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想像一下,一個為速度而建立的區塊鏈,旨在克服去中心化交易的常見挑戰——這就是 Sei 試圖實現的目標。
Sei is a Layer-1 blockchain designed for decentralized trading and asset management. It’s built within the Cosmos ecosystem and aims to solve challenges faced by decentralized exchanges (DEXs), such as slow transaction speeds and liquidity issues.
Sei 是專為去中心化交易和資產管理而設計的 Layer-1 區塊鏈。它建立在 Cosmos 生態系統內,旨在解決去中心化交易所 (DEX) 面臨的挑戰,例如交易速度慢和流動性問題。
Here's a closer look at Sei, its features, and how to use it.
下面詳細介紹了 Sei、它的功能以及如何使用它。
Key Highlights
Sei is designed for speed and could theoretically handle up to 12,500 transactions per second, with a block finality of 400 milliseconds.
Sei 專為提高速度而設計,理論上每秒可處理多達 12,500 個交易,區塊最終確定性為 400 毫秒。
It stands out with its parallel processing, which could cut congestion and lower fees compared to Ethereum.
Developers, traders, and community members could benefit from Sei's easy-to-use tools, low fees, and scalable infrastructure.
開發人員、交易者和社區成員可以從 Sei 易於使用的工具、低廉的費用和可擴展的基礎設施中受益。
What is Sei?
Sei is a Layer-1 blockchain designed to enhance the trading of digital assets. Built within the Cosmos ecosystem, Sei aims to solve challenges faced by decentralized exchanges (DEXs), such as slow transaction speeds and liquidity issues.
Sei 是一個旨在增強數位資產交易的 Layer-1 區塊鏈。 Sei 建立在 Cosmos 生態系統內,旨在解決去中心化交易所 (DEX) 面臨的挑戰,例如交易速度慢和流動性問題。
Sei could theoretically handle up to 12,500 transactions per second using advanced technology like parallel EVM processing, and with a block finality (the time it takes for a block to be completely processed) of just 400 milliseconds.
Sei 理論上可以使用平行 EVM 處理等先進技術每秒處理多達 12,500 個交易,且區塊最終確定性(完全處理區塊所需的時間)僅為 400 毫秒。
One key highlight of Sei is its ability to process transactions in parallel. This sets it apart from blockchains like Ethereum, where transactions are processed sequentially, which can sometimes lead to bottlenecks and congestion during peak times, potentially leading to higher gas fees.
Sei 的一大亮點是其並行處理交易的能力。這使其與以太坊等區塊鏈區分開來,在以太坊中,交易是按順序處理的,這有時會在高峰時段導致瓶頸和擁塞,從而可能導致更高的汽油費。
With its parallel EVM, Sei could combine the strengths of both Ethereum and Solana, enabling faster and more systematic execution of smart contracts. Sei could be well-suited for building decentralized exchanges, gaming platforms, and NFT marketplaces thanks to its built-in order-matching engine and twin-turbo consensus mechanism.
憑藉其並行 EVM,Sei 可以結合以太坊和 Solana 的優勢,從而實現更快、更有系統的智慧合約執行。由於其內建的訂單匹配引擎和雙渦輪共識機制,Sei 非常適合建立去中心化交易所、遊戲平台和 NFT 市場。
The goal of Sei is to let traders trade in real-time while protecting them from problems like front-running, where other traders change the order of transactions to get an advantage. In this sense, Sei aspires to be a high-speed trading platform, kind of like a decentralized version of NASDAQ, optimized for fast, fair, and transparent trading of digital assets. It’s designed to handle large volumes of transactions without the delays seen in older blockchain networks.
Sei 的目標是讓交易者進行即時交易,同時保護他們免受搶先交易(其他交易者改變交易順序以獲得優勢)等問題的影響。從這個意義上說,Sei 渴望成為一個高速交易平台,有點像去中心化版的納斯達克,針對快速、公平、透明的數位資產交易進行了優化。它旨在處理大量交易,而不會出現舊區塊鏈網路中出現的延遲。
Sei’s Features
Sei’s blockchain aims to improve performance and scalability — here’s a breakdown of its features.
Sei 的區塊鏈旨在提高效能和可擴展性——以下是其功能的詳細介紹。
Twin-turbo consensus
The twin-turbo consensus would put some fire under Sei’s belly by allowing it to achieve transaction finality in under 400 milliseconds. This means the transaction could be confirmed almost instantly, similar to the responsiveness you get when hitting “play” on a music app.
雙渦輪共識將讓 Sei 在 400 毫秒內實現交易最終確定,從而給 Sei 帶來一些麻煩。這意味著交易幾乎可以立即得到確認,類似於在音樂應用程式上點擊「播放」時獲得的反應速度。
Optimistic Parallelization
Sei uses a parallel processing method to handle transactions more quickly. Developers love this because it doesn’t require any extra work. Ethereum-based applications can run on Sei with better performance without changing any code.
Sei 使用平行處理方法來更快地處理交易。開發人員喜歡這個,因為它不需要任何額外的工作。基於以太坊的應用程式可以在 Sei 上運行,性能更好,而無需更改任何程式碼。
This feature aims to allow Sei to manage transaction conflicts automatically, allowing for smoother, higher-throughput operations.
此功能旨在讓 Sei 自動管理事務衝突,從而實現更順暢、更高吞吐量的操作。
This advanced storage solution is designed to manage large amounts of data easily. By improving how data is stored and retrieved, SeiDB helps the blockchain support its high transaction throughput while reducing the load on network nodes.
這種先進的儲存解決方案旨在輕鬆管理大量資料。透過改進資料的儲存和檢索方式,SeiDB 幫助區塊鏈支援其高交易吞吐量,同時減少網路節點的負載。
Interoperable EVM integration
可互通的 EVM 集成
Sei’s integration with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) offers flexibility. It allows for full backward compatibility with Ethereum, enabling Ethereum-based decentralized applications (DApps) to migrate to Sei without any changes.
Sei 與以太坊虛擬機器 (EVM) 的整合提供了靈活性。它允許與以太坊完全向後相容,使基於以太坊的去中心化應用程式(DApp)無需任何更改即可遷移到 Sei。
Sei could improve the performance of these apps, potentially offering up to 100x improvements in throughput compared to standard EVM environments.
Sei 可以提高這些應用程式的效能,與標準 EVM 環境相比,吞吐量可能提高高達 100 倍。
Who can use Sei?
誰可以使用 Sei?
Sei is a blockchain designed to have a wide range of use-cases, so here’s a breakdown of who can use Sei.
Sei 是一個旨在擁有廣泛用例的區塊鏈,因此這裡詳細介紹了哪些人可以使用 Sei。
If you’re a developer familiar with Ethereum, Sei could be an excellent platform due to its EVM compatibility. Thanks to its backwards-compatible setup, you can easily port your existing dapps without rewriting code.
如果您是熟悉以太坊的開發人員,由於其 EVM 相容性,Sei 可能是一個出色的平台。由於其向後相容的設置,您可以輕鬆移植現有的 dapp,而無需重寫程式碼。
Devs in the DeFi, NFT, and GameFi spaces might also find Sei’s tools useful, as the platform supports features like smart contracts using CosmWasm. This helps make building applications more seamless, especially for those familiar with Rust or Solidity.
DeFi、NFT 和 GameFi 領域的開發人員也可能會發現 Sei 的工具很有用,因為該平台支援使用 CosmWasm 的智慧合約等功能。這有助於使應用程式的建置更加無縫,特別是對於熟悉 Rust 或 Solidity 的人來說。
Sei can be interesting for high-frequency and algorithmic traders. It’s designed with trading in mind, with its order-matching engine and features like frequent batch auctioning, which can help reduce issues like frontrunning.
Sei 對於高頻交易者和演算法交易者來說可能很有趣。它的設計考慮到了交易,具有訂單匹配引擎和頻繁批量拍賣等功能,有助於減少搶先交易等問題。
The platform’s fast block finality time is also a strong feature for traders that might be put off by the challenges faced by some other DEXs.
對於那些可能因其他一些 DEX 面臨的挑戰而推遲的交易者來說,該平台的快速區塊最終確定時間也是一個強大的功能。
Community Members
Sei promises community members a fast and low-fee experience when interacting with dapps. Whether you’re staking tokens, trading NFTs, or using DeFi platforms, the alleged low transaction costs and high throughput can make Sei accessible to those looking for a user-friendly blockchain.
Sei 向社群成員承諾在與 dapp 互動時提供快速且低費用的體驗。無論您是質押代幣、交易 NFT 還是使用 DeFi 平台,所謂的低交易成本和高吞吐量都可以讓那些尋求用戶友好的區塊鏈的人可以使用 Sei。
How to Get Started with Sei?
如何開始使用 Sei?
Getting started
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