 Bybit 上市的期望很高,預計這將大幅提升該幣的估值。懷疑論者預計,由於代幣可用性的增加,初始階段的價格可能會下降,並擔心該項目由於其中心化架構可能缺乏真正的加密貨幣或 Web3 特徵。
3. STON.fi (STON): The Decentralized Exchange Champion
3. STON.fi (STON):去中心化交易所冠軍
STON.fi has established itself as a prominent decentralized automated market maker (AMM) within the TON ecosystem. The platform operates as a request-for-quote (RFQ) cross-chain exchange, facilitating seamless token swaps between different blockchains. STON.fi utilizes hashed time-locked contracts (HTLC) to enable secure atomic interchain swaps.
STON.fi 已成為 TON 生態系中著名的去中心化自動做市商 (AMM)。該平台作為報價請求(RFQ)跨鏈交易所運行,促進不同區塊鏈之間的無縫代幣交換。 STON.fi 利用雜湊時間鎖定合約 (HTLC) 來實現安全的原子鏈間交換。
Among the top DEXes in the TON ecosystem, STON.fi stands out as a veteran, having been established in 2022. Its robust trading volume of $7 million per day showcases the platform's maturity and appeal within the growing TON ecosystem.
在 TON 生態系統的頂級 DEX 中,STON.fi 脫穎而出,成立於 2022 年。其每天 700 萬美元的強勁交易量展示了該平台的成熟度和在不斷發展的 TON 生態系統中的吸引力。
STON, the utility token of the STON.fi platform, grants users the ability to actively participate in the protocol's governance and voting processes through long-term stakes. The surge in the TON price and the influx of new users into the ecosystem have positively impacted STON's value. Since late February 2024, the token has experienced a remarkable 6-fold increase, climbing from $2.6 to a peak of $18.
STON 是 STON.fi 平台的實用代幣,使用戶能夠透過長期權益積極參與協議的治理和投票過程。 TON 價格的飆升和新用戶湧入生態系統對 STON 的價值產生了積極影響。自 2024 年 2 月下旬以來,該代幣經歷了 6 倍的驚人上漲,從 2.6 美元攀升至 18 美元的高峰。
4. DeFinder Capital (DFC): The Ecosystem Powerhouse
4.DeFinder Capital(DFC):生態系動力源
DeFinder Capital has emerged as a comprehensive ecosystem of products on TON, led by its native token, DFC. This ecosystem encompasses a diverse portfolio of projects, including the ARBUZ clicker with its 24/7 coin drops, the DeWallet wallet, the DeFinder Capital Fund, the ArrakenPlanet farming game, and the first betting service on TON.
DeFinder Capital 已成為 TON 上的綜合產品生態系統,以其原生代幣 DFC 為主導。該生態系統包含多樣化的項目組合,包括具有 24/7 投幣功能的 ARBUZ Clicker、DeWallet 錢包、DeFinder Capital Fund、ArrakenPlanet 農業遊戲以及 TON 上的第一個投注服務。
The primary objective of DeFinder Capital is to establish itself as the leading community within the TON ecosystem, addressing service and product gaps and actively promoting TON to attract a wider user base. The project aims to serve as a cohesive force, uniting the fragmented members of the crypto community within the TON ecosystem.
DeFinder Capital 的主要目標是將自己打造成 TON 生態系統中的領先社區,解決服務和產品差距並積極推廣 TON 以吸引更廣泛的用戶群。該項目旨在成為一股凝聚力,將 TON 生態系統內加密社區分散的成員團結起來。
The direction of the DeFinder Capital ecosystem is determined through its native token, DFC, which operates as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). A portion of DFC tokens from the social pool is strategically allocated to attract new users and incentivize their active participation within the ecosystem. The project has garnered support from the TON team itself, with the head of the TON Foundation providing a $20,000 contribution to the DeFinder fund.
DeFinder Capital 生態系統的方向是透過其原生代幣 DFC 確定的,DFC 作為去中心化自治組織 (DAO) 運作。社交池中的一部分 DFC 代幣被策略性分配,以吸引新用戶並激勵他們積極參與生態系統。該計畫得到了 TON 團隊本身的支持,TON 基金會負責人向 DeFinder 基金提供了 20,000 美元的捐款。
DFC is actively traded on MEXC and has witnessed a remarkable 1440% growth since December 2023.
DFC 在 MEXC 交易活躍,自 2023 年 12 月以來成長了 1440%。
5. TonUp (TONUP): The Launchpad Accelerator
5. TonUp (TONUP):Launchpad 加速器
TonUp serves as a launchpad within The Open Network (TON) ecosystem. Similar to other launchpads, its primary mission is to attract funding for the successful establishment of new projects on the TON blockchain. The launchpad plays a crucial role in infusing liquidity into the TON ecosystem and fostering the development of new projects. The TonUP launchpad token is available for trading on reputable exchanges such as MEXC, Bitget, and BingX, as well as on decentralized platforms like STON.fi and DeDust, which ranks among the top five protocols in the TON ecosystem with a total value locked (TVL) of approximately $15 million.
TonUp 充當開放網路 (TON) 生態系統中的啟動板。與其他啟動板類似,其主要任務是吸引資金,以便在 TON 區塊鏈上成功建立新專案。 Launchpad 在為 TON 生態系統注入流動性和促進新專案的開發方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 TonUP Launchpad 代幣可在 MEXC、Bitget 和 BingX 等信譽良好的交易所以及 STON.fi 和 DeDust 等去中心化平台上進行交易,DeDust 是 TON 生態系統中鎖定總價值排名前五的協議( TVL)約為1500 萬美元。
The TonUp team regularly conducts buybacks and burns of TonUP tokens, reducing their overall circulation. This strategic move bolsters the token's price, which has experienced an impressive 180% growth in a single month, reaching an all-time high of $1.2 on March 25.
TonUp 團隊定期對 TonUP 代幣進行回購和銷毀,減少其整體流通量。這項戰略舉措提振了該代幣的價格,該代幣的價格在一個月內增長了 180%,令人印象深刻,並於 3 月 25 日達到 1.2 美元的歷史新高。
Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is solely for educational purposes. It is not intended to constitute legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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