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Coin collecting, a hobby that blends history, art, and economics, has captivated enthusiasts for generations. Among the many coins coveted by collectors, rare quarters stand out as some of the most valuable and historically significant. While most Bicentennial Quarters are worth only a quarter, a few rare specimens have sold for staggering amounts, with one estimated to be worth nearly $10 million. This article examines some of the rarest quarters, including the Bicentennial Quarter and other historical coins valued at over $500,000.
Coin Collecting是一種將歷史,藝術和經濟學融合在一起的愛好,它吸引了幾代人的愛好者。在收藏家垂涎的許多硬幣中,罕見的季度脫穎而出,是一些最有價值和歷史上最重要的。雖然大多數雙百年季度僅價值四分之一,但一些罕見的標本以驚人的量出售,據估計價值將近1000萬美元。本文審查了一些最稀有的季度,其中包括兩百週年季度和其他價值超過500,000美元的歷史硬幣。
Bicentennial Quarter
The Bicentennial Quarter, issued in 1975 and 1976 to commemorate America’s 200th birthday, is a coin familiar to many. Its unique design features a colonial drummer and a torch on the reverse, with the dual date "1776-1976" on the obverse.
1975年和1976年發行的雙百年季度是為了紀念美國200歲生日,是許多人熟悉的硬幣。其獨特的設計具有殖民的鼓手和反面的火炬,正面的雙重日期為“ 1776-1976”。
These quarters were widely circulated and remain common today, with values ranging from $0.25 for standard versions to over $850,000 for a no-copper proof variety. However, one coin in particular, a Bicentennial Quarter struck on a 90% silver planchet instead of the standard copper-nickel composition, is valued at nearly $10 million.
這些季度被廣泛流傳,並且今天仍然很普遍,價值從標準版本的0.25美元到保險品種的850,000美元以上。但是,尤其是一枚硬幣,一百週年季度以90%的銀色planchet而不是標準的銅 - 尼克組成擊中,價值接近1000萬美元。
What Makes This Coin So Valuable?
This quarter’s incredible value comes from its rarity and unique characteristics, including:
* Silver Composition: Most Bicentennial Quarters are made of copper-nickel, but this one was accidentally struck on a silver planchet leftover from the previous year’s silver dollar production.
* Low Mintage: Only a few silver Bicentennial Quarters are known to exist, making them exceptionally rare.
* Historical Significance: The coin commemorates a pivotal moment in U.S. history, further enhancing its value.
Collectors are willing to pay extraordinary sums for this coin, making it a true treasure among numismatists.
1932-D Washington Quarter
The 1932-D Washington Quarter, minted in Denver, is another gem among collectors. Marking the debut of the Washington Quarter series, this coin is highly sought-after due to its low mintage of 436,800.
Why Is It Special?
For collectors, owning this coin is like owning a piece of American heritage. It's a tangible link to the past, showcasing the craftsmanship and artistry of a bygone era.
1932-S Washington Quarter
Similar to the 1932-D, the 1932-S Washington Quarter, minted in San Francisco, is just as desirable. It's also estimated to be worth over $500,000.
與1932-D類似,在舊金山鑄造的1932年 - 華盛頓季度同樣令人理解。據估計,它的價值超過500,000美元。
What Sets It Apart?
This quarter is a must-have for collectors seeking to complete their Washington Quarter series, especially those interested in coins from the 1930s.
1916 Standing Liberty Quarter
The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter is notable not just for its rarity, but also for its artistic design. This coin features the classic Liberty motif, an element that contributes to its aesthetic appeal.
Features and Value
The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter represents the transition to modern coin designs and remains a collector favorite. Its rarity, unique characteristics, and historical context have led to a minimum value estimation of $500,000.
1796 Draped Bust Quarter
The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is one of the earliest quarters minted in the United States. Only 6,146 coins were made that year, and they are in high demand today.
Key Highlights
* Draped Bust Design: The coin features the Draped Bust of Liberty on one side and the heraldic eagle on the other, both designed by engraver Robert Scott.
*披著胸圍的設計:硬幣的一側是自由的披肩,另一側是紋章鷹,均由雕刻師羅伯特·斯科特(Robert Scott)設計。
* Low Mintage: Of the 6,146 coins minted, only a fraction are believed to have survived to the present day.
* Historical Importance: Each 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is a piece of the nation’s founding history, making it valuable to collectors and museums alike.
Owning this coin is akin to owning a piece of the nation’s founding history.
1823/2 Capped Bust Quarter
The 1823/2 Capped Bust Quarter is famous for its intriguing overdate error, where the year "1823" was struck over "1822." This anomaly occurred at the mint, making the overdate a unique and valuable find.
1823/2上限的胸圍四分之一以其有趣的過度錯誤而聞名,在“ 1823”一年中,“ 1822”被擊中。這種異常發生在造幣廠,使得過度是獨特而有價值的發現。
Why Collectors Love It
This quarter is a testament to the artistry and unpredictability of early American minting. It's a collectible that sparks joy and wonder in the hearts of coin enthusiasts.
1870-CC Liberty Seated Quarter
The 1870-CC Liberty Seated Quarter, minted at the famous Carson City Mint, is a standout in numismatics.
1870-CC自由座位座位的銷售是著名的Carson City Mint,在錢幣學上是傑出的。
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