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Snoop Dogg 攜手 STEPN GO 推出限量版 Genesis 運動鞋,開創數位健身和所有權的新時代

2024/10/27 14:03

Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) 開發的社群生活平台 STEPN GO 宣布與文化偶像 Snoop Dogg 合作,推出限量版聯名運動鞋。

Snoop Dogg 攜手 STEPN GO 推出限量版 Genesis 運動鞋,開創數位健身和所有權的新時代

Snoop Dogg has joined forces with STEPN GO, a social-lifestyle platform powered by Web3 technology, to introduce a limited edition of co-branded Genesis Sneakers. This collaboration marks Snoop Dogg's entry into the Web3 fitness realm, bringing his cultural influence and affinity for new technologies to STEPN GO's platform.

Snoop Dogg 與基於 Web3 技術的社交生活方式平台 STEPN GO 聯手,推出限量版聯名 Genesis 運動鞋。此次合作標誌著 Snoop Dogg 進入 Web3 健身領域,將他的文化影響力和對新技術的親和力帶到了 STEPN GO 的平台上。

As a renowned figure in music and pop culture, Snoop Dogg has consistently shown support for blockchain and NFTs, expanding his presence in the digital landscape. From launching his own NFTs to advocating for digital ownership in metaverse spaces, he has cultivated a strong fan base in the Web3 realm. This partnership with STEPN GO provides his fans with a new avenue to engage with his brand and connect with Web3.

作為音樂和流行文化領域的知名人物,Snoop Dogg 一直表現出對區塊鏈和 NFT 的支持,擴大了他在數位領域的影響力。從推出自己的 NFT 到倡導元宇宙空間的數位所有權,他在 Web3 領域培養了強大的粉絲基礎。與 STEPN GO 的合作為他的粉絲提供了一個與他的品牌互動並與 Web3 建立聯繫的新途徑。

The STEPN GO x Snoop Dogg partnership will introduce 800 exclusive Genesis Sneakers, categorized into four distinct designs that echo some of Snoop's most iconic styles: Dope, Lowrider, ‘G’ Sneaker, and Doggystyle. These sneakers go beyond fashion, reflecting the bold, trendsetting energy that defines Snoop's brand and approach. Each design integrates his signature aesthetic, making these sneakers a unique fusion of style, cultural reference, and digital engagement within STEPN GO's ecosystem.

STEPN GO x Snoop Dogg 合作夥伴關係將推出 800 款獨家 Genesis 運動鞋,分為四種不同的設計,呼應 Snoop 的一些最具標誌性的風格:Dope、Lowerrider、'G' Sneaker 和 Doggystyle。這些運動鞋超越了時尚,體現了 Snoop 品牌和風格的大膽、引領潮流的能量。每款設計都融入了他的標誌性美學,使這些運動鞋成為 STEPN GO 生態系統中風格、文化參考和數位參與的獨特融合。

The Genesis Sneakers will be made available through a raffle that takes place exclusively via the STEPN GO X account and MOOAR, FSL's proprietary marketplace. Running from October 25 to November 8, each raffle ticket is priced at 15,000 GMT, FSL's native token that is used across all its platforms to unlock various perks. The multi-chain raffle allows participants to enter on their preferred blockchain, adding convenience to the experience. Additionally, STEPN GO ensures a seamless entry by offering a refund in GMT to non-winning ticket holders, making it a risk-free investment for participants.

Genesis 運動鞋將透過抽獎活動發售,該抽獎活動僅透過 STEPN GO X 帳戶和 FSL 專有市場 MOOAR 進行。從 10 月 25 日到 11 月 8 日,每張抽獎券的售價為 15,000 GMT,這是 FSL 的原生代幣,可在其所有平台上用於解鎖各種福利。多鏈抽獎允許參與者進入他們喜歡的區塊鏈,增加了體驗的便利性。此外,STEPN GO 透過在 GMT 時間向未中獎彩票持有者提供退款來確保無縫入場,使其成為參與者的無風險投資。

STEPN GO boasts a unique feature called the "Haus System," which allows users to lend sneakers to friends, enabling them to share both energy and earnings. This innovative approach lowers the entry barrier for new users, offering them a gateway into Web3 fitness without requiring prior knowledge of cryptocurrency or blockchain. Through the Haus System, FSL aims to make the Web3 fitness journey accessible with a simple, one-click setup that promotes a sense of community and ease of use.

STEPN GO 擁有一個名為「Haus System」的獨特功能,該功能允許用戶將運動鞋借給朋友,使他們能夠分享精力和收入。這種創新方法降低了新用戶的進入門檻,為他們提供了進入 Web3 健身的門戶,而無需事先了解加密貨幣或區塊鏈。透過 Haus 系統,FSL 旨在透過簡單的一鍵設定讓 Web3 健身之旅觸手可及,從而增強社區意識和易用性。

Another key aspect of STEPN GO is the Fitness Level feature, which enables users to earn rewards while staying active. When users walk, jog, or run with their sneakers, they collect GO GAME TOKEN (GGT), which can then be used to upgrade their sneakers or mint new Shoeboxes. This gamified approach to fitness aligns with the broader goals of the STEPN GO platform, encouraging a health-conscious lifestyle in the context of a Web3 experience. Snoop Dogg's collaboration brings an added layer of excitement to this feature, appealing to sneaker fans and Web3 enthusiasts alike.

STEPN GO 的另一個關鍵方面是健身水平功能,它使用戶能夠在保持活躍的同時獲得獎勵。當使用者穿著運動鞋走路、慢跑或跑步時,他們會收集 GO GAME TOKEN (GGT),然後可以用它來升級他們的運動鞋或鑄造新鞋盒。這種遊戲化的健身方法與 STEPN GO 平台的更廣泛目標一致,鼓勵在 Web3 體驗的背景下形成注重健康的生活方式。 Snoop Dogg 的合作為這項功能增添了一層興奮感,吸引了運動鞋迷和 Web3 愛好者。

STEPN GO co-founder Yawn Rong expressed that the collaboration aims to go beyond fashion, blending culture and technology to push new boundaries. According to Rong, the partnership with Snoop Dogg brings a sense of cultural significance to the sneakers, enhancing the experience for users by integrating physical and digital aspects in a meaningful way. Snoop Dogg's background as a trendsetter aligns well with STEPN GO's mission, allowing them to provide users with a unique and interactive experience.

STEPN GO共同創辦人Yawn Rong表示,此次合作旨在超越時尚,融合文化與科技,突破新界限。榮表示,與 Snoop Dogg 的合作為運動鞋帶來了文化意義,透過以有意義的方式整合物理和數位方面來增強用戶的體驗。 Snoop Dogg 作為潮流引領者的背景與 STEPN GO 的使命非常契合,使他們能夠為用戶提供獨特的互動體驗。

In joining STEPN GO, Snoop Dogg contributes his influential persona to a project designed to empower users within a larger digital fitness community. The Genesis Sneakers serve as more than just collectibles; they represent a blend of health-focused technology, cultural relevance, and Web3 innovation. Through this partnership, STEPN GO and Snoop Dogg seek to enhance the experience of staying active while enabling users to explore new dimensions of digital ownership.

加入 STEPN GO 後,Snoop Dogg 將他的影響力角色貢獻給了一個項目,該項目旨在為更大的數位健身社群中的用戶提供支援。 Genesis 運動鞋不僅是收藏品,更是收藏品。它們代表了以健康為中心的技術、文化相關性和 Web3 創新的融合。透過此次合作,STEPN GO 和 Snoop Dogg 尋求增強保持活躍的體驗,同時使用戶能夠探索數位所有權的新維度。

With the limited-edition Genesis Sneakers, STEPN GO hopes to attract a diverse audience at the intersection of fitness, culture, and digital engagement, solidifying its place as a leader in the Web3 social fitness arena. This collaboration signifies an exciting phase for the platform as it seeks to redefine social fitness by integrating cultural icons, making the Web3 experience both accessible and engaging for mainstream users.

STEPN GO 希望透過限量版 Genesis 運動鞋吸引健身、文化和數位參與交叉領域的多元化受眾,鞏固其在 Web3 社交健身領域的領導者地位。這項合作標誌著該平台進入了一個令人興奮的階段,因為它尋求透過整合文化圖標來重新定義社交健身,使 Web3 體驗對主流用戶來說既易於訪問又具有吸引力。



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