Apple Inc. 和 Nvidia Corporation 進行了一項突破性合作,聯手提高大型語言模型 (LLM) 的效能。

Tech giants Apple Inc. and Nvidia Corporation are joining forces to enhance the performance of large language models (LLMs). This partnership will see Apple’s Recurrent Drafter (ReDrafter) technique being integrated with Nvidia’s TensorRT-LLM system to significantly boost text generation speeds.
科技巨擘蘋果和英偉達公司正在聯手提高大型語言模型 (LLM) 的效能。此次合作將使 Apple 的 Recurrent Drafter (ReDrafter) 技術與 Nvidia 的 TensorRT-LLM 系統集成,從而顯著提高文本生成速度。
During the collaboration, Apple’s ReDrafter, a method that combines beam search with dynamic tree attention, will be merged into Nvidia’s TensorRT-LLM. This integration aims to optimize the performance of LLMs on Nvidia GPUs, pushing the boundaries of AI technology.
在合作期間,Apple 的 ReDrafter(一種將波束搜尋與動態樹注意力結合的方法)將合併到 Nvidia 的 TensorRT-LLM 中。此次整合旨在優化 Nvidia GPU 上的法學碩士的效能,突破人工智慧技術的界限。
The merger will also involve adding new operators to enhance TensorRT-LLM’s capability to handle intricate models and their decoding processes. The results of these enhancements are impressive, showing a 2.7x increase in token generation speed for greedy decoding on Nvidia GPUs. This achievement promises to substantially cut down latency and power consumption, offering more efficient computational possibilities.
此次合併還將涉及添加新的運算符,以增強 TensorRT-LLM 處理複雜模型及其解碼過程的能力。這些增強的結果令人印象深刻,顯示 Nvidia GPU 上貪婪解碼的令牌生成速度提高了 2.7 倍。這項成就可望大幅減少延遲和功耗,提供更有效率的運算可能性。
The advancement holds significant implications, as highlighted by Apple’s machine learning experts, who anticipate reduced computational costs and improved user experiences through lower latency in production environments.
Financially, both companies are on a high. Apple reported a fourth-quarter revenue of $94.9 billion, outperforming analyst predictions, while Nvidia’s third-quarter revenue shot up by 94% from the previous year to $35.1 billion. Collectively, Apple and Nvidia’s market value hovers around $7 trillion, marking them as pillars in the tech industry.
從財務角度來看,兩家公司都處於高位。蘋果公佈第四季營收為 949 億美元,超出分析師預期,而英偉達第三季營收較上年成長 94%,達到 351 億美元。蘋果和英偉達的市值合計徘徊在 7 兆美元左右,成為科技業的支柱。