輕鬆取得加密 ArthSwap 代幣!只需按照這些簡單的步驟即可立即開始使用您的代幣。
Follow these steps to claim ArthSwap airdrop via DappRadar and stand a chance to earn over $1000 in crypto tokens without any investment:
請按照以下步驟透過 DappRadar 領取 ArthSwap 空投,無需任何投資就有機會賺取超過 1000 美元的加密代幣:
Step 1: Visit DappRadar Website
第 1 步:造訪 DappRadar 網站
Begin claiming an airdrop via DappRadar by accessing the DappRadar website by clicking here. Once there, you can initiate the process of claiming your airdrop.
點擊此處造訪 DappRadar 網站,開始透過 DappRadar 領取空投。到達那裡後,您可以啟動領取空投的過程。
Step 2: Starting the Claim Process
第 2 步:開始索賠流程
After establishing your Web3 wallet and associating it to the Ethereum mainnet, you're set to start the ArthSwap airdrop claim process on DappRadar. Navigate to the airdrop section on the website and comply with the given instructions to finish the claim. Be sure to follow each step thoroughly to secure a successful claim and get your ArthSwap airdrop.
建立 Web3 錢包並將其關聯到以太坊主網後,您就可以在 DappRadar 上啟動 ArthSwap 空投領取流程。導航至網站上的空投部分並按照給定的說明完成索賠。請務必徹底遵循每個步驟,以確保成功領取並獲得 ArthSwap 空投。
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