幣安可能已經啟動了一項活動,希望能夠幫助 Solv 協議(SOLV)贏得用戶的喜愛。在此之前,全球領先的加密貨幣交易所在其部落格上發布了一篇新文章,宣布為此進行 Megadrop。

Binance has announced a Megadrop campaign to help users earn Solv Protocol (SOLV) tokens. The campaign will run from January 7 to 16, 2025, and will offer a total reward pool of 588 million SOLV tokens (7% of the Genesis Token Supply).
Binance 宣布開展 Megadrop 活動,幫助用戶賺取 Solv Protocol (SOLV) 代幣。該活動將於 2025 年 1 月 7 日至 16 日進行,獎勵池總額為 5.88 億個 SOLV 代幣(佔 Genesis 代幣供應量的 7%)。
To participate in the campaign, users can either stake BNB in Locked Products to earn scores based on the length of their staking period (longer periods = higher scores = more SOLV rewards), or complete Web3 Quests to further boost their scores.
要參與活動,使用者可以將 BNB 質押在鎖定產品中,根據質押期限的長短獲得分數(期限越長 = 分數越高 = 更多 SOLV 獎勵),也可以完成 Web3 任務以進一步提高分數。
Users can verify their activities through the Binance Megadrop page and start claiming rewards daily from the campaign launch on Monday. After the campaign ends on January 16, all rewards will be automatically distributed to the spot wallets of participants.
用戶可以透過 Binance Megadrop 頁面驗證他們的活動,並從週一活動啟動後開始每天領取獎勵。 1月16日活動結束後,所有獎勵將自動發放到參與者的現貨錢包。
Binance will also be the first exchange to list SOLV tokens, showing its support for innovative projects in the blockchain space. The exchange will open trading for SOLV/USDT, SOLV/BNB, SOLV/BUSD, and SOLV/TRY pairs from January 17, 2025, at 10:00 UTC.
幣安也將成為第一個上線 SOLV 代幣的交易所,展示其對區塊鏈領域創新項目的支援。該交易所將於 2025 年 1 月 17 日 10:00 UTC 開始開放 SOLV/USDT、SOLV/BNB、SOLV/BUSD 和 SOLV/TRY 交易對。
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