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Pyth (PYTH) is an oracle network that pulls prices for crypto, equities, forex, ETFs, and commodities. Oracle networks aggregate external data and make it available for onchain application use. Pyth is building a network of first-party (primary source and aggregator) data providers and coordinates a "pull" oracle model. This model scales price feeds across many chains and lowers network costs by offloading update fees to data consumers (applications and developers). Pyth offers four core products:
Pyth(Pyth)是一個甲骨文網絡,可提取加密,股票,外匯,ETF和商品的價格。 Oracle網絡匯總了外部數據,並可以用於OnChain應用程序使用。 Pyth正在建立一個由第一方(主要來源和聚合器)數據提供商組成的網絡,並協調“拉動”甲骨文模型。該型號通過將更新費用向數據消費者(應用程序和開發人員)卸載,從而縮放了許多連鎖店的價格。 Pyth提供四個核心產品:
The integrity of Pyth’s data is dependent on its contributing publisher network, which comprises over 110 data providers from global exchanges, trading firms, market makers, institutions, and DeFi. A few notable providers include Jane Street, Cboe Global Markets, Binance, Raydium, Osmosis, Galaxy, and 0x. Pyth is focused on making financial market data available to developers on an expanding list of blockchain networks (97+ chains as of writing). For a full primer on Pyth, refer to our Initiation of Coverage report.
Pyth數據的完整性取決於其貢獻出版商網絡,該網絡包括來自全球交易所,貿易公司,做市商,機構和Defi的110多個數據提供商。一些著名的提供商包括簡街,CBOE全球市場,binance,Raydium,滲透,銀河系和0倍。 Pyth專注於使開發人員可在擴展的區塊鍊網絡列表(撰寫97多個鏈條)上使用。有關Pyth的完整入門,請參閱我們的覆蓋範圍報告。
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網站 / X(Twitter) / Discord
Total Transaction Value (TTV) provides a more precise measure of an oracle's activity by tracking the actual transaction volume it enables rather than just the value of secured assets. In contrast to Total Value Secured (TVS), which showcases the total crypto or fiat asset value locked in protocols that rely on an oracle for price feeds, TTV highlights the frequency and scale of transactions relying on an oracle's data—rendering it particularly relevant for high-frequency DeFi applications like DEXs and derivatives platforms. By integrating data from protocols that use Pyth, such as futures trading platforms, DEXs, and lending protocols, TTV offers a clearer picture of oracle demand, market share, and revenue potential in the evolving DeFi landscape.
Total Transaction Value (TTV) in Q4'24 reached $175.2 billion, reflecting a 5.2% increase from $166.5 billion in Q3'24. Year-over-year, TTV saw a 459.1% surge, rising from $31.3 billion in Q4'23. This continued expansion highlights the persistent growth and ongoing demand for Pyth's oracle services, especially for transactional use cases within DeFi protocols. As TTV remains a relatively new metric, we will continue to evaluate it to track long-term trends in oracle activity and market adoption.
24 Q4'24的總交易價值(TTV)達到1752億美元,反映了5.2%的增長,比3'24 Q3'24的1665億美元增長。全年,TTV的增長幅度為459.1%,從第4季度的313億美元上升。這種持續的擴展凸顯了對Pyth Oracle服務的持續增長和持續的需求,尤其是對於Defi協議中的交易用例。由於TTV仍然是一個相對較新的指標,我們將繼續評估它,以跟踪甲骨文活動和市場採用的長期趨勢。
With Q4'24 marking the second quarter of reporting Total Transaction Value (TTV), its role as a key metric in evaluating oracle activity is becoming clearer. At the same time, Total Value Secured (TVS) remains an important measure of the sector's overall stability.
Moving forward, we will continue to assess TTV and TVS on a quarterly basis, offering insights into both transaction volume and the value secured by top oracles. As TTV is increasingly adopted by the industry, TVS will still provide valuable context for tracking the broader oracle market.
Given Pyth's high-frequency transaction model, TTV remains particularly relevant in highlighting the real-time usage and network demand for Pyth's services.
In Q4'24, Pyth maintained its lead in TTV, growing 5.2% QoQ from $166.5 billion to $175.2 billion, securing 41.0% of the total market share despite a 6.7 percentage point decline from Q3. Stork followed in second place, experiencing a 46.8% increase in TTV from $75.0 billion to $110.1 billion, strengthening its market position.
Meanwhile, Edge recorded the largest quarterly TTV growth, surging 100.3% to $81.1 billion, overtaking Chainlink, which saw its TTV decline 8.5% from $66.4 billion to $60.8 billion. TWAP, a smaller oracle provider, faced the steepest drop, with TTV decreasing 91.5% QoQ from $757.9 million to $64.7 million.
同時,埃奇(Edge)記錄了最大的季度TTV增長,超過了100.3%至811億美元,超過了Chainlink,其TTV下降了8.5%,從664億美元降至608億美元。 Twap是一個較小的甲骨文提供商,面臨最大的下降,TTV從7.579億美元降低到6470萬美元,QOQ的91.5%降低了91.5%。
While TTV highlights Pyth's dominance in transaction volume, shifting focus to TVS, Pyth saw a 41.2% increase in TVS compared to the previous quarter, rising to $7.3 billion, placing it among the top three oracles by secured asset value. In contrast, Chainlink saw the largest TVS growth, surging 40.2% to reach $36.7 billion in Q4'24. Additionally, Chronicle and RedStone experienced TVS increases of 29.2% and 49.5%, respectively. However, WinkLink's TVS dropped by 11.6%, marking the only major decrease among top oracles.
Overall, these shifts highlight diverging trends in the oracle space—T
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