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區塊鏈世界充滿了創新,其中一個脫穎而出的項目是Sui區塊鏈。由 Mysten Labs 開發,團隊成員包括
The blockchain world is buzzing with innovation, and one project that stands out is the Sui blockchain. Developed by Mysten Labs, a team comprising former Meta engineers, Sui is designed to deliver unprecedented speed, scalability, and flexibility to the world of decentralized applications (dApps). Before diving into the details of the Sui ecosystem and its native token, $SUI, make sure to check out a detailed video on OG Crypto channel about Sui to get a comprehensive overview of this exciting project:
區塊鏈世界充滿了創新,其中一個脫穎而出的項目是Sui區塊鏈。 Sui 由 Mysten Labs(由前 Meta 工程師組成的團隊)開發,旨在為去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 世界提供前所未有的速度、可擴展性和靈活性。在深入了解 Sui 生態系統及其原生代幣 $SUI 的詳細信息之前,請務必觀看 OG Crypto 頻道上有關 Sui 的詳細視頻,以全面了解這個令人興奮的項目:
What is Sui?
Sui is a Layer 1 blockchain that aims to set a new standard for transaction processing speed and scalability in the crypto world. Unlike traditional blockchains that process transactions sequentially, Sui uses parallel transaction execution, enabling the network to process up to 125,000 transactions per second (TPS) under optimal conditions. The result? Lightning-fast transactions with minimal fees.
Sui 是一個 Layer 1 區塊鏈,旨在為加密世界的交易處理速度和可擴展性設定新標準。與順序處理交易的傳統區塊鏈不同,Sui 使用並行交易執行,使網路在最佳條件下每秒處理高達 125,000 個交易(TPS)。結果呢?交易速度快如閃電,費用最低。
The project’s foundations trace back to Meta’s now-defunct Diem blockchain initiative. Sui’s creators took the best aspects of Diem, refined them, and built a cutting-edge blockchain optimized for modern Web3 use cases like DeFi, NFTs, and gaming.
該項目的基礎可以追溯到 Meta 現已解散的 Diem 區塊鏈計劃。 Sui 的創建者吸收了 Diem 的最佳方面,對其進行了改進,並構建了一個針對 DeFi、NFT 和遊戲等現代 Web3 用例進行優化的尖端區塊鏈。
Key Features of Sui
1. Move Programming Language
Sui is built using Move, a programming language initially developed for the Diem blockchain. Move is designed with security and efficiency in mind, allowing developers to create safer and faster applications. Some standout features of Move include:
Sui 是使用 Move 建構的,Move 是一種最初為 Diem 區塊鏈開發的程式語言。 Move 的設計考慮到了安全性和效率,使開發人員能夠創建更安全、更快速的應用程式。 Move 的一些突出功能包括:
- Rust-like Syntax: Move combines the benefits of a modern programming language like Rust with the expressiveness of WebAssembly (eWasm). This unique blend makes it easier for developers to write safer and more efficient code.
- 類似 Rust 的語法:Move 結合了 Rust 等現代程式語言的優點與 WebAssembly (eWasm) 的表達能力。這種獨特的混合使開發人員可以更輕鬆地編寫更安全、更有效率的程式碼。
- Formal Verification: Move is formally specified and verified, ensuring that code behaves as intended and reducing the risk of bugs or vulnerabilities.
- 形式驗證:移動經過正式指定和驗證,確保程式碼按預期運行並降低錯誤或漏洞的風險。
- Expressive Types: The programming language's type system enhances code safety and enables advanced features like fine-grained asset ownership and parallel programming.
- 表達類型:程式語言的類型系統增強了程式碼安全性,並支援細粒度資產所有權和並行程式設計等進階功能。
2. Parallel Transaction Execution
2. 並行事務執行
Sui departs from the sequential transaction processing approach used by most blockchains. Instead, it employs parallel execution to optimize resource utilization and achieve higher transaction throughput. Simple transactions, like peer-to-peer transfers, bypass the consensus process for even faster execution.
Sui 不同於大多數區塊鏈使用的順序事務處理方法。相反,它採用並行執行來優化資源利用率並實現更高的事務吞吐量。簡單的交易(例如點對點傳輸)可以繞過共識流程,從而實現更快的執行速度。
3. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
3. 委託權益證明(DPoS)
Sui utilizes a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. In this system, validators stake tokens to participate in validating transactions and extending the blockchain. Sui features a low validator count of around 100, which facilitates faster consensus but raises questions about decentralization.
Sui 採用委託權益證明 (DPoS) 共識機制。在這個系統中,驗證者透過抵押代幣來參與驗證交易和擴展區塊鏈。 Sui 的驗證者數量較少,約 100 個,這有助於更快達成共識,但也引發了關於去中心化的問題。
4. Infinite Scalability
4. 無限的可擴展性
Sui boasts a distributed computing architecture that dynamically scales the network to meet varying demand. This ensures stable performance and low fees even during periods of high usage, making it ideal for resource-intensive applications like blockchain gaming and social dApps.
Sui 擁有分散式運算架構,可動態擴展網路以滿足不同的需求。即使在高使用率期間,這也能確保穩定的效能和較低的費用,使其成為區塊鏈遊戲和社交 dApp 等資源密集型應用程式的理想選擇。
The Sui Ecosystem
Sui supports a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications across various sectors. Here are some areas where Sui is making an impact:
Sui 支持各領域不斷發展的去中心化應用生態系統。以下是 Sui 正在產生影響的一些領域:
Thanks to Sui’s high throughput and low fees, it serves as an excellent platform for decentralized finance applications. From decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to lending protocols, Sui is set to revolutionize DeFi.
由於 Sui 的高吞吐量和低費用,它成為去中心化金融應用的優秀平台。從去中心化交易所 (DEX) 到借貸協議,Sui 必將徹底改變 DeFi。
The blockchain’s asset ownership model allows developers to create innovative NFT projects. Sui distinguishes between owned and shared assets, adding flexibility to NFT transactions and use cases.
區塊鏈的資產所有權模型允許開發者創建創新的 NFT 專案。 Sui 區分了自有資產和共享資產,增加了 NFT 交易和用例的靈活性。
With its parallel execution and distributed computing capabilities, Sui is a prime choice for blockchain-based games. Developers can create seamless gaming experiences without encountering scalability limitations.
憑藉其並行執行和分散式運算能力,Sui 是區塊鏈遊戲的首選。開發人員可以創建無縫的遊戲體驗,而不會遇到可擴展性限制。
Utility Applications
Sui's ability to handle complex transactions and its scalable infrastructure make it a suitable foundation for diverse utility applications. These include decentralized social media platforms and subscription-based models.
Sui 處理複雜交易的能力及其可擴展的基礎設施使其成為各種實用應用程式的合適基礎。其中包括去中心化社交媒體平台和基於訂閱的模式。
The $SUI Token
$SUI 代幣
The native token of the Sui blockchain, $SUI, serves multiple functions within the ecosystem:
Sui 區塊鏈的原生代幣 $SUI 在生態系統中具有多種功能:
- Governance: $SUI holders can participate in the governance of the Sui blockchain by proposing and voting on changes to the protocol.
- 治理:$SUI 持有者可以透過對協議變更提出提案和投票來參與 Sui 區塊鏈的治理。
- Staking: To maintain the network's security and contribute to transaction validation, users can stake their $SUI tokens with validators.
- 質押:為了維護網路的安全並促進交易驗證,用戶可以將其 $SUI 代幣質押給驗證者。
- Gas Fees: When performing transactions on the Sui blockchain, users pay a small fee in $SUI to cover the computational costs.
- Gas 費用:在 Sui 區塊鏈上執行交易時,用戶需要支付少量的 $SUI 費用來支付計算成本。
- Access to dApps: To interact with decentralized applications built on Sui, users typically need to hold $SUI for gas fees and other expenses.
- 訪問 dApp:為了與基於 Sui 構建的去中心化應用程式進行交互,用戶通常需要持有 $SUI 以支付汽油費和其他費用。
- Collectible Value: As a cryptocurrency, $SUI can also be bought, sold, or held as a digital asset, subject to market price fluctuations.
- 收藏價值:作為一種加密貨幣,$SUI 也可以作為數位資產購買、出售或持有,但會受到市場價格波動的影響。
With over $300 million in funding from top-tier investors like Binance Labs, a16z, and Circle, the $SUI token is well-positioned to support a robust and rapidly expanding ecosystem.
$SUI 代幣從 Binance Labs、a16z 和 Circle 等頂級投資者那裡獲得了超過 3 億美元的資金,能夠很好地支持強大且快速擴張的生態系統。
Why Sui Stands Out
Sui brings a range of innovations to the table, including:
Sui 帶來了一系列創新,包括:
- Parallel Transaction Execution: Most blockchains process transactions sequentially, but Sui executes them simultaneously. This approach maximizes resource utilization and achieves higher transaction throughput. Simple transactions, like
- 並行交易執行:大多數區塊鏈按順序處理交易,但 Sui 同時執行它們。這種方法最大限度地提高了資源利用率並實現了更高的事務吞吐量。簡單的交易,例如
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