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Sonic SVM:Solana L2 對鍊式遊戲大規模採用的回應

2025/01/16 17:18

在Web3的世界裡,流量入口往往決定了一個專案的成敗。 Sonic SVM 作為 Solana 上的第 2 層擴充解決方案,已確定其

Sonic SVM:Solana L2 對鍊式遊戲大規模採用的回應

Sonic SVM (SONIC), a Layer-2 (L2) scaling solution built on Solana, has made significant strides in the Web3 gaming landscape with its unique approach to user acquisition. While many L2s have struggled to gain traction or faced concerns over fraud and sustainability, Sonic SVM has managed to achieve a strong presence in the market.

Sonic SVM (SONIC) 是一種基於 Solana 構建的第 2 層 (L2) 擴展解決方案,憑藉其獨特的用戶獲取方法,在 Web3 遊戲領域取得了重大進展。儘管許多 L2 一直在努力獲得吸引力或面臨詐欺和可持續性方面的擔憂,但 Sonic SVM 已成功在市場上佔有一席之地。

After launching the SONIC token on January 7, Sonic SVM quickly ascended to the top 10 L2 tokens by fully diluted valuation (FDV), becoming the only Solana-based L2 token among the leading projects. As of January 16, the price of SONIC remained relatively stable at approximately $0.72, largely unaffected by the impending ban on TikTok in the U.S.

1 月 7 日推出 SONIC 代幣後,Sonic SVM 按完全稀釋估值(FDV)迅速躋身 L2 代幣前 10 名,成為領先項目中唯一基於 Solana 的 L2 代幣。截至 1 月 16 日,SONIC 的價格保持相對穩定,約為 0.72 美元,基本上未受到美國即將禁止 TikTok 的影響

Created by Mirror World Labs, Sonic SVM boasts a founding team led by CEO Chris Zhu, Chief Product Officer Alan Zhu, and Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Bakebwa. The project has raised a total of $16 million in seed and Series A funding from investors including BITKRAFT, Galaxy Interactive, Big Brain Holdings, Sky9 Capital, and OKX Ventures.

Sonic SVM 由 Mirror World Labs 創建,由執行長 Chris Zhu、首席產品長 Alan Zhu 和技術長 Jonathan Bakebwa 領導的創始團隊。該項目已從 BITKRAFT、Galaxy Interactive、Big Brain Holdings、Sky9 Capital 和 OKX Ventures 等投資者籌集了總計 1600 萬美元的種子資金和 A 輪資金。

Sonic SVM aims to enhance the efficiency and interoperability of blockchain gaming platforms by providing dedicated block space and improved tools for developers and players. The platform's HyperGrid technology enables the seamless deployment of optimistic rollups on Solana, while its Rush ECS framework simplifies the creation of on-chain games and autonomous worlds. Sonic also offers commercialization tools for payments, settlements, and user acquisition.

Sonic SVM 旨在透過為開發者和玩家提供專用的區塊空間和改進的工具來提高區塊鏈遊戲平台的效率和互通性。該平台的 HyperGrid 技術支援在 Solana 上無縫部署樂觀匯總,而其 Rush ECS 框架則簡化了鏈上游戲和自治世界的創建。 Sonic 還提供用於支付、結算和用戶獲取的商業化工具。

In a bid to tap into mainstream audiences, Sonic SVM launched the point-earning game SonicX on TikTok in October 2024. The game, which draws inspiration from the classic video game "Sonic the Hedgehog," is accessible via web pages that open within TikTok's native browser. Players can log in with their social accounts and begin collecting game points.

為了吸引主流受眾,Sonic SVM 於 2024 年 10 月在 TikTok 上推出了積分遊戲 SonicX。 該遊戲的靈感來自經典視頻遊戲“刺猬索尼克”,可通過在 TikTok 中打開的網頁進行訪問。 。玩家可以使用他們的社交帳戶登入並開始收集遊戲積分。

SonicX expands its player base by launching TikTok ads to potential new users, achieving millions of views within a month, some of which converted into active users. According to Sonic SVM, the game surpassed the milestone of one million players just one month after its launch, with current users exceeding two million.

SonicX 透過向潛在新用戶推出 TikTok 廣告來擴大玩家群,一個月內獲得了數百萬次觀看次數,其中一些轉化為活躍用戶。據Sonic SVM稱,該遊戲在推出僅一個月後就突破了100萬玩家的里程碑,目前用戶已超過200萬。

While Telegram-based Tap-to-earn mini-games boasted users that "easily" surpassed one million and often reached tens of millions, SonicX's one or two million users may seem unremarkable. However, considering that TikTok users must provide phone numbers and identity verification for KYC, while Telegram imposes no such restrictions, SonicX users may be relatively of "higher quality."

雖然基於 Telegram 的 Tap-to-earn 小遊戲號稱用戶「輕鬆」突破 100 萬,並且經常達到數千萬,但 SonicX 的一兩百萬用戶可能顯得平淡無奇。不過,考慮到 TikTok 用戶必須提供電話號碼和身份驗證以進行 KYC,而 Telegram 沒有此類限制,SonicX 用戶可能相對「更高品質」。

Sonic SVM's vision for SonicX on TikTok extends beyond hosting the game itself, aiming to cultivate a Web3 gaming layer that can be accessed and participated in by mainstream audiences. Sonic SVM provides infrastructure for developers willing to launch games on TikTok, allowing them to utilize the Sonic Origin and Sonic Frontier networks and easily deploy games through its guidelines.

Sonic SVM 對 TikTok 上 SonicX 的願景超越了託管遊戲本身的範圍,旨在培養主流受眾可以存取和參與的 Web3 遊戲層。 Sonic SVM 為願意在 TikTok 上推出遊戲的開發者提供基礎設施,使他們能夠利用 Sonic Origin 和 Sonic Frontier 網絡,並透過其指南輕鬆部署遊戲。

With the SONIC token generation activity landing smoothly, Sonic SVM believes that TikTok has proven to be an effective user acquisition channel, and it hopes to open its business to third-party developers and fund them through SONIC tokens.

隨著SONIC代幣生成活動的順利落地,Sonic SVM認為TikTok已被證明是有效的用戶獲取管道,並希望向第三方開發者開放其業務,並透過SONIC代幣為其提供資金。

However, TikTok's future in the U.S. is currently uncertain, as a large number of American users have recently begun a "cyber exodus," flocking to Xiaohongshu for "refuge." Last year, the U.S. Congress passed the "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversaries Act." According to this law, TikTok's parent company ByteDance must divest its stake in TikTok by January 19, or face a nationwide ban. TikTok has repeatedly stated that it will not sell its U.S. operations. According to The Information, TikTok plans to shut down its app for U.S. users by the "deadline."

不過,目前TikTok在美國的前途未卜,大量美國用戶近期開始“網絡出走”,湧向小紅書“避難”。去年,美國國會通過了《保護美國人免受外國對手侵害法案》。根據這項法律,TikTok的母公司位元組跳動必須在1月19日之前剝離其所持TikTok股份,否則將面臨全國範圍的禁令。 TikTok多次表示不會出售美國業務。根據 The Information 報導,TikTok 計劃在「最後期限」之前關閉針對美國用戶的應用程式。

TikTok has appealed to the Supreme Court regarding this law, arguing that the ban infringes on the First Amendment rights of its 170 million American users. On January 10, the Supreme Court heard TikTok's emergency appeal, but the judges seemed inclined to uphold the legislation and expect compliance with the deadline. Unless ByteDance complies with the aforementioned law, once the ban is implemented, Apple, Google, and web hosting service providers must block TikTok's distribution in the U.S. According to Bloomberg, citing informed sources, Elon Musk may become the owner of TikTok. Subsequently, TikTok responded, stating that reports of a potential sale to Musk are "purely fictional."

TikTok 已就該法律向最高法院提起上訴,認為該禁令侵犯了其 1.7 億美國用戶的第一修正案權利。 1 月 10 日,最高法院聽取了 TikTok 的緊急上訴,但法官似乎傾向於支持該立法,並期望遵守最後期限。除非字節跳動遵守上述法律,否則一旦禁令實施,蘋果、谷歌和網絡託管服務提供商必須阻止 TikTok 在美國的分發。隨後,TikTok 回應稱,有關可能出售給馬斯克的報道「純屬虛構」。

Donald Trump, who is about to officially assume the presidency, is also a supporter of TikTok. He has expressed a "fondness" for TikTok and vowed to "save" the platform that brought "billions of views" to his campaign. Last month, Trump urged the Supreme Court to delay its ruling until he returns to the White House on January 20. His lawyers submitted a legal brief to the court stating that Trump "opposes banning TikTok" and "seeks the ability to resolve the current issue through political means" after taking office. A week ago, Trump also met with TikTok CEO

即將正式就任總統的唐納德·川普也是TikTok的支持者。他表達了對 TikTok 的“愛”,並誓言要“拯救”這個為他的競選活動帶來“數十億瀏覽量”的平台。上個月,川普敦促最高法院推遲裁決,直至他1月20日返回白宮。能力」上任後透過政治手段」。一週前,川普還會見了TikTok首席執行官


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