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垃圾郵件交易負擔Solana:分析重點問題Dan Smith 最近的一項研究顯示,Solana 區塊鏈上的垃圾郵件水平令人震驚,機器人佔失敗交易的95%,而真正的用戶只發送了所有交易的5 %,失敗率較低。正如 Arthur Hayes 指出的那樣,Meme 幣的擴散加劇了這個問題,造成了所謂的 75% 的失敗率,並引發了人們對 Solana 的 TPS 主張的質疑。儘管失敗率很高,驗證者仍然必須處理這些垃圾郵件交易,揭示 Solana 的實際 TPS 並強調需要採取緩解措施以確保網路的可持續性。
Solana's Spam Epidemic: Unveiling the Bots and Meme Coins Crippling the Blockchain
Solana 的垃圾郵件流行:揭開破壞區塊鏈的機器人和 Meme 幣的面紗
Amidst the fanfare surrounding Solana's (SOL) rapid ascent as a blockchain platform, a sinister underbelly has emerged, threatening to undermine its credibility and sustainability. A recent study by Dan Smith, a renowned trader and digital asset investor, has exposed a rampant issue of spam transactions on the Solana network, raising serious concerns about the platform's integrity.
在圍繞 Solana (SOL) 作為區塊鏈平台迅速崛起的大肆宣傳中,一個險惡的弱點已經出現,有可能損害其可信度和可持續性。著名交易員和數位資產投資者 Dan Smith 最近的一項研究揭露了 Solana 網路上垃圾郵件交易猖獗的問題,引發了對該平台完整性的嚴重擔憂。
Bots Orchestrating Transaction Chaos
Smith's meticulous analysis reveals a disturbing pattern of spammers exploiting the Solana blockchain to inflate transaction failure rates. These bots, masquerading as authentic users, relentlessly bombard the network with an overwhelming number of transactions. While genuine users account for a mere 97% of addresses, they contribute to only 0.6% of total failed transactions.
Smith 的細緻分析揭示了垃圾郵件發送者利用 Solana 區塊鏈來提高交易失敗率的令人不安的模式。這些機器人偽裝成真實用戶,用大量交易無情地轟炸網路。雖然真實用戶僅佔地址的 97%,但他們只佔失敗交易總數的 0.6%。
In stark contrast, a tiny fraction of addresses, accounting for just 0.1%, are responsible for an astounding 95% of failed transactions. These addresses, sending over 5,000 transactions per day, are clear indicators of bot activity. Their relentless spamming tactics result in a staggering 79% failure rate, far exceeding the 8% failure rate experienced by genuine users.
與此形成鮮明對比的是,一小部分地址(僅佔 0.1%)卻造成了高達 95% 的失敗交易。這些地址每天發送超過 5,000 筆交易,是機器人活動的明確指標。他們無情的垃圾郵件策略導致了高達 79% 的失敗率,遠遠超過真正用戶所經歷的 8% 的失敗率。
Meme Coins Exacerbating the Crisis
Meme 硬幣加劇了危機
Compounding Solana's spam problem is the surge in meme coins, a breed of cryptocurrencies often devoid of any intrinsic value. Arthur Hayes, the co-founder of the prominent BitMEX exchange, has voiced his concerns about the detrimental impact of meme coins on Solana's transaction ecosystem.
迷因幣的激增加劇了 Solana 的垃圾郵件問題,迷因幣是一種通常沒有任何內在價值的加密貨幣。著名 BitMEX 交易所的聯合創始人 Arthur Hayes 表達了他對 Meme 幣對 Solana 交易生態系統產生不利影響的擔憂。
According to Hayes, the overwhelming popularity of meme coins among investors has led to a sharp increase in transaction failures on the Solana blockchain. He estimates that 75% of transactions are now failing due to the excessive trading of these questionable assets. The influx of meme coin transactions has placed an undue burden on the network, resulting in increased congestion and inflated transaction failure rates.
Hayes 表示,meme 幣在投資者中壓倒性的流行導致 Solana 區塊鏈上的交易失敗急劇增加。他估計,由於這些可疑資產的過度交易,目前有 75% 的交易失敗。迷因幣交易的湧入給網路帶來了過度的負擔,導致擁塞加劇和交易失敗率上升。
Solana's TPS Claims Under Scrutiny
Solana 的 TPS 聲明受到審查
The high rate of failed transactions has cast a shadow over Solana's much-touted transaction per second (TPS) metric. While Solana boasts a theoretical TPS capacity of 50,000 or more, the reality is significantly different when factoring in the impact of spam and failed transactions.
高交易失敗率給 Solana 備受推崇的每秒交易數 (TPS) 指標蒙上了陰影。儘管 Solana 的理論 TPS 容量為 50,000 或更高,但考慮到垃圾郵件和失敗交易的影響時,實際情況卻大不相同。
In the face of overwhelming spam activity, validators on the Solana network are forced to allocate significant resources to process these transactions, even if they ultimately fail. This resource allocation provides a more accurate picture of Solana's effective TPS, which is considerably lower than the theoretical limit when accounting for spam.
面對鋪天蓋地的垃圾郵件活動,Solana 網路上的驗證者被迫分配大量資源來處理這些交易,即使它們最終失敗。這種資源分配可以更準確地描述 Solana 的有效 TPS,該 TPS 遠低於考慮垃圾郵件時的理論限制。
Technical Implications and Sustainability Concerns
Despite the high transaction failure rate, Solana's validators must continue to process these transactions, regardless of their origin. This has important implications for the network's sustainability and scalability.
儘管交易失敗率很高,但 Solana 的驗證器必須繼續處理這些交易,無論其來源為何。這對於網路的可持續性和可擴展性具有重要影響。
The excessive processing of spam transactions consumes significant computational resources and bandwidth, which can detract from the network's ability to handle legitimate transactions. The continuous allocation of resources to process failed transactions can also hinder the network's overall performance and scalability.
SOL Price Fluctuates Amidst Network Challenges
SOL 價格因網路挑戰而波動
The revelation of Solana's spam epidemic has raised concerns about the platform's long-term viability. At the time of writing, SOL, Solana's native token, is trading at approximately $144, reflecting a 9% increase over the past 24 hours. However, SOL has experienced a 15% decline over the past week, indicating some uncertainty among investors.
Solana 垃圾郵件氾濫的事件引發了人們對該平台長期生存能力的擔憂。截至撰寫本文時,Solana 的原生代幣 SOL 的交易價格約為 144 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 9%。然而,SOL 在過去一周下跌了 15%,這表明投資者存在一些不確定性。
The sustainability of Solana's ecosystem hinges on its ability to address the spam issue and regain the trust of its users. Failure to do so could erode Solana's reputation and significantly impact its future growth prospects.
Solana 生態系統的可持續性取決於其解決垃圾郵件問題並重新獲得用戶信任的能力。如果不這樣做,可能會損害 Solana 的聲譽並嚴重影響其未來的成長前景。
Solana's transaction landscape is fraught with challenges, primarily driven by the prevalence of spam and bot activity. The unrelenting spamming tactics employed by bots have inflated transaction failure rates, tarnishing the blockchain's reputation and undermining its TPS claims.
Solana 的交易環境充滿挑戰,主要是因為垃圾郵件和機器人活動的盛行。機器人採用的無情的垃圾郵件策略提高了交易失敗率,損害了區塊鏈的聲譽並破壞了其 TPS 聲明。
The proliferation of meme coins has further exacerbated the problem, leading to increased congestion and transaction failures. While Solana's validators must continue to process these spam transactions, the technical implications of this activity have raised concerns about the network's sustainability.
模因幣的激增進一步加劇了這個問題,導致擁塞和交易失敗加劇。雖然 Solana 的驗證者必須繼續處理這些垃圾郵件交易,但此活動的技術影響引起了人們對網路永續性的擔憂。
The recent study by Dan Smith and the observations made by Arthur Hayes underscore the urgent need for Solana to implement effective measures to combat spam and restore the integrity of its transaction ecosystem. The platform's long-term viability depends on its ability to address these challenges and regain the trust of its users.
Dan Smith 最近的研究和 Arthur Hayes 的觀察強調了 Solana 迫切需要採取有效措施打擊垃圾郵件並恢復其交易生態系統的完整性。該平台的長期生存能力取決於其應對這些挑戰並重新獲得用戶信任的能力。
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