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NFT 的復興:Web3 遊戲將重新點燃人們的興趣,並在 2025 年推動潛在的市場復甦

2024/11/05 12:56

NFT市場繼2021-2022年的繁榮之後經歷了大幅下滑,近年來銷量急劇下降。然而,NFT 與 Web3 遊戲的整合將重新點燃人們的興趣,並在 2025 年推動潛在的復甦。

NFT 的復興:Web3 遊戲將重新點燃人們的興趣,並在 2025 年推動潛在的市場復甦

The NFT market experienced a steep decline following its 2021-2022 boom, with sales volumes dropping sharply in recent years. However, the integration of NFTs with Web3 gaming is set to reignite interest and drive a potential resurgence by 2025. This combination offers unique opportunities for both players and developers, potentially transforming the gaming industry and rejuvenating the NFT market.

NFT市場在2021-2022年的繁榮之後經歷了急劇下滑,近年來銷量急劇下降。然而,NFT 與 Web3 遊戲的整合將重新點燃人們的興趣,並在 2025 年推動潛在的復甦。

For example, a key component of this evolving sector is the rise of crypto casinos, which have introduced new models of online gambling through blockchain technology. Relatively similar to Web3 gaming, these casinos emphasize transparency and security, allowing users to maintain greater control over their assets.

例如,這個不斷發展的行業的關鍵組成部分是加密貨幣賭場的崛起,它們透過區塊鏈技術引入了線上賭博的新模式。與 Web3 遊戲類似,這些賭場強調透明度和安全性,允許用戶對其資產保持更大的控制權。

The best Bitcoin casinos not only provide engaging gaming experiences but also reflect the principles of ownership and decentralization that are central to NFTs. As interest in decentralized platforms grows, the connections between crypto gaming platforms, NFTs, and Web3 gaming are becoming increasingly relevant.

最好的比特幣賭場不僅提供引人入勝的遊戲體驗,還體現了 NFT 的核心所有權和去中心化原則。隨著人們對去中心化平台的興趣不斷增長,加密貨幣遊戲平台、NFT 和 Web3 遊戲之間的連結變得越來越重要。

The Current State of NFTs and Web3 Gaming

NFT 與 Web3 遊戲的現狀

NFTs faced a steep decline from their peak, with sales volume dropping 42.04% in June 2024 compared to the previous month. Despite this downturn, the underlying technology and concept remain relevant, with experts predicting a maturation of the market beyond initial hype.

NFT 從高峰開始急劇下滑,2024 年 6 月銷量較上月下降 42.04%。儘管經濟低迷,但基礎技術和概念仍然具​​有相關性,專家預測市場將超越最初的炒作而成熟。

Simultaneously, the Web3 gaming sector has been growing steadily. Projections indicate that the Web3 gaming market could reach $104.5 billion by 2030, with a yearly growth rate of 24.1%. This growth suggests a strong foundation for the integration of NFTs into gaming ecosystems.

與此同時,Web3 遊戲領域一直在穩步成長。預測表明,到 2030 年,Web3 遊戲市場將達到 1,045 億美元,年增長率為 24.1%。這種成長表明 NFT 融入遊戲生態系統具有堅實的基礎。

Key Drivers of NFT Revitalization in Web3 Gaming

Web3 遊戲中 NFT 復興的關鍵驅動力

True Digital Ownership Web3 gaming introduces a paradigm shift in digital asset ownership. Web3 games, compared to traditional games, give players the ability to have true ownership of their in-game items using NFTs, rather than having them controlled by developers. This ownership goes beyond just the game, allowing players to freely sell, trade, or utilize their assets on different platforms.

真正的數位所有權 Web3 遊戲引入了數位資產所有權的範式轉移。與傳統遊戲相比,Web3 遊戲讓玩家能夠使用 NFT 真正擁有遊戲內物品的所有權,而不是讓它們由開發者控制。這種所有權不僅限於遊戲,允許玩家在不同平台上自由出售、交易或使用他們的資產。

The concept of true ownership addresses one of the main criticisms of traditional gaming, the lack of control over digital investments. As more players experience the benefits of owning their in-game assets, the demand for NFTs in gaming contexts is likely to increase.

真正所有權的概念解決了對傳統遊戲的主要批評之一,即缺乏對數位投資的控制。隨著越來越多的玩家體驗到擁有遊戲內資產的好處,遊戲環境中對 NFT 的需求可能會增加。

New Economic Models Web3 gaming introduces innovative economic models that could drive NFT adoption. Play-to-earn mechanics, for instance, allow players to earn real-world value through gameplay. These models create new incentives for player engagement and can potentially attract a broader audience to both gaming and NFTs.

新經濟模型 Web3 遊戲引入了可以推動 NFT 採用的創新經濟模型。例如,邊玩邊賺錢的機制允許玩家透過遊戲玩法賺取現實世界的價值。這些模型為玩家參與創造了新的激勵機制,並有可能吸引更廣泛的受眾參與遊戲和 NFT。

The NFT Gaming Market is expected to reach $942.58 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 14.84% from 2024. This projection indicates the significant potential for economic activity within the Web3 gaming sphere, which could, in turn, boost NFT usage and value.

到2029 年,NFT 遊戲市場預計將達到9,425.8 億美元,從2024 年起複合年增長率為14.84%。 。

Interoperability and Cross-Platform Usage One of the key advantages of NFTs in Web3 gaming is interoperability. Assets acquired in one game can potentially be used across multiple games or platforms, creating a more interconnected gaming ecosystem. This feature not only enhances the value of NFTs but also encourages collaboration between different game developers and platforms.

互通性和跨平台使用 NFT 在 Web3 遊戲中的主要優勢之一是互通性。在一款遊戲中獲得的資產可以在多個遊戲或平台上使用,從而創建一個更互聯的遊戲生態系統。這項功能不僅提升了NFT的價值,也鼓勵了不同遊戲開發商和平台之間的合作。

As interoperability improves, the utility and appeal of gaming NFTs are likely to increase, potentially driving a resurgence in the broader NFT market.

隨著互通性的提高,遊戲 NFT 的實用性和吸引力可能會增加,從而有可能推動更廣泛的 NFT 市場的復甦。

Technological Advancements Fueling the Comeback Improvements in blockchain technology are addressing previous limitations that hindered widespread adoption of Web3 gaming and NFTs. Issues such as high gas fees and scaling problems are being tackled through layer-2 solutions and more efficient blockchain protocols.

技術進步推動捲土重來區塊鏈技術的改進正在解決先前阻礙 Web3 遊戲和 NFT 廣泛採用的限制。高天然氣費和擴展問題等問題正在透過第二層解決方案和更有效率的區塊鏈協議得到解決。

These advancements are making Web3 games feel closer to traditional gaming experiences, reducing barriers to entry for both players and developers. As the technology matures, we can expect more seamless integration of NFTs into gaming experiences, potentially attracting a wider audience.

這些進步使 Web3 遊戲感覺更接近傳統遊戲體驗,減少了玩家和開發者的進入障礙。隨著技術的成熟,我們可以預期 NFT 會更無縫地整合到遊戲體驗中,有可能吸引更廣泛的受眾。

Industry Adoption and Mainstream Integration Traditional gaming studios are increasingly exploring blockchain and NFTs, signaling a shift towards mainstream adoption. Companies like Square Enix and Ubisoft have announced plans to develop Web3 games, lending credibility to the space and potentially bringing millions of players into the Web3 ecosystem.

產業採用和主流整合傳統遊戲工作室越來越多地探索區塊鏈和 NFT,這標誌著向主流採用的轉變。 Square Enix 和 Ubisoft 等公司已宣布計劃開發 Web3 遊戲,為該領域帶來可信度,並有可能將數百萬玩家帶入 Web3 生態系統。

This industry adoption could be a significant driver for the comeback of NFTs. As established gaming brands integrate NFTs into their products, it could help change public perception and demonstrate the practical applications of NFTs beyond speculative trading.

這種產業採用可能是 NFT 捲土重來的重要推手。隨著知名遊戲品牌將 NFT 融入其產品中,這可能有助於改變大眾的看法,並展示 NFT 在投機交易之外的實際應用。

Challenges and Considerations While the potential for a comeback is strong, several challenges need to be addressed:

挑戰與考慮因素 雖然捲土重來的潛力很大,但仍需要解決一些挑戰:

Relative Immaturity: The NFT and Web3 gaming industries are still relatively young and largely unexplored, compared to traditional gaming or Web2 NFT markets. This immaturity presents both opportunities and challenges, especially in terms of market dynamics and regulatory oversight.

相對不成熟:與傳統遊戲或 Web2 NFT 市場相比,NFT 和 Web3 遊戲產業仍然相對年輕,並且很大程度上尚未開發。這種不成熟既帶來了機會也帶來了挑戰,特別是在市場動態和監管方面。

Mass Adoption Barriers: Despite the hype and potential benefits, mass adoption of NFTs and Web3 gaming still faces several hurdles. These include the need for user-friendly experiences, clear value propositions, and strategies to onboard traditional gamers into the Web3 ecosystem.

大規模採用障礙:儘管有炒作和潛在好處,NFT 和 Web3 遊戲的大規模採用仍然面臨一些障礙。其中包括對用戶友好的體驗、明確的價值主張以及將傳統遊戲玩家引入 Web3 生態系統的策略的需求。

Competition and Sustainability: The爆発的な人気を誇る NFT は、2023 年に大幅に下落しました。この下

競爭與永續性:爆發式流行的 NFT 在 2023 年大幅下滑。下面這個


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