ProShares 已提交申請,推出與標準普爾 500 指數、納斯達克 100 指數和黃金掛鉤的比特幣對沖 ETF。

ProShares has filed an application with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to launch three Bitcoin hedge ETFs that will be linked to the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, and gold. These ETFs will employ a strategy that combines long positions in either stocks or gold with short positions on the US dollar, along with long positions in Bitcoin through futures contracts.
ProShares 已向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 提交申請,推出三隻比特幣對沖 ETF,分別與標準普爾 500 指數、納斯達克 100 指數和黃金掛鉤。這些 ETF 將採用一種策略,將股票或黃金的多頭部位與美元的空頭部位結合起來,並透過期貨合約持有比特幣的多頭部位。
The ETFs will enable ProShares to capitalize on Bitcoin’s potential as an alternative asset while maintaining exposure to traditional financial markets. However, it's important to note that the fund will not directly invest in Bitcoin.
這些 ETF 將使 ProShares 能夠充分利用比特幣作為另類資產的潛力,同時保持對傳統金融市場的曝險。但要注意的是,該基金不會直接投資比特幣。
The filings also serve as an indication of the growing market confidence in flagship crypto projects, as another fund application is being processed by the SEC. REX had proposed a new exchange-traded fund (ETF) that will invest in convertible bonds issued by companies that hold Bitcoin in their corporate treasuries.
這些文件還表明市場對旗艦加密項目的信心不斷增強,因為美國證券交易委員會正在處理另一項基金申請。 REX 提出了一種新的交易所交易基金(ETF),該基金將投資於公司金庫中持有比特幣的公司發行的可轉換債券。
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