Knowing the best early-game skills in Stellar Blade will come in handy when tackling the various challenges in Eidos 7. The game features an extensive skill tree that you need to slowly unlock by progressing and completing questlines. With so many options available at hand, you might get confused as to which early-game skills in Stellar Blade are worth investing in.
This article will answer this question by listing a few early-game skills in Stellar Blade you need to unlock before everything else.
本文將透過列出《Stellar Blade》中您需要先解鎖的一些早期遊戲技能來回答這個問題。
Best early-game skills in Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade has a plethora of powerful abilities that you can add to Eve's arsenal to take down your enemies quickly. Obviously, you need to unlock them first, and this process can be quite slow.
Some skills will help you more than others during the early sections of the game. Here are some essential abilities you should unlock first.
Ambush: Allows you to execute enemies from behind. Cannot be used on enemies engaged in combat.
Reflex Boost: Makes perfect dodge easier.
Focus Boost: Makes perfect parry easier.
Rush Chain: Charges at enemies and performs more combo attacks.
Reflection (1 and 2): After executing a perfect dodge, allows you to stun enemies and increases your attack speed for a limited time.
Double Dodge: Allows you to dodge twice.
Blink: Teleports you behind the enemy while avoiding incoming attacks
Repulse: Pushes enemies away when they enact a fatal attack and highlights their weak points.
Shock Waves: Unleashes two charges of fatal energy. Can be used from range.
Threat Detection: Makes it easier to use Blink and Repulse.
Counter(1 and 2): After executing a perfect parry, counters and stuns enemies while increasing melee attack power.
Keep in mind that skills in Stellar Blade can be reset for better ones at any Skill Kiosk and using an SP Initializer. So you can use your SP freely to assign these early-game skills in Stellar Blade to Eve, and you can always reset them later if it does not suit your playstyle.
伏擊:允許你從背後處決敵人。不能用於戰鬥中的敵人。 ,可以在有限時間內擊暈敵人並提高攻擊速度。突顯其弱點.衝擊波:釋放兩股致命能量。可以在遠端使用。來自Shift Up 和PhillyBeatzGames/YouTube)請記住,Stellar Blade 中的技能可以在任何技能亭並使用SP 初始化器重置為更好的技能。所以你可以自由地使用你的SP將《星之刃》中的這些早期遊戲技能分配給夏娃,如果不適合你的遊戲風格,你可以隨時重置它們。
Also, as we mentioned in our best Stellar Blade tips for beginners article, you can try out skills before unlocking them with your precious SP. It's always a good idea to do this first.
All said and done, we do hope that these early-game skills in Stellar Blade are useful to you. For more content related to Shift Up's latest action title, check out the following:
總而言之,我們確實希望《Stellar Blade》中的這些早期遊戲技能對您有用。有關 Shift Up 最新動作標題的更多內容,請查看以下內容:
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