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儘管最近由於 NFT 活動減少而遭遇挫折,但市場仍在激烈爭奪主導地位。在 Solana 生態系統中,Magic Eden 成為排名第一的平台,佔據 73% 的市場份額,交易量超過 275,000 SOL。 Tensor 以 18.94% 的份額緊隨其後,Hyperspace、OKX 和 Sniper 分別排名第三、第四和第五。這些市場提供各種功能並針對不同的用戶群體,為 Solana NFT 生態系統的動態和競爭格局做出了貢獻。
Non-Fungible Token Marketplaces Battle for Supremacy in Solana Ecosystem
不可取代代幣市場爭奪 Solana 生態系統的霸主地位
The burgeoning landscape of non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces continues to witness fierce competition for market dominance, despite recent reports of a downturn in NFT trading activity. These marketplaces serve as digital platforms where users can create, buy, and sell NFTs, which are unique and verifiable digital assets. Among the various blockchain networks that host NFT ecosystems, Solana has emerged as a prominent player, attracting a host of marketplaces vying for supremacy.
儘管最近有報導稱 NFT 交易活動低迷,但不可替代代幣 (NFT) 市場的蓬勃發展仍繼續見證著市場主導地位的激烈競爭。這些市場充當數位平台,用戶可以在其中創建、購買和銷售 NFT,這是獨特且可驗證的數位資產。在託管 NFT 生態系統的各種區塊鏈網路中,Solana 已成為重要參與者,吸引了許多市場爭奪霸主地位。
To provide a comprehensive overview of the current competitive landscape, we present an analysis of the top five NFT marketplaces operating within the Solana ecosystem over the past seven days, as compiled by Tiexo.com, an on-chain multi-chain NFT explorer.
為了全面概述當前的競爭格局,我們對過去 7 天內 Solana 生態系統中運營的前 5 個 NFT 市場進行了分析,數據由鏈上多鏈 NFT 瀏覽器 Tiexo.com 編制。
1. Magic Eden NFT Marketplace Leads in Volume
1、Magic Eden NFT市場成交量領先
Magic Eden, one of the leading multi-chain NFT marketplaces that empower crypto enthusiasts to create, acquire, trade, and collect NFTs, has emerged as the top-traded NFT marketplace on the Solana blockchain network for the week under consideration. Magic Eden has amassed an impressive sales volume exceeding 275,000 SOL during this period, capturing a commanding 73% of the total volume among the five leading NFT market platforms.
Magic Eden 是領先的多鏈 NFT 市場之一,幫助加密貨幣愛好者創建、獲取、交易和收集 NFT,已成為本週 Solana 區塊鏈網路上交易量最高的 NFT 市場。在此期間,Magic Eden 的銷量超過 275,000 SOL,佔據了五個領先的 NFT 市場平台總銷量的 73%。
2. Tensor NFT Market Platform Strengthens Position
2. Tensor NFT 市場平台地位增強
Tensor, another digital marketplace on Solana that enables crypto users to engage in NFT creation, buying, selling, and collecting, has secured the second spot as the most-traded NFT marketplace on the Solana NFT ecosystem this week. Launched in 2021, Tensor is an NFT marketplace backed by notable venture capital firms and investors, including Placeholder VC, Solana Ventures, and Solana founders Toly and Raj. Over the past seven days, Tensor NFT market platform has recorded a trading sales volume surpassing 71,000 SOL, accounting for 18.94% of the total volume generated by the top five NFT market platforms. The platform has witnessed a significant increase in engagement, exceeding 50% during the week.
Tensor 是 Solana 上的另一個數位市場,它使加密貨幣用戶能夠參與 NFT 創建、購買、銷售和收集,本週已成為 Solana NFT 生態系統中交易量最大的 NFT 市場第二名。 Tensor 於 2021 年推出,是一個 NFT 市場,得到了著名創投公司和投資者的支持,包括 Placeholder VC、Solana Ventures 以及 Solana 創辦人 Toly 和 Raj。過去7天,Tensor NFT市場平台交易量突破71,000 SOL,佔前五名NFT市場平台總交易量的18.94%。該平台的參與度顯著增加,本週超過 50%。
3. Hyperspace NFT Marketplace Gains Momentum
3. 超空間 NFT 市場勢頭強勁
Hyperspace, a multi-chain NFT marketplace and launchpad that emphasizes analytics, charting, and enhanced trading experiences, has ascended to the third position as the most-traded NFT market platform on the Solana NFT ecosystem this week. According to Tiexo.com data, the NFT marketplace has processed over 12,000 SOLs in settled transactions during the past seven days, accumulating 3.34% of the total volume across the top five NFT market platforms.
Hyperspace 是一個強調分析、圖表和增強交易體驗的多鏈 NFT 市場和啟動板,本週已上升為 Solana NFT 生態系統中交易量最大的 NFT 市場平台第三位。根據 Tiexo.com 數據,過去 7 天,NFT 市場已處理超過 12,000 筆 SOL 結算交易,累計佔前五名 NFT 市場平台總交易量的 3.34%。
4. OKX NFT Market Platform Maintains Presence
4. OKX NFT市場平台保持存在
OKX Marketplace, a non-fungible token trading platform created by crypto exchange OKX, has established its presence as the fourth most-traded NFT marketplace on the Solana NFT ecosystem this week. OKX Marketplace supports over ten networks, including Ethereum, Solana, OKTC, Polygon, BNB Chain, and Avalanche. Based on Tiexo.com data, the NFT market has registered a trading sales volume of approximately 5,000 SOL settled on its platform, capturing 5% of the total volume among the top five NFT market platforms.
OKX Marketplace 是由加密貨幣交易所 OKX 創建的不可替代代幣交易平台,本週已成為 Solana NFT 生態系統中交易量第四大的 NFT 市場。 OKX Marketplace 支援十多個網絡,包括以太坊、Solana、OKTC、Polygon、BNB Chain 和 Avalanche。 Tiexo.com數據顯示,NFT市場已在其平台上結算的交易量約為5,000 SOL,佔NFT市場前五平台總交易量的5%。
5. Sniper NFT Marketplace Emerges as Niche Player
5. Sniper NFT 市場成為利基市場參與者
Sniper, one of the most sophisticated NFT marketplaces and on-chain crypto market aggregators, has secured the fifth spot as the most-traded NFT marketplace on the Solana NFT ecosystem this week. Sniper employs order-book style trading, interactive charting, and analysis tools to enhance the trading experience for its users. According to Tiexo.com, Sniper NFT marketplace has amassed a sales volume of approximately 5,100 SOL over the past seven days, dominating 1.33% of the total volume across the top five NFT market platforms.
Sniper 是最複雜的 NFT 市場和鏈上加密貨幣市場聚合商之一,本週已成為 Solana NFT 生態系統中交易量最大的 NFT 市場第五名。 Sniper 採用訂單簿式交易、互動式圖表和分析工具來增強使用者的交易體驗。根據 Tiexo.com 的數據,Sniper NFT 市場在過去 7 天的銷量約為 5,100 SOL,佔據前五名 NFT 市場平台總銷量的 1.33%。
Ongoing Market Dynamics and Expansion
Despite the recent downturn in NFT trading activity, the competitive landscape among NFT marketplaces remains intense, with each platform seeking to differentiate itself through unique features and value propositions. As the adoption of NFTs continues to expand, the battle for market dominance is expected to intensify, with new entrants and innovative approaches emerging to cater to the growing demand for these digital assets.
儘管最近 NFT 交易活動低迷,但 NFT 市場之間的競爭格局仍然很激烈,每個平台都尋求透過獨特的功能和價值主張來脫穎而出。隨著 NFT 的採用不斷擴大,市場主導地位的競爭預計將加劇,新進入者和創新方法不斷湧現,以滿足對這些數位資產不斷增長的需求。
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