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Rollblock (RBLK):低市值山寨幣將在即將到來的牛市中擊敗 DOGE 和 SHIB

2024/10/26 02:01

頂級模因幣 SHIB 和 DOGE 最近一直在上漲。然而,柴犬價格在周阻力位遇到障礙,而 DOGE 仍在苦苦掙扎

Rollblock (RBLK):低市值山寨幣將在即將到來的牛市中擊敗 DOGE 和 SHIB

Top meme coins SHIB and DOGE have seen a recent upswing, but SHIB encountered resistance at a weekly level, and DOGE continues to struggle at a key psychological barrier around $0.14.

頂級模因幣 SHIB 和 DOGE 最近出現上漲,但 SHIB 在周線水平遇到阻力,DOGE 繼續在 0.14 美元左右的關鍵心理關口掙扎。

As the bullish momentum for SHIB and DOGE wanes, market pundits are highlighting Rollblock (RBLK) as a low-cap altcoin poised to outshine both DOGE and SHIB in the upcoming bull run. Here's why analysts are predicting 100x crypto gains for RBLK.

隨著 SHIB 和 DOGE 的看漲勢頭減弱,市場專家強調 Rollblock (RBLK) 作為一種低市值山寨幣,有望在即將到來的牛市中超越 DOGE 和 SHIB。這就是為什麼分析師預測 RBLK 的加密貨幣收益將達到 100 倍。

Rollblock (RBLK) to trounce top meme coins

Rollblock (RBLK) 擊敗頂級迷因幣

Unlike DOGE and SHIB, which offer minimal real-world value to investors, RBLK, the native token of the Rollblock gambling protocol, aims to introduce utility into speculative markets.

與 DOGE 和 SHIB 為投資者提供最小的現實世界價值不同,RBLK(Rollblock 賭博協議的原生代幣)旨在將效用引入投機市場。

This GambleFi altcoin serves as the in-game currency on the Rollblock AI-driven iGaming platform, facilitating gaming credits, player payouts, staking rewards and bonuses. Additionally, it can be traded for other crypto or fiat assets.

這種 GambleFi 山寨幣充當 Rollblock AI 驅動的 iGaming 平台上的遊戲內貨幣,促進遊戲積分、玩家支付、質押獎勵和獎金。此外,它可以交易其他加密貨幣或法定資產。

However, it's the investment opportunity that RBLK presents to investors that makes it particularly attractive. RBLK holders are entitled to receive up to 30% of the platform's gross profits, which are distributed as weekly rewards, essentially turning this altcoin into a passive income-generating asset.

然而,正是 RBLK 向投資者提供的投資機會使其特別具有吸引力。 RBLK 持有者有權獲得高達 30% 的平台毛利,這些利潤作為每週獎勵進行分配,本質上將這種山寨幣變成了一種被動創收資產。

Moreover, Rollblock's status as a low-cap token provides ample room for growth within the multibillion-dollar crypto space and the half-trillion gambling market. Even a small portion of the $540 billion gambling industry could propel the token price to astronomical heights, offering investors 100x returns.

此外,Rollblock 作為低市值代幣的地位為數十億美元的加密貨幣空間和 5 兆美元的賭博市場提供了充足的成長空間。即使是價值 5,400 億美元的賭博業中的一小部分也可能將代幣價格推至天文高度,為投資者提供 100 倍的回報。

Shiba Inu price unlikely to hit $1

柴犬價格不太可能達到 1 美元

Among the top meme coins closely monitored in the crypto market is SHIB. During its recent upswing, the Shiba Inu price surged to a monthly high of $0.00002169 before encountering selling pressure that led to a downturn.

SHIB 是加密貨幣市場密切關注的頂級迷因幣之一。在最近的上漲過程中,柴犬價格飆升至 0.00002169 美元的月度高點,然後遇到拋售壓力,導致價格低迷。

For SHIB to reach a value of $1, it would require a market cap of $589 trillion, which seems highly improbable given its large supply and lackluster price movements over the past two years. As a result, savvy investors are turning to new low-cap altcoins for substantial returns.

SHIB 要達到 1 美元的價值,需要 589 兆美元的市值,考慮到過去兩年供應量大和價格走勢低迷,這似乎不太可能。因此,精明的投資者正在轉向新的低市值山寨幣以獲得可觀的回報。

DOGE price surges over 30% monthly

DOGE 價格每月飆升超過 30%

Over the past month, DOGE has seen a price increase of over 31%, pushing its yearly ROI to 115%. However, these gains may seem underwhelming for a top meme coin like DOGE, which was known to mint meme coin millionaires in 2021.

過去一個月,DOGE 的價格上漲了 31% 以上,將年度投資報酬率推至 115%。然而,對於像 DOGE 這樣的頂級迷因幣來說,這些收益似乎並不令人印象深刻,眾所周知,DOGE 在 2021 年創造了迷因幣百萬富翁。

Even the recent rally that brought DOGE to a high of $0.14975 appears to be petering out, raising questions about its ability to sustainably breach this long-standing psychological barrier.

即使最近將 DOGE 推至 0.14975 美元高點的反彈似乎逐漸減弱,這引發了人們對其能否持續突破這一長期心理障礙的質疑。

Instead, market participants are observing whether DOGE can sustain gains above $0.13, which could establish a strong price floor for further上涨 towards the $0.17 level.

相反,市場參與者正在觀察 DOGE 能否維持 0.13 美元以上的漲幅,這可能會為進一步上漲至 0.17 美元的水平奠定堅實的價格底線。

An analysis of blockchain wallets, on the other hand, suggests that top meme coins whales are flocking to the new GambleFi crypto RBLK, attracted by its massive yields.

另一方面,對區塊鏈錢包的分析表明,頂級 meme 幣鯨魚正湧向新的 GambleFi 加密貨幣 RBLK,因為其巨大的收益所吸引。

Rollblock attracts whales with 218% growth

Rollblock 吸引鯨魚成長 218%

At stage 7 and priced at $0.0318, RBLK has already seen a 218% increase from the $0.01 entry price, with investors pouring over $4.7 million into the Rollblock crypto ICO.

在第 7 階段,RBLK 的定價為 0.0318 美元,與 0.01 美元的入場價相比,已經上漲了 218%,投資者向 Rollblock 加密 ICO 投入了超過 470 萬美元。

But with analysts predicting 880% presale gains, there's still plenty of opportunity for high returns with this new altcoin. As we approach the next price increment to $0.035, both DOGE and SHIB whales are joining the RBLK crypto party at the current price.

但分析師預測預售收益為 880%,這種新的山寨幣仍有大量獲得高回報的機會。當我們接近下一個價格增量至 0.035 美元時,DOGE 和 SHIB 鯨魚都將以當前價格加入 RBLK 加密貨幣派對。

The recommendations, suggestions, views and opinions expressed by the experts are solely their own. Before investing, conduct thorough research. Crypto Wolf endeavors to provide valuable updates.

專家表達的建議、建議、觀點和意見僅代表自己。投資前,進行徹底的研究。 Crypto Wolf 致力於提供有價值的更新。



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