約翰·列儂(John Lennon)在皇家造幣廠在英國紀念硬幣上慶祝。新硬幣慶祝甲殼蟲晚期的生活和創紀錄的職業,恰逢他將慶祝自己的85歲生日的那一年。

The Royal Mint is set to release a commemorative coin celebrating the late John Lennon. The new coin celebrating the Beatle’s life and record-breaking career as an artist will coincide with the year in which he would have celebrated his 85th birthday.
The coin’s design features a portrait of John Lennon and is based on an image taken by Bob Gruen. Experienced coin designer Henry Gray has incorporated the portrait of Lennon to feature at the centre of the coin’s design. Lennon’s name appears to the left of the portrait while the word ‘Imagine’ - a special nod to the artist’s single and album - features on the right side of the design.
硬幣的設計以約翰·列儂(John Lennon)的肖像為特色,並以鮑勃·格魯恩(Bob Gruen)拍攝的圖像為基礎。經驗豐富的硬幣設計師亨利·格雷(Henry Gray)將列儂(Lennon)的肖像納入了硬幣設計的中心。列儂的名字出現在肖像的左側,而“ Imagine”一詞(對藝術家的單曲和專輯的特殊點頭)在設計的右側。
The coin marks the latest figure to be celebrated in The Royal Mint’s ongoing ‘Music Legends’ coin series. He follows the likes of Queen, David Bowie, Shirley Bassey and his former bandmate Paul McCartney in being honoured on their very own UK coin.
硬幣標誌著皇家薄荷正在進行的“音樂傳奇”硬幣系列中慶祝的最新數字。他跟隨女王,戴維·鮑伊(David Bowie),雪莉·巴西(Shirley Bassey)和他的前隊友保羅·麥卡特尼(Paul McCartney)等人,以自己的英國硬幣感到榮幸。
Those wishing to add the coin to their personal collection can do so when the full collection launches on 17 March at 9am. The coin will be available to purchase on The Royal Mint's website, with prices starting at £18.50.
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