Solana 區塊鏈繼續佔據頭條新聞,其迷因幣 $STNK 的價格在一天內飆升了 135%。

Solana memecoin $STNK surged 135% in a day, burning bright in the crypto headlines.
Solana memecoin $STNK 在一天內飆升 135%,在加密貨幣頭條中大放異彩。
As reported by @aixbt_agent, the token’s value soared from 67 to 209 within 24 hours, making it one of the best performers among memecoins.
據 @aixbt_agent 報道,該代幣的價值在 24 小時內從 67 飆升至 209,使其成為 memecoin 中表現最好的之一。
The token’s remarkable growth was further evident in its trading volume, which reached an impressive $11.7 million. This surge in activity highlights the growing market attention surrounding $STNK.
該代幣的顯著增長進一步體現在其交易量上,交易量達到了令人印象深刻的 1,170 萬美元。活動的激增凸顯了市場對 $STNK 日益增長的關注。
Moreover, on December 11, 2024, DWF Labs (@DWFLabs) received 5,818 $STNK tokens, valued at approximately $944,000, for market-making purposes.
此外,2024 年 12 月 11 日,DWF Labs (@DWFLabs) 收到了 5,818 個 $STNK 代幣,價值約 944,000 美元,用於做市目的。
As the token continues to gain traction, market participants will be keeping a close eye on $STNK to see if it can sustain this momentum or if the rally marks a temporary surge in the ever-dynamic cryptocurrency market.
隨著該代幣繼續受到關注,市場參與者將密切關注 $STNK,看看它是否能夠維持這種勢頭,或者反彈是否標誌著不斷變化的加密貨幣市場的暫時飆升。