錢幣專家重點介紹了幾款極為罕見的硬幣,其中包括一枚 1937 年的便士,其價值可能驚人。
Dust off your old coin collection, as coin experts have highlighted several incredibly rare coins, including a 1937 penny that could fetch a staggering amount.
撣掉你收藏的舊硬幣吧,硬幣專家重點介紹了幾款極其罕見的硬幣,其中包括一枚 1937 年的便士,其價值驚人。
At first glance, it may seem like any other coin, but some specialists argue it's one of 'the world's most significant and valuable coins'.
"The 1937 pennies are extremely rare and can be worth up to £50,000," the Royal Mint reveals in its list of the 10 most valuable coins ever recorded.
英國皇家造幣廠在其有史以來最有價值的 10 種硬幣名單中透露,「1937 年的便士極為罕見,價值高達 50,000 英鎊」。
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Echoing this, Showpiece experts add: "The 1937 Edward VIII One Penny, like many of the world's most significant and valuable coins, is a pattern.
對此,Showpiece 專家補充說:「1937 年愛德華八世的一便士硬幣,就像世界上許多最重要、最有價值的硬幣一樣,是一種圖案。
"Patterns are generally used to evaluate a coin's design before mass production of the regular issue, which in this particular case, following Edward VIII's sudden abdication, never happened."
King Edward gave up the throne in 1936 after just an 11-month reign, making him one of the shortest-reigning monarchs in UK history.
愛德華國王在位僅 11 個月後於 1936 年放棄王位,使他成為英國歷史上在位時間最短的君主之一。
He then became the Duke of Windsor, and his brother, Queen Elizabeth II's father, King George VI, ascended to the throne.
The abrupt abdication not only caused a 'headache' for the Mint, but also boosted the value of King Edward coins, despite them being less than a century old.
TikTok's very own Coin Collecting Wizard has been dishing out the dosh advice, revealing how a simple penny could make you thousands.
TikTok 自己的硬幣收集嚮導已經給出了一些建議,揭示了簡單的一分錢如何可以讓你賺到數千美元。
"This is the 1937 penny and was minted in celebration of the reign of King Edward VIII," he explained.
「這是 1937 年的便士,是為了慶祝愛德華八世國王的統治而鑄造的,」他解釋道。
"However, the plans were abandoned in December 1936 following the abdication of the Royal to marry American divorcee Wallace Simpson...
「然而,1936 年 12 月,皇室退位並與美國離婚者華萊士·辛普森 (Wallace Simpson) 結婚後,該計劃被放棄了…
"This coin was one of around 50 that were produced to evaluate the design.
「這枚硬幣是為評估設計而生產的大約 50 枚硬幣之一。
"Now what you need to do is search your old pre-decimal pennies for any from the year 1937, when you find a 1937 this doesn't mean you found the 'super rare' version.
「現在你需要做的是在你的十進制之前的舊便士中搜尋 1937 年的硬幣,當你找到 1937 年的硬幣時,這並不意味著你找到了『超級稀有』的版本。
"What you need to do is check the obverse side of the coin also known as the head side. If your coin has King Edward VIII, then yes you have found an ultra-rare version."
And if you reckon you're out of luck without a 1937 penny, think again. There's loads more coins that could snag you a fortune.
如果你認為自己沒有 1937 年的一分錢就運氣不佳,請再想一想。還有更多的硬幣可以讓你賺大錢。
One cheeky 1933 penny recently nabbed a cool £140,000 at auction with a mere seven kicking about on planet Earth.
最近,一枚厚顏無恥的 1933 年便士在拍賣會上拍出了 14 萬英鎊的高價,而地球上只有 7 枚便士在拍賣。
Coin kingpin Chris Yang, Co-founder of Coins Value, said: "In sum, scrutinise your coins, have them identified and graded professionally, and work with experienced numismatists to determine the real value of your coins so that you can sell them for the best price.
Coins Value 聯合創始人、錢幣大佬Chris Yang 表示:「總而言之,仔細檢查你的錢幣,對它們進行專業鑑定和評級,並與經驗豐富的錢幣學家合作,確定你的錢幣的真正價值,這樣你就可以將它們出售最優惠的價格。
"Remember, the thrill of coin collecting isn't always about striking gold; it's about connecting with history and uncovering hidden treasures. Your old coin jar might hold more than just spare change – it could be a portal to a fascinating past."
「請記住,錢幣收藏的刺激並不總是與發現黃金有關;而是與歷史聯繫並發現隱藏的寶藏。您的舊硬幣罐可能不僅僅容納零錢- 它可能是通往迷人過去的門戶。 」
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