在Jio Platforms 和Polygon 宣佈建立Web3 解決方案合作夥伴關係幾天后,Reliance 網路瀏覽器JioSphere 的用戶注意到JioCoin 的集成,JioCoin 是一種基於以太坊第2 層構建並在Polygon 區塊鏈平台上列出出的加密貨幣代幣。

Following the announcement of a partnership between Jio Platforms and Polygon for Web3 solutions, users of Reliance's web browser, JioSphere, have noticed the integration of JioCoin, a cryptocurrency token.
繼 Jio Platforms 和 Polygon 宣布就 Web3 解決方案建立合作夥伴關係後,Reliance 網路瀏覽器 JioSphere 的用戶注意到了加密貨幣代幣 JioCoin 的整合。
The token is built on Ethereum Layer 2 and listed on the Polygon blockchain platform. While the company is yet to disclose official details, it is speculated that the JioCoin will be used as a reward mechanism for users who browse the internet through JioSphere.
該代幣基於以太坊第 2 層構建,並在 Polygon 區塊鏈平台上上市。雖然該公司尚未透露官方細節,但據推測 JioCoin 將用作透過 JioSphere 瀏覽網路的用戶的獎勵機制。
At present, the token is non-transferable or non-redeemable and will be stored in the Polygon Labs wallet. As per reports and speculations, the Reliance native token in future can be used for services like mobile recharges or purchases at Reliance gas stations.
目前,該代幣不可轉讓或不可贖回,並將存放在 Polygon Labs 錢包中。根據報告和猜測,Reliance 原生代幣未來可用於行動儲值或在 Reliance 加油站購買等服務。
The value of JioCoin will depend on user interaction with Jio's apps and services with MyJio and JioCinema expected to support the token in future. The token value will become clearer as it operates within Jio's broader ecosystem. Industry players are hoping for a tax relaxation in the upcoming budget. The launch of JioCoin by the conglomerate will certainly act as a catalyst in India's evolving digital economy. An official announcement regarding JioCoin is anticipated soon, which will likely provide details about the token's value, trading mechanisms, and functionalities.
JioCoin 的價值將取決於用戶與 Jio 應用程式和服務的交互,MyJio 和 JioCinema 預計未來將支援該代幣。當代幣在 Jio 更廣泛的生態系統中運行時,其價值將變得更加清晰。業內人士希望在即將到來的預算中放寬稅收。該集團推出 JioCoin 無疑將成為印度不斷發展的數位經濟的催化劑。預計很快就會發布有關 JioCoin 的官方公告,其中可能會提供有關代幣價值、交易機制和功能的詳細資訊。
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