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Rexas Finance (RXS):Solana (SOL) 霸主地位的新挑戰者

2024/10/04 19:49

雖然區塊鏈霸權之戰目前似乎在 Solana 內部展開,但具有特殊產品、先進技術基礎設施和以用戶為導向的觀點的新型加密貨幣可能會構成威脅。其中包括 Rexas Finance (RXS)、Chainlink (LINK)、NEAR Protocol (NEAR) 和 Notcoin (NOT),它們力爭到 2025 年躋身前五名。

Rexas Finance (RXS):Solana (SOL) 霸主地位的新挑戰者

Rexas Finance (RXS) is a blockchain solution that aims to revolutionize the way real-world assets are sold on a blockchain. Its mission is to diversify the traditional asset management industry and the blockchain industry by allowing people to get involved in asset tokens and making these tokens fully liquid.

Rexas Finance (RXS) 是一種區塊鏈解決方案,旨在徹底改變現實世界資產在區塊鏈上銷售的方式。它的使命是透過讓人們參與資產代幣並使這些代幣完全具有流動性來實現傳統資產管理行業和區塊鏈行業的多元化。

Key Features of Rexas Finance:

Rexas 金融的主要特徵:

Asset Tokenization of Real-World Asset: Rexas Finance provides an option to create possessed or unpossessed assets such as real estate, gold or silver, and even unique artworks in the form of blockchain tokens. This feature makes ownership of the assets more convenient when users are allowed to purchase a portion instead of the full amount of such assets that once upon a time many retail investors could not handle.

現實世界資產的資產代幣化:Rexas Finance 提供了創建擁有或未擁有資產的選項,例如房地產、黃金或白銀,甚至以區塊鏈代幣形式創建獨特的藝術品。當允許用戶購買部分而不是以前許多散戶投資者無法處理的全部資產時,此功能使資產的所有權變得更加方便。

Rexas Launchpad: This platform provides a launchpad for new token projects. This feature allows new startups and developers to easily raise funds and launch tokens with the help of the infrastructure for smart contract development and token sales. The Launchpad presents Rexas Finance as a viable innovator and developer in the blockchain ecosystem.

Rexas Launchpad:該平台為新的代幣專案提供了一個啟動板。此功能允許新的新創公司和開發人員透過智慧合約開發和代幣銷售的基礎設施輕鬆籌集資金和發行代幣。 Launchpad 將 Rexas Finance 展示為區塊鏈生態系統中可行的創新者和開發者。

Rexas GenAI: Another standout feature is Rexas GenAI which is a tool for developing NFT artworks powered by artificial intelligence. GenAI enables the creation of NFT artwork by their users which is a huge advancement, especially to the non-tech and non-creative out there taking part in offering NFTs. This feature does not only add to the ever-inflating NFT space but also provides viable options to the marketplace and its creators.

Rexas GenAI:另一個突出的功能是 Rexas GenAI,它是一種用於開發由人工智慧驅動的 NFT 藝術品的工具。 GenAI 使用戶能夠創作 NFT 藝術品,這是一個巨大的進步,特別是對於參與提供 NFT 的非技術和非創意人士。這項功能不僅增加了不斷膨脹的 NFT 空間,還為市場及其創建者提供了可行的選擇。

Rexas QuickMint Bot: Owing to its QuickMint Bot which is based on telegram and discord, Rexas Finance makes it easy for users to create and manage their tokens. Tokens are created with the click of a button in a few minutes and even people who do not have technical knowledge can do it easily.

Rexas QuickMint Bot:由於其基於 telegram 和 Discord 的 QuickMint Bot,Rexas Finance 使用戶可以輕鬆建立和管理其代幣。只需單擊按鈕即可在幾分鐘內創建代幣,即使沒有技術知識的人也可以輕鬆完成。

With such a developed ecosystem and features that address real-world problems, Rexas Finance is ready to shake up the market and win over an even bigger audience. Assuredly, as it works on these very building blocks, there are more opportunities to be a disruptor to Solana’s supremacy.

憑藉如此發達的生態系統和解決現實問題的功能,Rexas Finance 已準備好撼動市場並贏得更多受眾。可以肯定的是,當它在這些基礎上發揮作用時,就有更多機會破壞 Solana 的霸主地位。

Chainlink (LINK) is one of the well-known coins and has performed remarkably as one of the architecture’s main components for decentralized financial projects. This allows Chainlink to externalize information into smart contracts to extend bribery, insurance, or any other activity on the blockchain.

Chainlink(LINK)是著名的貨幣之一,作為去中心化金融專案架構的主要組件之一,表現出色。這使得 Chainlink 將資訊外部化到智慧合約中,以擴展區塊鏈上的賄賂、保險或任何其他活動。

Chainlink Key Features:

Chainlink 主要特點:

Decentralized Oracle Network: Chainlink is a top-level supplier of decentralized oracles allowing smart contracts to receive data from the outside world. This is fundamental in the DeFi ecosystem and in other sectors that need data from outside the block or blockchain.

去中心化預言機網路:Chainlink 是去中心化預言機的頂級供應商,允許智慧合約接收來自外界的資料。這對於 DeFi 生態系統以及需要來自區塊或區塊鏈之外的數據的其他領域來說至關重要。

Cross-Chain Interoperability; Their efforts enable communication across different chains to cater to cross-chain applications and push on-chain applications to a higher level. This is important in developing applications as they seek to harness the benefits of several blockchain networks.


Widespread Adoption: Compatibility with a plethora of blockchains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche, explains the fact that Chainlink could be in action and not outside his battlefront allowing him to be very relevant in the overall crypto ecosystem.

廣泛採用:與以太坊、幣安智能鏈和Avalanche 等眾多區塊鏈的兼容性解釋了Chainlink 可以在行動中而不是在他的戰場之外的事實,這使得他在整個加密生態系統中非常重要。

Chainlink is one of the very powerful, self-sustaining chains, given the strong foundation and importance in the DeFi space Chainlink is likely to pose a threat to position 5 on the ranking of Solana unfortunately with unmet demand for such services of decentralized oracles.

Chainlink 是非常強大、自我維持的鏈之一,鑑於在DeFi 領域的堅實基礎和重要性,不幸的是,由於對去中心化預言機此類服務的需求未得到滿足,Chainlink 很可能對Solana 排名第五位構成威脅。

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is another emerging high-throughput blockchain aiming at being user and developer-deployable. Such features as near-instant finality of the transactions coupled with low fees have positioned NEAR Protocol as the most scalable and user-friendly blockchain.

NEAR 協議(NEAR)是另一個新興的高吞吐量區塊鏈,旨在可供用戶和開發人員部署。交易近乎即時的終結性以及低廉的費用等特點使 NEAR 協議成為最具可擴展性和用戶友好性的區塊鏈。

Key Features of NEAR Protocol:

NEAR 協議的主要特點:

Sharding Technology: NEAR uses Nightshade as its sharding technology and allows the blockchain to grow in volume while still functioning in a secure and self-governed environment. This makes NEAR one of the most scalable blockchains in existence, with very little transaction costs and no transaction fees even at high traffic checkpoints.

分片技術:NEAR 使用 Nightshade 作為其分片技術,允許區塊鏈在容量成長的同時仍在安全和自主的環境中運作。這使得 NEAR 成為現有最具擴展性的區塊鏈之一,即使在高流量檢查點,交易成本也非常低,並且無需支付任何交易費用。

Developer-Friendly: The environment NEAR is looking to foster is an applicative environment for developers’ creation of decentralized applications (DApps) by simplifying the building processes. This also includes programming languages such as JavaScript and Rust which are quite popular encouraging more newcomers.

開發人員友善:NEAR 希望打造一個應用程式環境,讓開發人員透過簡化建置流程來創建去中心化應用程式 (DApp)。這也包括 JavaScript 和 Rust 等程式語言,這些語言非常流行,鼓勵更多的新手。

The NEAR Protocol is aided by expanding further: It is worth noting that NEAR’s ecosystem is growing at a rate that can only be attributed to the remarkable type of ecosystem in which projects such as DeFi’s NFTs and DAOs are being built on its walls. Joining other competitive high-fee blockchains like Ethereum’s high transaction fees becoming a problem for layer 1 networks that are difficult to scale is why NEAR will also aim to attract more. Given that the trend persists that the market will put more effort into scalability together with hassle-free deployment of applications and developers, NEAR Protocol-specific attributes place it in a better competitive ground to displace Solana in the coming few years.

NEAR 協議得到了進一步擴展的幫助:值得注意的是,NEAR 生態系統的成長速度只能歸功於其卓越的生態系統類型,其中 DeFi 的 NFT 和 DAO 等項目正在其牆壁上建造。加入其他競爭性高費用區塊鏈(例如以太坊)的高交易費用成為難以擴展的第 1 層網路的問題,這也是 NEAR 也致力於吸引更多區塊鏈的原因。鑑於市場將在可擴展性以及應用程式和開發人員的無憂部署方面投入更多精力的趨勢持續存在,NEAR 協議特定的屬性使其在未來幾年中處於更有利的競爭地位以取代 Solana。

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