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Solana Blockchain Embroiled in Surge of Racist Meme Coins, Sparking Outrage
Solana 區塊鏈捲入種族主義 Meme 幣激增,引發憤怒
Solana has emerged as the preferred blockchain for a disturbing surge in racist meme coins, raising concerns within the cryptocurrency community. Decentralized exchanges that facilitate trading of Solana-based tokens are now hosting a proliferation of cryptocurrencies adorned with slurs, such as the n-word, and coins bearing blatant white supremacist references, including "NAZI" and "Jews did 9/11."
Solana 已成為種族主義迷因硬幣令人不安的激增的首選區塊鏈,引起了加密貨幣社群的擔憂。促進基於Solana 的代幣交易的去中心化交易所現在託管著大量帶有誹謗性詞語(例如n 字)的加密貨幣,以及帶有公然白人至上主義提及的代幣,包括“納粹”和“猶太人做了911」。
According to Coinmarketcap data, the trading volume of the Adolf Hitler (NAZI) token surged by a staggering 917.52% over the last 24 hours. In the same period, the Jews did 9/11 (JEWS) token witnessed a 37.85% increase in trading volume. These repulsive meme coins operate on the Solana blockchain, along with a litany of others.
根據 Coinmarketcap 數據,阿道夫·希特勒(NAZI)代幣的交易量在過去 24 小時內飆升了 917.52%。同期,猶太人9/11(JEWS)代幣交易量增加了37.85%。這些令人厭惡的模因幣以及一長串其他幣在 Solana 區塊鏈上運行。
Factors Contributing to Solana's Predominance
Solana 主導的因素
Solana's rapid transaction speeds and minimal fees have propelled it into the limelight as the primary beneficiary of the burgeoning meme coin trading craze. A significant portion of this trading activity transpires on the Solana blockchain. According to SolanaFM, over 20,000 new tokens are created on the blockchain daily. Notably, Solana's diminutive transaction fees accommodate this burgeoning token count.
Solana 快速的交易速度和最低的成本使其成為人們關注的焦點,成為蓬勃發展的迷因幣交易熱潮的主要受益者。該交易活動的很大一部分發生在 Solana 區塊鏈上。據 SolanaFM 稱,每天在區塊鏈上創建超過 20,000 個新代幣。值得注意的是,Solana 低廉的交易費用適應了不斷增長的代幣數量。
In stark contrast to other networks like the Ethereum Mainnet, where the average transaction fee surpasses $9.00, Solana fees typically amount to a mere fraction of a penny. This cost advantage has been particularly beneficial for creators of racist meme coins.
與以太坊主網等平均交易費用超過 9.00 美元的其他網路形成鮮明對比的是,Solana 費用通常僅為一美分的一小部分。這種成本優勢對於種族主義迷因硬幣的創造者特別有利。
Bitcoin's Resurgence Fuels Meme Coin Surge
比特幣的復甦推動了 Meme 幣的激增
Bitcoin's remarkable ascent to a record-breaking $70,000 earlier this month has served as a catalyst for the appreciation of numerous cryptocurrencies, including a surge in meme coin values. As Bitcoin's meteoric rise stirred up reminiscent of 2021's market peak, a host of meme coins, particularly those operating on Solana, experienced a sudden spike in value.
本月早些時候,比特幣飆升至破紀錄的 7 萬美元,成為許多加密貨幣升值的催化劑,其中包括模因幣價值的飆升。隨著比特幣的迅速上漲讓人想起 2021 年的市場頂峰,許多 meme 代幣,尤其是在 Solana 上運行的代幣,經歷了價值的突然飆升。
Solana has attracted substantial funding from venture capitalists, including Andreessen Horowitz and angel investors. Its user-friendly platform makes minting new tokens, including racist meme coins, relatively effortless.
Solana 吸引了創投家的大量資金,包括 Andreessen Horowitz 和天使投資者。其用戶友好的平台使得鑄造新代幣(包括種族主義模因硬幣)相對容易。
Viral Spread Fuels Meme Coin Success
病毒式傳播推動了 Meme 幣的成功
To attain prominence, meme coins require viral dissemination. In late 2023, a novel meme coin named dogwifhat (WIF) emerged on Solana, featuring a comical image of a dog wearing a hat. The meme coin community embraced WIF, which rapidly soared from a launch price of $0.04 to a peak of $3.47 on March 15. It currently trades at $2.29.
為了獲得知名度,模因幣需要病毒式傳播。 2023 年末,Solana 上出現了一種名為“dogwifhat”(WIF)的新穎模因幣,其特徵是一隻戴著帽子的狗的滑稽圖像。 Meme 幣社群紛紛擁抱 WIF,它從發行價 0.04 美元迅速飆升至 3 月 15 日的峰值 3.47 美元。目前交易價格為 2.29 美元。
WIF and other niche meme coins have proven lucrative for early adopters and insiders. However, the cryptocurrency market is rife with individuals seeking quick profits, driving the trend towards racist meme coins as a means to achieve virality. Creators of these coins exploit the prevalence of racial slurs and white supremacist allusions to generate attention and attract support within certain fringe communities.
事實證明,WIF 和其他利基模因幣對於早期採用者和內部人士來說是有利可圖的。然而,加密貨幣市場充斥著尋求快速利潤的個人,推動了種族主義迷因硬幣作為實現病毒式傳播的手段的趨勢。這些硬幣的創造者利用普遍存在的種族誹謗和白人至上主義暗示來引起關注並吸引某些邊緣社區的支持。
Reaction from Crypto Community
YouTube personality Bitcoin Zay, known for coining the term "SlurFi" to describe this phenomenon, maintains that the emergence of racist meme coins is scarcely surprising and should not elicit excessive offense. He attributes the creation of such coins to individuals in their 30s or 40s, who should possess a greater sense of maturity. Bitcoin Zay emphasizes the importance of rising above triggers and embodying the better person.
YouTube 名人 Bitcoin Zay 以創造「SlurFi」一詞來描述這一現象而聞名,他認為種族主義迷因幣的出現並不令人意外,不應引起過度冒犯。他將這種硬幣的創造歸功於30多歲或40多歲的人,他們應該具有更大的成熟感。 Bitcoin Zay 強調超越觸發因素並體現更好的人的重要性。
Precedence in Pepe the Frog's Evolution
The phenomenon of racist meme coins is not entirely novel, as exemplified by the peculiar trajectory of Pepe the Frog. This innocuous amphibian character, appropriated by far-right extremists, including those supporting Donald Trump, became a symbol of the presidential candidate's political ascent.
Pepe remains a prominent meme coin, despite not being minted on Solana. In April 2023, the frog made its crypto debut via Twitter, introducing itself with a hat emblazoned with the slogan "Make Meme Coins Great Again," clearly echoing Trump's famous "Make America Great Again" campaign promise. Shortly after, the enigmatic account launched a Telegram channel, website, and printed over 420 trillion coins. The website positioned PEPE as a viable alternative to other prominent meme coins.
儘管佩佩不是在 Solana 上鑄造的,但它仍然是一種著名的模因幣。 2023 年 4 月,這隻青蛙透過 Twitter 首次亮相加密貨幣,戴著一頂印有「讓 Meme 幣再次偉大」口號的帽子,顯然呼應了川普著名的「讓美國再次偉大」的競選承諾。不久之後,這個神秘帳戶推出了 Telegram 頻道、網站,並印製了超過 420 兆枚硬幣。該網站將 PEPE 定位為其他著名模因幣的可行替代品。
Genesis of MAGA and its Impact
MAGA 的起源及其影響
The MAGA-themed coin (TRUMP), marketed as an alternative to popular dog-themed meme coins, while not explicitly racist, has been appropriated by white supremacist groups. Emblazoned with the tagline "Make Crypto Great Again," the token seeks to rally support from politically motivated crypto enthusiasts.
以 MAGA 為主題的硬幣(川普)作為流行的以狗為主題的 meme 硬幣的替代品而銷售,雖然沒有明確的種族主義,但已被白人至上主義團體盜用。該代幣印有「讓加密貨幣再次偉大」的口號,旨在爭取出於政治動機的加密貨幣愛好者的支持。
Created during the summer of 2022, TRUMP initially floundered but gained traction as Trump's presidential ambitions garnered increasing headlines. The token's value surged by 700% during the first week of March, reaching a maximum of $11.50. Its market capitalization skyrocketed to nearly $500 million, placing it among the top 150 cryptocurrencies.
川普於 2022 年夏天創建,最初陷入困境,但隨著川普的總統野心成為越來越多的頭條新聞,它獲得了關注。該代幣的價值在 3 月的第一周飆升了 700%,最高達到 11.50 美元。其市值飆升至近 5 億美元,躋身前 150 名加密貨幣。
Although MAGA and PEPE do not qualify as overtly racist meme coins, they have been embraced by individuals and groups espousing such ideologies.
儘管 MAGA 和 PEPE 不屬於公然種族主義迷因幣,但它們已受到擁護此類意識形態的個人和團體的擁護。
Adverse Reactions from Crypto Community
Crypto traders' active buying and selling of racist meme coins has led to their value appreciation on major crypto exchanges. This trend has drawn criticism within the crypto community, with members expressing concerns on social media that such developments could damage Solana's reputation among mainstream users.
加密貨幣交易者積極買賣種族主義迷因代幣,導致其在主要加密貨幣交易所的價值升值。這一趨勢在加密貨幣社群內引起了批評,成員們在社群媒體上表達了擔憂,認為這種發展可能會損害 Solana 在主流用戶中的聲譽。
Disconcertingly, industry leaders have remained largely silent, failing to address or condemn the proliferation of racist meme coins.
Solana Labs co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko has publicly denounced the creators of antisemitic and racist meme coins on Twitter. However, it remains unclear whether Solana Labs possesses the capability or willingness to halt the creation and circulation of such coins.
Solana Labs 聯合創始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 在 Twitter 上公開譴責反猶太主義和種族主義迷因幣的創造者。然而,目前尚不清楚 Solana Labs 是否有能力或意願停止此類代幣的創建和流通。
Racist meme coins are readily accessible on most major crypto listing platforms. One such entity, the DEX Screener, announced an upcoming review of its "token profile moderation policy." Other platforms have yet to respond to the escalating issue.
在大多數主要的加密貨幣上市平台上都可以輕鬆獲得種族主義模因硬幣。其中一個實體 DEX Screener 宣布即將對其「代幣設定檔審核政策」進行審查。其他平台尚未對不斷升級的問題做出回應。
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